Author: Kristal Wheatley

Understanding is a key theme throughout the Bible. God desires for us to understand His truth and gain wisdom and insight. There are many verses that speak to the importance of understanding, especially understanding God’s Word and His ways. Here is an overview of some of the key Bible verses about understanding: Proverbs 2 discusses the blessings of wisdom and understanding. Verse 6 says “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” This verse tells us that true understanding comes from the Lord. We gain understanding by seeking after God’s wisdom. Proverbs 3:5 also reminds us…

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The terms “principalities and powers” appear several times in the New Testament, referring to spiritual forces of evil. Though not always fully explained, they seem to denote organized structures of demonic authority that exert influence over the world. Here is an overview of what the Bible reveals about these dark spiritual forces. Old Testament background The Old Testament provides background for understanding principalities and powers. In Daniel 10, an angelic messenger was delayed by a spiritual “prince of the kingdom of Persia” – suggesting territorial assignments of fallen angels over nations. Deuteronomy 32:8 (ESV) also implies a correlation between spiritual…

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Nehemiah was an important biblical figure who played a key role in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem after the Jews returned from exile in Babylon. Here is an overview of Nehemiah’s story and significance in the Bible: Nehemiah’s Background Nehemiah was a Jewish cupbearer to the Persian King Artaxerxes I (Nehemiah 1:11). As cupbearer, he was a high-ranking official in the Persian court. Nehemiah likely grew up in exile in Babylon after the Babylonian conquest of Judah in 586 BC. His Hebrew name means “Yahweh comforts.” Nehemiah’s Sorrow for Jerusalem While serving in Susa, the Persian winter capital, Nehemiah received…

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The seven woes of Matthew 23 are a series of pronouncements by Jesus against the scribes and Pharisees. They are found in Matthew 23:13-29. In this passage, Jesus confronts the religious leaders for their hypocrisy and false teaching that was leading people astray. Here are the seven woes: 1. Shutting the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 23:13) Jesus pronounced a woe against the scribes and Pharisees for shutting the kingdom of heaven in people’s faces. They presented obstacles and barriers to people seeking to enter God’s kingdom. Though they taught about the kingdom, they themselves refused to enter it or allow…

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All Saints’ Day, also known as All Hallows’ Day, Hallowmas, or Feast of All Saints, is a Christian celebration held on November 1st each year. It is a day when many Christian denominations honor all the saints and martyrs, known and unknown, throughout Christian history. The Bible does not explicitly mention All Saints’ Day, as it originated later in church tradition, but it does contain relevant principles about honoring saints and the hope of eternal life that relate to the meaning behind this holiday. Origins and History of All Saints’ Day In the early days of the Church, individual saints,…

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Sensationalism refers to content that is intended to provoke a strong emotional reaction, often at the expense of accuracy or contextualization. This type of content plays on basic human emotions like fear, anger, and excitement in order to drive engagement and attention. The Bible does not explicitly use the term “sensationalism,” as it is a modern concept. However, there are principles and examples in Scripture that relate to this practice. Principles from Scripture The Bible promotes truth, accuracy, and integrity – values that are often compromised by sensationalism: “Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the…

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The Bible has a great deal to say about how husbands are called to love their wives. This profound and sacrificial love reflects Christ’s love for the church and forms the foundation for a God-honoring marriage. The most direct biblical command for husbands to love their wives comes from Ephesians 5:25, which states, “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” This sets an extraordinarily high standard for a husband’s love. A husband is called to love his wife with the same kind of sacrificial, servant-hearted love that Christ demonstrated through his life,…

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The Book of Micah is one of the books of the 12 Minor Prophets in the Bible. It records the prophecies given by the prophet Micah, who lived in the 8th century BCE during the reigns of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah. The book consists of 7 chapters and focuses on God’s judgment and punishment of both Israel and Judah for their sins, as well as the eventual restoration and hope for the future. Overview The Book of Micah can be divided into 3 major sections: Judgment against Israel and Judah (Micah 1-3) The future restoration of Israel…

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The tribe of Simeon was one of the twelve tribes of Israel. Here are some key things we can learn from them based on biblical accounts: 1. They were fierce warriors When the tribes were preparing to conquer Canaan, the tribe of Simeon had 59,300 “able young men who could handle shield and sword” and were ready for battle (Numbers 1:23). They were known as mighty warriors who would not hesitate to fight fiercely for their people and their inheritance in the promised land. This teaches us that sometimes we need zeal, courage and determination to claim what God has…

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A study Bible is a Bible that contains explanatory notes, commentary, maps, charts, and other reference materials designed to help readers better understand the text. Study Bibles go beyond just the biblical text to provide additional context and insights into the meaning and application of Scripture. Some key features of study Bibles include: Study Notes Study Bibles contain thousands of notes and short articles placed throughout the biblical text to explain difficult words and passages. These notes tackle issues like historical context, cultural background, textual variants, theological interpretations, archaeological findings, and more. The notes vary in depth and detail depending…

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