Author: Kristal Wheatley

The question of why Jesus has not yet returned is one that has puzzled Christians for centuries. The Bible provides some insights into this question, though ultimately the exact timing of Christ’s return is known only to God the Father (Matthew 24:36). Here are some biblical reasons that help explain the “delay” in Jesus’ second coming: God’s Patience 2 Peter 3:9 says that God is “patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” God desires all people to repent and know Him before Christ returns in judgment. He is delaying the Second Coming…

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Territorial spirits are evil, demonic spirits that exert influence and control over specific geographical areas, regions, cities, or nations. The concept of territorial spirits comes from several verses in the Bible that speak of spiritual forces that dominate regions and oppose God’s work. One of the clearest references is found in Daniel 10, where an angelic messenger tells Daniel that he was delayed by the “prince of the kingdom of Persia” for 21 days, until the archangel Michael came to help him (Daniel 10:13). This indicates a malevolent spiritual entity assigned to Persia that worked to hinder God’s plans. Several…

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Video games have become an incredibly popular pastime in modern culture. With advanced graphics, engrossing storylines, and multiplayer capabilities, video games offer endless entertainment and enjoyment. However, as Christians, we must carefully consider how this pastime aligns with biblical principles. On the surface, there does not seem to be anything inherently sinful about video games. Games are a form of recreation and leisure. In moderation, they can be a fun way to relax and enjoy oneself. The Bible does not condemn relaxation or leisure. In fact, rest is portrayed as a gift from God (Genesis 2:2-3). Jesus himself retreated with…

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The Hasmoneans, also known as the Maccabees, were a Jewish priestly family who led a revolt against the Seleucid Empire and established an independent Jewish kingdom that lasted from 167 to 37 BCE. Their story is told in the books of 1 and 2 Maccabees, which are not part of the Hebrew Bible but are included in the Catholic and Orthodox Bibles. Here is an overview of the key events and figures associated with the Hasmoneans: Background After the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BCE, his empire was divided among his generals. Judea came under the control of…

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Pre-evangelism refers to preparing people’s hearts and minds to receive the message of the gospel before directly sharing the gospel with them. It aims to build relationships, understand perspectives, answer questions, and remove obstacles that may hinder someone from being open to hearing about Jesus. Here is an overview of what the Bible teaches about principles related to pre-evangelism: Developing Relationships Pre-evangelism often starts with building genuine friendships and demonstrating Christ’s love. Jesus modeled this relational approach, spending time with people and meeting felt needs before ever preaching to crowds (Luke 5:27-32; John 4). The apostles did the same, going…

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Virtue ethics is an approach to ethics that emphasizes the cultivation and practice of virtues or moral character. In contrast to other ethical theories like utilitarianism or deontology, virtue ethics focuses less on moral rules and duties, and more on becoming a virtuous person. The roots of virtue ethics can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle. The concept was later adapted and developed extensively within Christian tradition. Biblical texts and figures provide rich resources for virtue ethics, as Scripture places great emphasis on moral character, human flourishing, and the pursuit of holiness. Some key aspects…

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Moral absolutism is the ethical view that there are absolute standards of right and wrong that are unchanging and universally applicable. According to moral absolutism, actions are inherently moral or immoral regardless of context or consequences. This contrasts with moral relativism, which holds that morality is not fixed but variable depending on cultural, temporal, or situational factors. Moral absolutism is closely associated with deontological ethics and divine command theory. Deontologists argue that the morality of actions depends on their adherence to moral rules or duties. Divine command theorists believe God determines morality and has revealed absolute moral truths in religious…

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The topic of whether angels appear to people today is an interesting one that many Christians ponder. The Bible contains numerous examples of angels appearing to people, so it’s natural to wonder if God still sends angels to deliver messages and assist believers. While the frequency and nature of angelic visitations may be debated, the Bible leaves no doubt that God does still use angels to accomplish His purposes on earth. First, we should understand what angels are. Angels are spiritual beings created by God who serve as His messengers and agents. The word “angel” literally means “messenger.” Angels are…

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Spreading the corner of one’s garment over someone was an ancient Near Eastern gesture that communicated a formal taking of that person under one’s care and protection. It is referenced several times in the Old Testament, conveying different shades of meaning in different contexts. At its core, this symbolic act demonstrated a commitment to provide refuge, security, and provision. Some key instances where spreading the corner of one’s garment is mentioned in Scripture include: Ruth and Boaz In the book of Ruth, when Ruth uncovers Boaz’s feet and lies down at his feet, she is essentially asking him to spread…

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Chastity is the virtue of abstaining from sexual conduct according to one’s state of life. It means practicing purity in thoughts, words and actions. The Bible has a lot to say about remaining chaste and pure. In the Old Testament, chastity was valued highly. The laws given to Moses included prohibitions against adultery and other sexual sins (Exodus 20:14). Premarital sex was considered sinful and shameful (Deuteronomy 22:13-21). Prostitution was forbidden and seen as defiling (Leviticus 19:29). The books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes warn against the dangers of sexual immorality and impurity (Proverbs 5-7, Ecclesiastes 7:26). Jesus strongly affirmed the…

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