Author: Kristal Wheatley

The similarity in human and chimpanzee DNA is sometimes presented as evidence for evolution. However, the Bible provides an alternative perspective on this topic. Here is a 9,000 word exploration of what the Bible says about human-chimp DNA similarity and evolution more broadly: According to Genesis 1, God created all living creatures according to their kinds during the six days of creation. This would include the separate creation of humans and chimpanzees. Genesis 1:26-27 states that God made humans in His own image. So while humans and chimps share similarities in their physical makeup, humans are unique in bearing the…

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The holiness of God is a central attribute of who God is. God’s holiness refers to His absolute purity, perfection, and separation from all that is sinful and unrighteous. Throughout Scripture, God is described as being “holy, holy, holy” (Isaiah 6:3). Understanding the holiness of God is foundational to understanding God Himself and is crucial for how we should respond to Him. God is Holy in His Being Holiness is not just one characteristic among many that God possesses – it is the very essence of who He is. Everything about God’s being, character, and nature is completely holy (1…

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The Presbyterian Church is a Protestant Christian denomination that adheres to Reformed theology and Presbyterian polity. Presbyterianism traces its roots back to the 16th century Reformation and the teachings of John Calvin. Here is an overview of Presbyterian beliefs and practices: Church Government The Presbyterian Church is governed by elders who are elected by the congregation. There are teaching elders (ministers) and ruling elders (lay leaders). Together they exercise leadership, government, spiritual discernment, and discipline within the church. This system of church governance is called presbyterian polity and is based on the biblical pattern of elder leadership (Titus 1:5-9, 1…

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The prosperity gospel is a controversial theological belief that God rewards faith, generosity and positive speech with material wealth and physical well-being. This belief is primarily based on interpretations of certain Bible verses that seem to promise health and wealth as rewards for faithfulness. One such verse is 3 John 1:2, in which the apostle John writes to his friend Gaius: “Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul.” Does this verse endorse the central claims of the prosperity gospel? When examining this…

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Scientology has often been characterized as a cult rather than a legitimate religion or denomination of Christianity. However, to properly evaluate this claim, we must look to the Bible for guidance. The Bible warns Christians about false teachings and provides criteria for identifying cults that claim to be Christian but in fact distort or contradict orthodox biblical doctrine. Some key biblical passages that help discern true Christian practice from cultic counterfeits include: Matthew 7:15-23 – Beware of false prophets who come disguised as sheep but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. 1 John 4:1-3 -…

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Leviticus 18:22 states, “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” This verse has been interpreted in different ways over the centuries, but ultimately points to God’s design for sexuality being between one man and one woman in the covenant of marriage. Here is an overview of 9000 words explaining the meaning and context behind Leviticus 18:22: Historical Context of Leviticus 18 Leviticus 18 falls under God’s laws and instructions to Moses for the Israelites after their exodus from Egypt. This chapter specifically deals with unlawful sexual relations. God first calls His people…

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The Bible has a lot to say about God’s love for children. Throughout the Scriptures, we see God’s heart for the youngest and most vulnerable members of society. Jesus in particular demonstrated a special concern and care for children during His earthly ministry. Here are some key things the Bible teaches about Jesus’ love for children: Children have value and worth In the ancient world, children were often seen as unimportant and expendable. But Jesus upended this paradigm by emphasizing the value and worth of children. He said that the Kingdom of God belongs to those who have childlike faith…

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Teleportation, the theoretical transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traversing the physical space between them, is a concept that has fascinated humankind for centuries. Though long considered the stuff of science fiction, recent advances in quantum physics have brought the notion of teleportation closer to reality. With the possibility of teleportation technology on the horizon, many wonder what Christianity and the Bible have to say on the matter. As with many modern concepts, the Bible does not directly address teleportation. However, a close examination of Scripture provides some principles that can guide Christian thinking on…

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Islam is a monotheistic religion centered around the teachings of the Quran and the prophet Muhammad. Muslims believe that God (called Allah in Arabic) revealed the Quran to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel over a period of 23 years. Here are some key beliefs in Islam: The Six Articles of Faith There are six core articles of faith in Islam: Belief in one God (Allah) – Muslims are strictly monotheistic and reject the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. Belief in angels – Muslims believe in spiritual beings created by God to carry out specific functions. Belief in prophets – While…

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What is an Omen? An omen is a phenomenon that is believed to foretell the future, often signifying the advent of change. Omens have been sought and interpreted for their supposed mystical revelation since ancient times. Many cultures have attached significance to unusual occurrences in nature, everyday events, and the behavior of animals as omens of things to come. In the Bible, omens are often understood as signs from God. Some key things the Bible says about omens: – God forbade pagan methods of divination that sought to interpret omens, like casting lots, observing clouds or stars, examining animal entrails,…

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