Author: Kristal Wheatley

Sexual temptation has plagued humanity since the beginning, but it manifests differently for men and women. According to the Bible, men tend to struggle more overtly with lust and visual temptation, while women face more relational and emotional desires that lead to sexual sin. Understanding the root causes can help both genders grow in holiness and purity. The Male Brain and Visual Stimulus God created men and women differently, including our brains (Genesis 1:27). Scientists have discovered the male brain is more reactive and stimulated by sexual visuals than the female brain. Men are prone to visual lust because of…

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Does the Bible Say Anything About a Pre-Adamic Race? The idea of a pre-Adamic race, meaning a race of humans that existed before Adam and Eve, is a concept that some Christians have speculated about but that does not have clear biblical support. The Bible’s account of creation and early human history focuses on Adam and Eve as the first humans created by God and the ancestors of all people today. However, some have suggested that certain passages may indicate earlier creations. While an interesting idea, the pre-Adamic view ultimately relies more on conjecture than concrete scriptural evidence. Genesis 1-3…

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Repentance is an important biblical concept that is often debated among Christians. At its core, repentance refers to making a fundamental change regarding sin and God. But there are differing views on whether repentance is primarily a change of mind or the turning away from sinful behavior. Looking at key Bible passages can shed light on both aspects of repentance. Change of Mind Several verses present repentance as changing one’s mind. When Jesus began His ministry, He said, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17). To repent is to reconsider one’s ways in light of the…

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When reading through the laws and commandments in the Old Testament, there are many references to ordinances and statutes that are to be kept “forever” or “lasting” ordinances. This leads to an important question – what did God mean when He referred to lasting ordinances and statutes? Did He literally mean they should be kept forever? There are a few key points to understand when examining this topic: The context of the “forever” laws and commandments The meaning of “forever” in biblical language How the coming of Christ affected the Old Testament laws The Context of the “Forever” Laws and…

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William of Ockham was an influential medieval philosopher and theologian who lived from around 1285 to 1347. He is most well known for the development of a philosophical principle known as Ockham’s razor, which states that the simplest explanation is often the best one. However, Ockham made significant contributions to theology and philosophy beyond just the razor concept that bears his name. Here is an overview of who William of Ockham was and what he accomplished: Life and Education William of Ockham was born in the small village of Ockham in Surrey, England around 1285. Little is known about his…

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The verse Matthew 18:20 states “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.” This is a powerful promise from Jesus that whenever believers gather together in His name, He is present among them. But what is the deeper meaning and significance of this verse? Let’s explore it in more detail. The Context of Matthew 18:20 To properly understand any verse, it’s important to look at the surrounding context. Matthew 18 contains Jesus’ teachings on relationships within the church community. Jesus gave instructions on how to handle conflict among believers, the importance of seeking…

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The angel Raguel is not mentioned by name in most English translations of the Bible. However, he is found in some extra-biblical Jewish writings and traditions. Let’s explore what the scriptures and other sources have to say about this mysterious angelic figure. Searching the Scriptures When examining the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments, there is no direct reference to an angel named Raguel. The only angels named in the Bible include Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Abaddon/Apollyon, and Satan/Lucifer before his fall. References to groups of angels like cherubim and seraphim can also be found, but no singular…

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The Four Spiritual Laws are a set of biblical principles that outline the key truths about God’s plan of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. They provide a simple yet profound framework for understanding how we can have a relationship with God and experience eternal life through Christ. Though not exhaustive, these four laws present the essential message of the gospel in a clear and concise way. Law 1: God Loves You and Created You to Know Him Personally The first spiritual law states that God loves us and created us for relationship with Him. The Bible teaches that God…

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Failure is a universal human experience. At some point, we all face setbacks, make mistakes, or fall short of our goals. Failure can be discouraging, embarrassing, and painful. It’s natural to want to hide or run away when we fail. However, the Bible has a surprising amount to say about failure that can help us face it constructively. God uses failure Throughout Scripture, we see God using moments of failure to further His purposes. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, falsely accused, and imprisoned, yet he later realized God used these difficulties to place him in a position…

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The Bible has a lot to say about knowledge and its importance in the Christian life. At the heart of the Bible’s teaching on knowledge is the idea that true knowledge comes from and leads to God. As Proverbs 1:7 states, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge.” To truly know, we must first know God and submit ourselves to Him. Some key truths that the Bible teaches about knowledge include: All true knowledge comes from God. Proverbs 2:6 says, “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” As the Creator of all…

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