Author: Kristal Wheatley

Angels and demons engaging in spiritual battles is a concept that can seem confusing if we don’t understand the biblical context behind it. As spiritual beings, angels and demons cannot truly “die” in the human sense of the word. However, the Bible indicates there are very real conflicts between the forces of good (angels) and evil (demons) that have significant consequences. Though the full purposes and outcomes of these battles may be beyond our comprehension, we can still gain some insight from Scripture. To start, the Bible establishes that there is an ongoing spiritual war between God’s kingdom and Satan’s…

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The Bible does not provide much detail about Jesus’ childhood, but it does give us some glimpses into this important time in His life. Though the scriptural record is limited, studying what is revealed can help us better understand Jesus’ early years on earth. Jesus’ Birth and Infancy The accounts in Matthew 1-2 and Luke 1-2 describe Jesus’ miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit and His birth to the virgin Mary in Bethlehem. This fulfilled Old Testament prophecy that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). Luke 2:7 notes that Mary “wrapped Him in cloths and placed Him…

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Handing out gospel tracts has been a popular evangelism method among many Christians for decades. This raises the question – is distributing gospel tracts an effective way to spread the gospel and make disciples for Christ in today’s world? Let’s explore what the Bible says about evangelism and consider the pros and cons of using gospel tracts. The Biblical Basis for Evangelism According to Scripture, every Christian is called to be a witness for Christ and spread the gospel message. Jesus commanded his followers in Matthew 28:19-20 to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the…

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Tartarus is a place of punishment and torment mentioned in the Bible. It is described as a dark, gloomy dungeon or abyss where fallen angels are confined. Though not extensively discussed, Tartarus gives insight into the nature of the afterlife and spiritual realm. Here is an in-depth look at what the Bible reveals about Tartarus. Brief Background The word “Tartarus” itself does not appear often in Scripture, only being directly referenced once in 2 Peter 2:4. However, the imagery and concept of a spiritual prison or underworld for fallen spirits permeates biblical teaching. In the Old Testament, references are made…

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David’s decision to choose five smooth stones before facing Goliath has significant meaning that reveals his faith and trust in God. Here is an in-depth look at the possible reasons behind David’s selection of five stones: 1. David knew the battle belonged to the Lord Though David was a young shepherd boy, he fully understood that the battle against Goliath was ultimately the Lord’s (1 Samuel 17:47). David did not trust in his own abilities but in God’s power and sovereignty. This mindset of total dependence on God was likely behind David’s choice to take five stones, instead of just…

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Psalm 121 is a beloved and oft-quoted psalm that has brought comfort and encouragement to many over the years. The opening verse – “I lift my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come?” – is particularly memorable. But what did the psalmist mean when he penned these words? Let’s take a closer look at the context and meaning of this beloved verse. The Context of Psalm 121 Psalm 121 is part of a collection of psalms (120-134) that are called the “Songs of Ascent.” These psalms were likely composed for pilgrims journeying to Jerusalem for the annual…

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Ehud was a judge and deliverer of Israel who saved the Israelites from oppression by the Moabites. Here is what the Bible tells us about Ehud: Ehud was a left-handed man from the tribe of Benjamin (Judges 3:15). During Israel’s subjection to Eglon the king of Moab, Ehud was chosen to deliver a tribute to Eglon. Ehud made a double-edged sword about a cubit (18 inches) long and strapped it to his right thigh under his clothes. After delivering the tribute, Ehud told Eglon he had a secret message for him. Eglon dismissed his attendants and Ehud said, “I have…

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Mephibosheth was the son of Jonathan and grandson of King Saul in the Old Testament. His story is told in 2 Samuel and shows how God’s grace can overcome adversity and suffering. Here is an overview of Mephibosheth’s life and significance: Mephibosheth’s Background Mephibosheth’s father was Jonathan, who was the son of King Saul and close friend of David (1 Samuel 18:1-4). Jonathan and Saul died in the same battle against the Philistines on Mount Gilboa when Mephibosheth was only five years old (2 Samuel 4:4). After this defeat, one of Saul’s concubines rescued Mephibosheth and fled, but in her…

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The concept of “spirit guides” has become popular in New Age and occult circles. These guides are said to be spiritual beings who can provide guidance, wisdom, and protection. However, the Bible does not support the idea of humans having personal spirit guides. The Bible makes it clear that there is only one true God (Isaiah 44:6). He alone is the source of all wisdom and guidance. Consulting other spiritual entities is forbidden according to Scripture. Passages like Leviticus 19:31, 20:6 and Deuteronomy 18:10-12 explicitly prohibit attempting to communicate with the dead or with spirits. While the Bible acknowledges the…

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The Jedi religion, also known as Jediism, is a relatively new religious movement based on the fictional Jedi characters from the Star Wars films. Jediism has no official sacred texts or doctrines and each follower interprets the religion in their own way. Here is an overview of some of the main beliefs and practices of Jediism: Beliefs Most Jedi follow a cosmology and principles similar to the Force as depicted in Star Wars. This includes believing in a metaphysical energy that connects all living things and can be interacted with and manipulated. The dichotomy of the light and dark sides…

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