Author: Kristal Wheatley

The topic of confessing sins to a priest is one that has been debated throughout church history. There are different perspectives on this issue within Christianity. Some traditions, such as Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy, emphasize confession to a priest as an important sacrament. Other Protestant traditions do not hold to confession to a priest as sacramental, though many still see value in confessing sins to one another within the church community. To understand the different views on this topic, it is helpful to look at what the Bible has to say about confession of sin and the role of…

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The phrase “put off the old man” comes from Ephesians 4:22, which says “to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires.” This verse is part of a larger passage in Ephesians 4 about living a new life in Christ. The “old man” or “old self” refers to our pre-salvation state – who we were before coming to faith in Christ. The old self was dominated by sin and corruption. As Ephesians 2:1-3 describes, we were “dead in trespasses and sins” following “the course of this world” and living…

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Monism is the philosophical view that reality consists of one fundamental substance or essence. Monism stands in contrast to dualism and pluralism, which hold that reality consists of two or more fundamental substances or essences. There are different forms of monism that posit different substances as the one fundamental essence of reality. Material Monism Material monism, also known as physicalism, states that the one fundamental substance that makes up reality is physical matter. This view holds that everything, including minds and souls, can be reduced to matter and physical processes. In the Bible, material monism would seem to be contradicted…

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The phrase “remember Lot’s wife” in Luke 17:32 is a warning given by Jesus Christ to His followers to not look back or turn back from following Him. It refers to the story in Genesis 19 about Lot’s wife who was turned into a pillar of salt when she looked back at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Here is the full verse in Luke 17: “Remember Lot’s wife. Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will keep it.” (Luke 17:32-33 ESV) To understand the meaning of this warning, we need to look…

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The Word of Faith movement, also known as the prosperity gospel or health and wealth gospel, is a controversial religious movement that teaches that Christians can access health, wealth, and success through their faith. Some key teachings of the Word of Faith movement include: Positive confession – The teaching that believers can claim whatever they desire by speaking it into existence. If they speak words of faith, God is obligated to deliver what they confess. Prosperity – The teaching that God desires all Christians to be materially wealthy and physically healthy. Faith as a force – The teaching that faith…

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John the Baptist was known for his fiery preaching calling people to repentance. One of the groups he denounced were the Pharisees, calling them a “brood of vipers” (Matthew 3:7). This was a bold and shocking statement, as the Pharisees were considered the religious elite of the day. However, John saw through their external piety to their inner corruption. There are several reasons why he may have referred to them in this way: 1. Their hypocrisy The Pharisees were known for strictly observing the Law of Moses and their own ritual laws. They emphasized outward displays of piety like fasting,…

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Verbal plenary inspiration is the view that the Bible is the authoritative, infallible, inerrant Word of God. This doctrine states that the Bible is inspired by God in its entirety, down to the very words themselves. Here is a 9000 word explanation of what verbal plenary inspiration means and what the Bible teaches about this doctrine: The doctrine of verbal plenary inspiration holds that the original writings of Scripture were breathed out by God Himself. That is, the Bible is the Word of God, not merely the words of men. Every word came directly from the mouth of God and…

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Throughout the Gospels, we see Jesus having a special inner circle of disciples that included Peter, James, and John. These three men accompanied Jesus at some of the most pivotal moments of His ministry and clearly shared a close bond with Him. But why did Jesus choose these three to be part of His inner circle? Here are a few key reasons why Peter, James, and John may have been selected by Jesus for this special status: 1. Their zeal and commitment to following Jesus Peter, James, and John are described in the Gospels as being among the first disciples…

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Huram (also spelled Hiram) is an important figure mentioned in the Bible, specifically in relation to the building of the first temple in Jerusalem under King Solomon. He was a skilled craftsman sent by King Hiram of Tyre to help Solomon build the temple. Here is a 9000 word overview of who Huram/Hiram was according to the Bible and the role he played in the construction of the temple. Huram’s Identity The Bible refers to Huram as a skilled craftsman from Tyre (2 Chronicles 2:13-14). His father was described as being from Tyre and his mother was from the tribe…

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The question of whether Donald Trump is the Antichrist prophesied in the Bible is a complex one without a definitive yes or no answer. The Bible warns about false prophets and deceivers, but does not specifically name the Antichrist. Much speculation exists around this topic, but Christians should be cautious about making firm declarations. Looking at what the Bible says about the Antichrist provides wisdom when evaluating modern day figures. Characteristics of the Antichrist in Biblical Prophecy Several passages in Scripture refer to the coming Antichrist, who will gain power and influence before Christ’s return. Some key characteristics include: The…

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