Author: Kerry Baysinger

This is a complex theological question that Christians have debated for centuries. The Bible does not give a completely straightforward answer, which leaves room for different interpretations. However, we can analyze relevant biblical passages to develop an informed perspective. The immortality of the soul A key principle is that the human soul is immortal. When the body dies, the spirit continues existing in some form. Several verses indicate this, such as Ecclesiastes 12:7 – “The dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.” And Matthew 10:28 – “Do not be afraid…

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The book of Proverbs contains timeless wisdom and advice for living a godly life. Proverbs 27:23 states: “Know well the condition of your flocks, and give attention to your herds.” This verse encourages us to be diligent and responsible shepherds over whatever God has placed under our care. In ancient Israel, a man’s wealth was often measured by the size and health of his flocks and herds. His livelihood depended on the quality of the animals he raised. A good shepherd knew each one of his sheep individually. He inspected them daily, watching for signs of illness or injury. The…

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Mary treasuring things in her heart is mentioned twice in the Gospel of Luke – in Luke 2:19 and Luke 2:51. Both instances refer to Mary’s thoughtful reflection and meditation on the events surrounding Jesus’ early life. The Context of Luke 2:19 Luke 2:19 comes after the shepherds had come to see the newborn Jesus in the manger. The shepherds spread the word about what the angels had told them concerning this child who is the Savior, Christ the Lord. All who heard the shepherds’ report were amazed (Luke 2:18). Then verse 19 states: “But Mary treasured up all these…

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The term “tirshatha” appears several times in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah in the Old Testament. It is a Persian term that refers to a governor or high official under the king of Persia. Here is an overview of what the Bible says about the tirshatha: Usage in Ezra The word tirshatha first appears in the book of Ezra in reference to Zerubbabel, who was the governor of Judah under the Persian King Cyrus: “Now in the second year of their coming to the house of God at Jerusalem, in the second month, Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel and…

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The Berisheet Passover prophecy refers to an interpretation of the Hebrew word “berisheet” in Genesis 1:1. In Hebrew, berisheet means “in the beginning” and is the first word of the Bible. Some believe this word contains a prophecy related to the Passover and the Messiah. The theory goes like this: The Hebrew word berisheet is made up of six letters – bet, resh, aleph, shin, yod, tav. These letters can have numerical values in Hebrew, with bet being 2, resh being 200, and so on. When calculated, the total numerical value of berisheet is 913. In the Jewish calendar, Passover…

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The book of Proverbs in the Bible contains many wise sayings and advice for living a godly life. Proverbs 25:20 compares someone who sings songs to a heavy heart to pouring vinegar on soda – an action that causes fizzing and bubbling. This vivid imagery conveys the idea that cheerfully singing to someone who is depressed or grief-stricken is inappropriate and unhelpful. Just as vinegar causes soda to foam up when mixed, so too does joyful singing to a mournful heart create disturbance and discomfort. Attempting to lift someone’s spirits when they are weighed down with sorrow through happy songs…

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Orthodoxy refers to right belief or correct doctrine, especially in relation to Christianity. An orthodox teaching conforms to the established, authorized doctrines and practices of the Christian faith as revealed in Scripture and passed down through the church throughout history. So how can we determine if a teaching is orthodox or not? Here are some key principles from Scripture to assess orthodoxy: 1. It aligns with the core doctrines of the Christian faith There are certain foundational doctrines that all orthodox Christians agree on as essential tenets of the faith. These include beliefs such as the Trinity, the full divinity…

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What does it mean to proclaim good news to the poor (Isaiah 61:1)? The verse Isaiah 61:1 says, “The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, because the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound.” This verse speaks of proclaiming good news or the gospel to the poor. Here is an explanation of what it means in about 9000 words: To properly understand this verse, we first need to…

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The verse “purify your hearts, you double-minded” in James 4:8 provides important insight into living a godly life. In this verse, James calls his readers to purify their hearts and turn away from double-mindedness. To fully understand this verse, it is helpful to examine the context, key words and phrases, and applications for today. Context of James 4:8 James 4:8 falls within a larger section of James focused on wisdom, temptation, and drawing near to God (James 3:13-4:10). Leading up to verse 8, James rebukes those pursuing worldly ambitions, which result in quarreling, jealousy, and other sins (James 4:1-4). He…

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Integrated Christian counseling is a approach to counseling that incorporates principles and teachings from the Bible along with insights from psychology and counseling to care for people in a holistic way. The goal is to minister to the whole person – body, soul, and spirit – and point them towards Christ. Here are some key aspects of integrated Christian counseling: Christ-Centered At its core, integrated Christian counseling is centered on Jesus Christ and living according to God’s principles and purposes as revealed in the Bible. The counselor relies on the power of the Holy Spirit and aims to help the…

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