Author: Kristal Wheatley

Ministry burnout is a real and common struggle for many in full-time Christian service. The demands of ministry can take a toll over time, leaving leaders exhausted, cynical, and questioning their calling. However, God does not intend for us to burn out in ministry. The Bible offers hope, wisdom and practical guidance for overcoming burnout and finishing well. Recognize the Signs The first step is recognizing the symptoms of burnout, which may include physical, emotional and spiritual exhaustion. Physically, chronic fatigue, changes in appetite, insomnia and sickness can indicate burnout. Emotionally, cynicism, apathy, irritability and lack of joy in ministry…

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The Gospel of John provides a detailed account of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. In John 19:34, the apostle John records a fascinating detail following the death of Jesus on the cross: “But one of the soldiers pierced his side with a spear, and at once there came out blood and water.” This mysterious flow of blood and water has prompted much discussion over the years as to its meaning and significance. There are several possible explanations that have been offered by Bible scholars for this phenomenon: 1. Medical explanations From a medical perspective, the blood and water could be…

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Knowing God truly and intimately is the greatest quest and highest pursuit for every believer. It brings the greatest joy, purpose and meaning that we can experience in this lifetime. But how can sinful, limited humans really know the infinite, perfect Creator? Thankfully, God wants us to know Him and has given us the means to do so in His Word. The key to truly knowing God is having a relationship with Him through faith in Jesus Christ, His Son. As we put our trust in Christ for salvation, His Spirit comes to live within us, giving us access to…

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The issue of spousal or marital rape is a sensitive and complex one that is not directly addressed in the Bible. However, there are principles and passages in Scripture that can provide wisdom and insight into this topic. Marriage as an intimate, loving union The Bible presents marriage as an intimate, loving union between a husband and wife. Marriage is meant to reflect the relationship between Christ and the church (Ephesians 5:32). It involves a “one flesh” bond (Genesis 2:24) that unites two people spiritually, emotionally, and physically. This understanding of marriage implies mutual love, respect, care, and self-giving between…

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Genealogies play a major role throughout the Old Testament, tracing the lineage of important biblical figures and providing a record of God’s covenant people. For the nation of Israel, maintaining accurate genealogical records served several vital purposes: To Preserve Ancestral Heritage The extensive genealogies found in many Old Testament books reflect the great importance Israelites placed on preserving their family histories. Genesis includes genealogies tracing the lineage from Adam through Noah (Genesis 5), from Noah’s sons down to Abraham (Genesis 10-11), and from Abraham through Jacob’s twelve sons, the fathers of the twelve tribes of Israel (Genesis 25:12-26, 35:22b-26, 46:8-27).…

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Alcoholism is a devastating disease that impacts millions of people worldwide. Both Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and the Bible offer hope and healing for those struggling with addiction. However, there are some key differences between the AA approach and the biblical approach to overcoming alcoholism. The 12 Steps of AA AA outlines a 12-step program for achieving and maintaining sobriety. The steps aim to help members admit their powerlessness over alcohol, turn to a higher power for strength, examine their wrongs, make amends, and help others. The 12 steps are as follows: We admitted we were powerless over alcohol—that our lives…

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The book of Malachi contains strong rebukes from God to the Israelites for their unfaithfulness and disobedience. In Malachi 1:8, God specifically calls out the priests for offering defective sacrifices, saying “When you offer blind animals in sacrifice, is that not evil? And when you offer those that are lame or sick, is that not evil? Present that to your governor; will he accept you or show you favor? says the Lord of hosts.” This verse raises an important question – how can we as believers bring our best to God, rather than our leftovers or blemished offerings? Here are…

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The prophet Malachi spoke to the people of Israel after the time of exile in Babylon. God had brought the people back to the land of Israel, yet they struggled to remain faithful to Him. In Malachi 2:10, the prophet confronts the people for being unfaithful to God’s covenant with them: Have we not all one Father? Has not one God created us? Why then are we faithless to one another, profaning the covenant of our fathers? To understand this verse, we first need to grasp what a “covenant” is. In the Bible, a covenant refers to a solemn agreement…

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A biblicist is someone who adheres to biblicism, which is a Christian theological perspective that emphasizes strict adherence to the teachings of the Bible. Biblicists believe the Bible is the ultimate authority and source of truth for all matters of faith and practice. Here is a more detailed overview of biblicism and what biblicists believe: Defining Biblicism Biblicism is a system of Christian theology that emphasizes the Bible as the sole infallible source of authority for faith and morals. Biblicists believe the Bible is inspired by God, without error, and contains all the theological truths needed for salvation and the…

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The question of whether the Bible teaches geocentrism, the view that the earth is stationary and the center of the universe, is a complex one that has been debated for centuries. There are a few passages in Scripture that seem to suggest geocentrism, but there are also arguments against interpreting these as definitive proof. Ultimately, there is room for different perspectives among Christians on this issue. Passages cited as evidence for geocentrism There are a handful of verses in the Bible that geocentrists believe support their view. Here are some of the main ones: “The world is established; it shall…

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