Author: Kristal Wheatley

The angel Gadreel is mentioned only briefly in the Bible, but he plays an important role in biblical history. Here is an overview of what the Bible reveals about this mysterious angelic figure: Gadreel was one of the angels God placed in the Garden of Eden In Genesis 3:24, after Adam and Eve are banished from the Garden of Eden, the Bible says “After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.” Cherubim are…

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When we say that as Christians, our lives should be a testimony for Jesus, what exactly does that mean? At its core, it means that how we live, the things we say and do, and the way we interact with others should all point towards and reflect Jesus Christ. Our lives should show others who Jesus is and what knowing Him looks like in a practical, everyday sense. Let’s explore this idea more fully: 1. Our lives should reflect Christ’s character As followers of Jesus, we are called to take on His character and image (Romans 8:29). Jesus was loving,…

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The verse in Ecclesiastes 3:5 that mentions a “time to scatter stones and a time to gather them” is part of a poetic passage describing the cyclical nature of life. Here is the full verse: a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together (Ecclesiastes 3:5 ESV) This verse appears in the midst of a poem about the seasons and rhythms of life. Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 describes different occasions or purposes under heaven, arranged in pairs of opposites: For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born,…

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Christian domestic discipline (CDD) is a practice among some Christian couples where the husband takes on the role as the head of household and lovingly disciplines his wife to correct misbehaviors. The practice is based on certain biblical principles, though there is debate among Christians as to whether CDD is biblically supported. Overview of CDD In CDD relationships, the husband is regarded as the spiritual head of the household, while the wife is expected to submit to her husband’s authority and leadership. Proponents believe this reflects the biblical model of marriage laid out in verses such as Ephesians 5:22-24: “Wives,…

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Romans 5:20 says, “But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more.” This verse comes in the midst of Paul’s discussion of sin and grace in Romans 5, and provides a key insight into how God’s grace relates to human sin. In the preceding verses, Paul has established that sin entered the world through Adam and brought death and condemnation to all people (Rom 5:12). He then contrasts this to the free gift of righteousness and justification that comes through Christ, which brings eternal life (Rom 5:15-17). Paul is highlighting the surpassing nature of God’s grace in Christ over the…

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This is a common question that many Christians have wondered about. What does the Bible say regarding whether Satan has the ability to manipulate and control the weather? After examining relevant biblical passages, it seems the answer is a bit complex. On one hand, the Bible clearly teaches that God is sovereign over all creation, including the weather. Many verses attest to this fact. Psalm 148:8 says, “lightning and hail, snow and mist, stormy wind fulfilling his word!” This verse indicates that stormy weather fulfills God’s purposes. Psalm 135:6-7 declares, “Whatever the Lord pleases, he does, in heaven and on…

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In Matthew 12:48, Jesus poses an intriguing question to his disciples: “Who are my mother and my brothers?” This verse comes in the context of Jesus’ public ministry, as he is teaching crowds of people about the kingdom of heaven. Earlier in Matthew 12, Jesus’ mother and brothers had come looking for him while he was speaking to a crowd (Matthew 12:46). When told that they were seeking him, Jesus responded by asking this thought-provoking question in verse 48: “Who is my mother, and who are my brothers?” To understand the significance of this question, it is important to examine…

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Androcentrism refers to a worldview centered on men and masculine interests, interpretations, and experiences. It comes from the Greek words andros meaning “man” and kentron meaning “center”. Androcentrism elevates men and the masculine perspective above women and the feminine perspective. It assumes that male experience is the normative human experience. This results in the overlooking and undervaluing of women’s experiences, contributions, interests, and perspectives. The Bible presents a complex picture regarding gender relations and perspectives. On one hand, it was written in historical contexts shaped by androcentric assumptions and values. Many of its authors and original audiences were men living…

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The sacred stones referenced in Leviticus are part of the commandments God gave to Moses regarding the altar of burnt offering. This altar was to be constructed of acacia wood overlaid with bronze and was meant for sacrificial offerings to the Lord (Leviticus 1:1-17). Leviticus 20:25 states, “And if you make for me an altar of stones, you shall not build it of hewn stones, for if you wield your tool on it you profane it.” This indicates that the stones used to construct the altar were not to be shaped, carved, or polished by any iron tool. They were…

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Being a part of the family of God is an incredible blessing and privilege. When we put our faith in Jesus Christ, we are adopted into God’s family as His children (John 1:12). Here is an overview of some key aspects of what it means to be part of God’s family according to the Bible: We Have God as Our Heavenly Father As children of God, we have the awesome privilege of relating to the Creator of the universe as our perfect heavenly Father. God promises to be a father to the fatherless (Psalm 68:5) and invites us to call…

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