Author: Kristal Wheatley

The question of whether Christians should wear perfume or cologne does not have a straightforward yes or no answer according to the Bible. There are various biblical principles and passages that can provide wisdom, but ultimately a Christian must prayerfully evaluate their motives and conscience on this matter. Old Testament Principles In the Old Testament, perfumes and fragrances were common in religious worship and daily life. God instructed His people to make a sacred anointing oil with rich spices and fragrances (Exodus 30:22-33). Perfumes and scented oils were also used by the people of Israel in their daily lives. Song…

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The doctrine of Balaam refers to teachings that encourage God’s people to compromise their faith and commit sinful acts. This doctrine is based on the biblical story of Balaam, a prophet who was hired by the Moabite king Balak to curse the Israelites as they traveled to the Promised Land. However, God prevented Balaam from cursing Israel. When Balaam was unable to curse the Israelites, he advised Balak to entice them into idolatry and sexual immorality instead. The strategy worked, causing God’s anger against Israel (Numbers 25:1-3, 31:16). There are several key aspects to the doctrine of Balaam: Greed and…

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News reports of rivers, lakes and water bodies turning blood red occasionally surface and capture public intrigue. While visually alarming, scientists are typically able to explain the phenomenon through natural causes. However, some view these events as fulfilling biblical prophecy about the end times. This article will examine what the Bible says about waters turning to blood and evaluate if modern examples could signal the end times. The Bible on Waters Turning to Blood The Bible recounts several instances where bodies of water turned to blood: The first plague against Egypt – Exodus 7:14-25 describes how Aaron struck the Nile…

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The phrase “every knee shall bow” appears several times in the Bible, most notably in Isaiah 45:23 and Philippians 2:10. It speaks to a future time when all people will recognize and submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ. Old Testament Background The first mention of this phrase is in Isaiah 45:23, where God says, “To me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear allegiance.” This verse comes in the context of God declaring His uniqueness and sovereignty over all creation. The surrounding chapters contain prophecies about God using a foreign ruler, Cyrus, to deliver His people Israel from…

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Eros love, also known as erotic love, refers to romantic or sexual love in the Bible. The word “eros” does not appear in Scripture, but the concept is seen in a few passages. Eros love involves strong feelings of physical and emotional attraction between two people. It is often associated with new relationships and the excitement that comes with discovering another person intimately. In the Old Testament, the book Song of Solomon offers a poetic depiction of lovers expressing eros love. Verses describe the joy and desire the man and woman have for one another physically and emotionally. Their speeches…

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The Bible is a collection of books and writings that were written over a span of approximately 1500 years. Determining exactly how long it took to write the entire Bible is difficult, as the books were written by multiple authors in different time periods. However, we can examine some key facts about when the various sections of the Bible were likely written to get an idea of the overall timespan for its composition. The first five books of the Bible – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy – are collectively known as the Torah or the Pentateuch. These books are…

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Knowing the heart of God begins with understanding who God is. The Bible tells us that God is love (1 John 4:8), God is light (1 John 1:5), and God is spirit (John 4:24). God’s very nature and character is love, righteousness, holiness, and truth. Therefore, if we want to know God’s heart, we must look to who He has revealed Himself to be in Scripture. One of the primary ways we can know God’s heart is through Jesus Christ. Jesus said, “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30). Jesus perfectly revealed the Father during His time on earth…

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The Book of 2 Corinthians is one of the Pauline epistles in the New Testament of the Bible. It is a letter written by the apostle Paul to the church in Corinth. The overarching theme of 2 Corinthians is reconciliation. In this letter, Paul addresses the Corinthians’ problems and defends his own apostleship. He urges them to be reconciled to God and to himself as an apostle. Paul had previously written a severe letter to the Corinthian church in response to reports of problems and divisions. This letter no longer exists. However, it prompted repentance by some in the church.…

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The issue of gender equality is a complex one, with passionate views on all sides. Those who argue the Bible promotes gender equality often point to verses stating that God created both men and women in His image and that in Christ there is neither male nor female (Genesis 1:27, Galatians 3:28). However, others argue that the Bible establishes gender roles, with passages about male headship and female submission (Ephesians 5:22-24, 1 Corinthians 11:3). How do we reconcile these perspectives? While the Bible affirms the fundamental equality of men and women as image-bearers of God, it also teaches that God…

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The term “Ichabod” appears only a few times in the Bible, but it carries deep spiritual meaning. Here is an overview of what the Bible teaches about the meaning of “Ichabod”: 1. The name Ichabod first appears in 1 Samuel 4 The name Ichabod first shows up in 1 Samuel 4 during the ark of the covenant narrative. Israel had lost a battle against the Philistines, resulting in the capture of the ark of God. Upon hearing this tragic news, the pregnant wife of Phinehas goes into labor and gives birth to a son. As she is dying, she names…

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