Author: Kristal Wheatley

The story of Noah’s ark is one of the most well-known Bible stories. In Genesis 6-9, we read about how God was grieved by the wickedness of mankind and decided to send a global flood to wipe out all life on earth except for Noah, his family, and the animals God commanded Noah to bring on the ark. But a common question people have is, how did Noah manage to fit all those animals on the ark? Let’s take a closer look at what the Bible tells us. The Size of the Ark According to Genesis 6:15, God commanded Noah…

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Christians seeking guidance on career paths have a wealth of biblical wisdom to draw from. Though the Bible does not provide a definitive list of approved careers, it does offer principles and perspectives to help believers make God-honoring vocational choices. By applying scriptural teachings on serving others, using one’s gifts, working with integrity, and relying on God’s provision, Christians can evaluate potential careers based on eternal priorities rather than just temporal rewards. Serving Others A foundational biblical principle for career selection is to consider opportunities for service. Christians are called to model the servant leadership of Jesus, who declared that…

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The creation story in Genesis chapters 1-3 details God’s creation of the heavens, the earth, and mankind. According to Scripture, God created Adam from the dust of the ground and Eve from Adam’s rib to be the first two human beings (Genesis 2:7, 2:21-22). After being tempted by the serpent, Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s command and ate the forbidden fruit, bringing sin and death into the world (Genesis 3:1-7). From Adam and Eve came Cain, Abel, and Seth, and their descendants are named (Genesis 4-5). The biblical genealogies trace the lineage of Jesus Christ back to Adam, whom the…

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The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy was a statement formulated in 1978 by leading evangelical Christian scholars to defend the doctrine of biblical inerrancy against liberal and modernist movements that began questioning the complete truthfulness and accuracy of the Bible. The statement was drafted during a three-day summit held in October 1978 at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare in Chicago. It was attended by nearly 300 evangelical leaders, who aimed to clearly state what the Bible teaches about its own truthfulness and to produce a statement that could be used to promote biblical authority and accuracy. The statement has a 19-article…

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A papal conclave is the process by which the Catholic Church elects a new pope. It involves a gathering of the College of Cardinals who are sequestered in the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican to select the next Bishop of Rome and leader of the worldwide Catholic Church. The word “conclave” comes from the Latin words “cum clave” meaning “with a key”, referring to the Cardinals being locked inside the Sistine Chapel until a new pope is chosen. The seclusion is meant to discourage outside influence and encourage discernment through prayer and discussion. Here is an overview of how a…

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Early Christianity refers to the Christianity practiced by Jesus’ followers in the first few centuries after his death and resurrection. Here’s an overview of what we can learn from the Bible about what early Christianity was like: Jesus and His Teachings Obviously, Jesus Christ is central to Christianity. During his earthly ministry, Jesus traveled around preaching about the kingdom of God, performing miracles, and calling people to follow him (Luke 8:1). He taught extensively through parables and sermons, conveying truths about God’s love and mercy, obedience to God, forgiveness of sins, the kingdom of heaven, and more (Matthew 5-7, 13,…

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The name “Lilith” appears only once in the Bible, in Isaiah 34:14, which describes the desolation of Edom. The Hebrew word translated as “Lilith” in this verse is “lilit.” There is considerable debate regarding the meaning of this word and whether it actually refers to a demonic entity known as Lilith. Some key points regarding Lilith in the Bible include: The Hebrew word “lilit” is only used once and its meaning is unclear. Some translate it as “night creature,” “night monster,” “night hag,” or “screech owl.” “Lilit” may refer to a class of female demons or unclean spirits rather than…

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The Bible contains a variety of literary forms and genres that each serve a unique purpose in conveying God’s revelation to humanity. Here is an overview of some of the main forms of biblical literature: Narrative Narrative forms a large part of the Bible, including stories, biographies, and histories. Key examples include the Pentateuch (Genesis-Deuteronomy), the Gospels, and Acts. Narrative literature describes real events and includes dialogue, plots, and characters. It teaches indirectly by telling a story rather than through direct commands. Through narrative we learn about human nature, God’s interactions with people, and examples of faith to follow or…

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Christians argue for a variety of reasons, just like anyone else. However, there are some unique factors that can contribute to disagreements and debates among Christians. Differing Interpretations of Scripture One major source of disagreement is differing interpretations of Scripture. The Bible teaches many complex theological concepts that are not always explicitly spelled out. Sincere Christians can study the same passages and come to different conclusions about what they mean. For example, debates over baptism often center on passages like Acts 2:38 which connects baptism with forgiveness of sins. Some Christians interpret this to mean baptism is essential for salvation,…

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Sharing your Christian testimony with others is an immensely powerful way to glorify God and be used by Him to impact lives. A testimony is simply your personal story of how you came to know Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. It details your life before knowing Christ, how you came to faith, and the difference He has made since. The Bible encourages believers to share their testimonies as a way to proclaim the gospel and bring others to salvation (Revelation 12:11). Here are some key things to keep in mind when writing and sharing your Christian testimony. Focus…

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