Author: Kristal Wheatley

The Summa Theologica is a theological text written by St. Thomas Aquinas between 1265 and 1274. It is Aquinas’ most famous work and represents the pinnacle of scholastic theology. The Summa is divided into three major parts and covers the breadth of Catholic theology and philosophy. It aims to present the teachings of the Catholic Church in a systematic and comprehensive way. The first part of the Summa considers God and his existence, essence, attributes, and triune nature. Aquinas presents five arguments for the existence of God including the cosmological argument, teleological argument, and ontological argument. He defends divine simplicity,…

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Agnosticism is the view that the existence of God, the divine, or the supernatural is unknown or unknowable. An agnostic neither believes nor disbelieves in God, but believes it is impossible for human beings to know for certain whether God exists. Agnostics claim that insufficient evidence exists to prove or disprove the existence of God. The term “agnostic” was coined by British biologist Thomas Henry Huxley in 1869. Huxley, also known as “Darwin’s Bulldog” for his advocacy of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, believed that while evolution disproved the biblical account of creation, it was equally unwise to make claims…

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The New Thought movement refers to a set of religious beliefs and practices that emerged in the 19th century United States. The central tenet of New Thought is that our thoughts and beliefs have power – that through positive thinking, affirmations, meditation, prayer, and other mind-body practices, we can change our circumstances and create the lives we desire. Some of the key principles of New Thought include: The power of the mind – Our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality. By changing our thought patterns, we can improve our lives. The law of attraction – Like attracts like. We attract…

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Polytheism is the belief in and worship of multiple gods. Polytheistic religions recognize numerous gods and goddesses, each with distinct roles and spheres of influence. Adherents generally believe that appeasing these deities through offerings, rituals, and sacrifices can influence events and secure divine favor. Polytheism contrasts with monotheism, the belief in only one god, and atheism, the belief in no gods. The major monotheistic religions are Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Atheism rejects the existence of any deities. Polytheism encompasses a wide range of religious traditions practiced around the world. Here are some of the key characteristics and examples of polytheistic…

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The Acts 29 Network is a diverse, global family of church-planting churches characterized by: Gospel centrality Cultural engagement Missional orientation Complementarian relationships Biblical leadership The name comes from Acts 29 in the Bible, which refers to the ongoing work of church planting that continues today through the power of the Holy Spirit. The goal of Acts 29 is to encourage, resource, and replenish gospel-centered, Christ-exalting, reproducing churches through: Assessment Training Funding Acts 29 began in 1998 when Mark Driscoll and David Nicholas planted churches in Arizona. It started as a small network of church planters who wanted to band together…

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The words of Psalm 73:26 reflect a profound truth – that our physical bodies and emotional resolves are finite and prone to fail us. Yet in the same breath, the psalmist declares “God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” This points to the eternal hope we have in God, which transcends our human frailties. To understand this hope, we must first confront the reality the psalmist describes. Our bodies grow old and weak; we experience sickness and injury. Our hearts – our emotional centers – struggle with anxiety, depression, grief and despair. We cannot rely on…

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The verse in Ecclesiastes 3:2 states, “a time to be born, and a time to die.” This is part of a poetic passage describing the seasons and cycles of life. The teacher in Ecclesiastes observes that there are appointed times for all kinds of activities and events under heaven – including birth and death. This reminds us that our lives are in God’s hands. He determines the length of our days and the timing of our birth and death (Psalm 139:16). We did not choose when we would be born, and we cannot ultimately choose when we will die. These…

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Losing a job, facing foreclosure, or declaring bankruptcy can be incredibly difficult and stressful situations. During these times, you may wonder where God is or why He has allowed this hardship to come your way. However, the Bible offers hope, comfort and perspective for those going through financial trials. First, remember that God cares deeply for you. 1 Peter 5:7 says, “Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” No matter what your circumstances, God loves you and wants the best for you. Bring your worries and fears to Him in prayer, trusting that He hears you…

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Nebuzaradan was an important official who served under the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar during the siege and destruction of Jerusalem in 586 BC. He is mentioned several times in the books of 2 Kings and Jeremiah in the Old Testament. Here is a summary of what the Bible tells us about Nebuzaradan: He held the title of “captain of the guard” for King Nebuchadnezzar (2 Kings 25:8). This means he was the commander of the Babylonian army. He was present at the fall of Jerusalem and led the effort to burn down the temple, the king’s palace, and other buildings in…

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The question of whether Jesus is real or not is one that has been debated for centuries. For Christians, the Bible provides compelling evidence that Jesus was a real historical figure who lived in ancient Israel 2,000 years ago. Here is a look at some of the biblical evidence surrounding the existence of Jesus: The Gospels The New Testament contains four Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – which provide detailed biographical accounts of the life, ministry, death, and resurrection of Jesus. These were written within a few decades of Jesus’ death by people who had access to firsthand…

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