Author: Kristal Wheatley

Discerning God’s timing can be challenging for believers. We often want clear answers and direction on major life decisions, yet God’s guidance frequently seems ambiguous or slow in coming. However, Scripture provides wisdom on how to understand and align with the Lord’s timing. First, we need to submit our limited perspective to God’s eternal viewpoint (Isaiah 55:8-9). As humans, we only see a small part of the story unfolding. But God oversees all of history and how each piece fits together for His glory and our good. Waiting on the Lord requires humility – acknowledging that His timing and ways…

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A house blessing is a religious ceremony performed in a home to consecrate it and invoke God’s favor and protection upon it and its inhabitants. In Christianity, house blessings have a long tradition and are based on biblical principles and accounts of blessings being pronounced over places and people. The main purposes of a Christian house blessing are: To dedicate the home to God and ask for His presence and peace to dwell in it To pray for God’s protection, favor and blessings over the physical structure and all who live in or visit the home To cleanse the home…

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Christian doctrine can seem divisive for several reasons. First, there are many denominations within Christianity that interpret biblical teachings differently. This leads to disagreements over issues like baptism, communion, spiritual gifts, and church leadership. While core beliefs like the divinity of Christ unite Christians, peripheral issues easily divide them. Second, some biblical doctrines are inherently controversial and challenge worldly values. Teachings on sin, salvation, heaven, and hell starkly contrast with modern relativism. The exclusive claims Christ made about Himself provoke divisions between believers and unbelievers. His call to take up one’s cross and follow Him runs counter to self-centered living.…

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The Bible does not directly tell us the exact length of Jesus’ hair. However, based on cultural context and some clues from Scripture, it is unlikely that Jesus had long hair. In first century Jewish culture, men traditionally wore their hair short. Jewish men were expected to keep the hair around their heads trimmed short and their beards well groomed. Having long unkempt hair was seen as disgraceful for men (1 Corinthians 11:14). As a religious Jewish man living in this historical context, Jesus likely followed the cultural norm of wearing short hair. The Bible gives a few hints about…

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Practical theology is the study of how theology and faith inform everyday living and decision making. It seeks to apply biblical truths to real-world situations and provide practical guidance for how Christians should live in light of their faith. Here are some key things to know about practical theology: Practical theology considers how Christian beliefs should shape daily practices and habits. For instance, it may explore questions like: How should Christians approach work, rest, and leisure time in light of biblical principles? What does the Bible teach about managing money, giving generously, and living simply? How do teachings about forgiveness,…

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The existence of Satan is clearly taught throughout the Bible. Satan is not an imaginary or mythical creature but the literal adversary of both God and humankind. While the world may try to deny his existence or downplay his power, the Bible makes it clear that Satan is a real spiritual entity who seeks to deceive people and turn them away from God. In the Old Testament, Satan first appears in the book of Job. Here Satan is described as a fallen angelic being who roams the earth seeking someone to attack or accuse before God (Job 1:7). Though he…

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Resisting the devil is a clear biblical concept that all Christians should understand and put into practice. At its core, resisting the devil means actively opposing the schemes, temptations, and attacks of Satan through faith in Christ and obedience to God’s Word. The Bible makes it clear that the devil seeks to destroy our lives and lead us into sin (1 Peter 5:8). He is our spiritual enemy who prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. That is why Scripture repeatedly instructs believers to resist him: “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he…

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The Spider-Man fallacy refers to the idea that with great power comes great responsibility. This phrase was popularized by the Spider-Man comics and movies, in which the superhero Spider-Man realizes he has a moral obligation to use his newfound powers to help others. However, while this maxim sounds noble, some argue it promotes a problematic view of responsibility. In the Bible, responsibility is not portrayed as something that arises from power or ability. Instead, responsibility is framed as a universal human duty, regardless of one’s capabilities. The Bible calls all people to love God and neighbor, care for creation, pursue…

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Work is a major theme throughout the Bible. From the very beginning, God designed humans to work and be productive. After creating Adam, God placed him in the Garden of Eden “to work it and keep it” (Genesis 2:15). This was before sin entered the world, so work itself is not a result of or punishment for sin. God created us to work. The Bible views work as a gift and calling from God. We glorify God and find meaning and purpose by using our skills and talents to serve him and others through our work. Scripture encourages us to…

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The Skeptic’s Annotated Bible (SAB) is a website created in the late 1990s by Steve Wells that analyzes and provides commentary on the Bible from a skeptical and atheistic perspective. The website contains the full text of the King James Version of the Bible with annotations categorizing perceived contradictions, absurdities, atrocities, and other issues found within the text. The purpose of the SAB is to highlight problematic passages in the Bible and argue against its divine inspiration and reliability. Wells takes a very critical view of the Bible, often interpreting passages in the worst possible light. The annotations accuse the…

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