Author: Matt Primack

The “exception clause” refers to Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 19:9 which states: “And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.” This verse provides an exception to the general prohibition against divorce and remarriage found elsewhere in the Bible. The exception is that in cases of sexual immorality or adultery, divorce and remarriage are permitted. There has been much debate over how to interpret this exception clause. Some of the key questions include: What constitutes “sexual immorality”? Does this only refer to adultery, or does it include other sexual sins as…

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Bethany is mentioned several times in the New Testament as the home of Lazarus, Mary and Martha. Jesus had a close relationship with this family from Bethany and performed some of his most famous miracles there, including raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-44). Here is an overview of the biblical significance of Bethany: 1. Bethany was the home of Jesus’ friends The Gospels mention Bethany as the home of Lazarus and his sisters Mary and Martha (John 11:1). Jesus had a close friendship with this family and would stay at their house when he was in the area of…

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The tribe of Levi, also known as the Levites, occupy a unique position in the Bible and have much to teach us. As one of the twelve tribes of Israel, the Levites were set apart by God for special service in the Tabernacle and later in the Temple. They assisted the priests with various duties and did not receive a designated region of land as the other tribes did. By examining the Levites’ history, duties, and character, we can gain insight into God’s principles of spiritual service and leadership. The History and Origins of the Levites The Levites trace their…

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The Bible has a lot to say about the existence of God. Here is an overview of some of the key biblical teachings on this important question. Evidence from Creation The Bible teaches that the existence of the created world points to the reality of a Creator. Passages like Psalm 19:1 state that “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork” (ESV). The majesty, complexity, and order of the natural world give evidence that there must be an intelligent Designer behind it all. Romans 1:20 says that God’s “invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power…

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The Bible has much to say about both joy and happiness. While these two words are often used interchangeably, there are some key differences between joy and happiness from a biblical perspective. Definitions Joy and happiness are both positive emotional states, but joy is more constant and rooted in one’s relationship with God. The dictionary defines happiness as “a state of well-being and contentment” and joy as “a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.” Happiness is generally dependent on external circumstances, while joy comes from within. The Bible says that joy comes from believing and trusting in God. Nehemiah 8:10…

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The Bible speaks a great deal about cultural diversity and how people of different backgrounds and ethnicities should relate to one another. Here is an overview of some of the key biblical principles regarding multiculturalism: 1. All people are created equal before God The Bible teaches that every human being is made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) and that God does not show favoritism based on external factors like ethnicity or culture (Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11). God values all people equally, regardless of race, nationality, social status, or gender. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither…

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The question of whether there is a “second blessing” experience after salvation is an important one for Christians to consider. There are differing views on this topic, but ultimately it comes down to what the Bible teaches. Those who believe in a definitive second blessing point to passages like Acts 8:14-17, where people who had believed and been baptized experienced a subsequent infilling of the Holy Spirit evidenced by speaking in tongues. They also point to Romans 12:1-2 which encourages believers to be continually transformed by the renewing of their minds, as if sanctification is an ongoing process after salvation.…

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Bethel is a very significant place in the Bible, being mentioned over 60 times across both the Old and New Testaments. The name Bethel literally means “house of God” in Hebrew, indicating its spiritual significance as a sacred place where God chose to reveal Himself to key figures in biblical history. The first mention of Bethel is in Genesis 12, when Abram (later called Abraham) stopped there and built an altar to God during his journey through Canaan. God appeared to Abram and promised to give the land of Canaan to his offspring. So this was a key moment where…

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The word “beloved” is used frequently throughout the Bible to describe God’s love for His people and the love Christians should have for one another. Here is an overview of the biblical meaning and significance of the term “beloved”: God’s Love for His People One of the most well-known uses of “beloved” in Scripture is to describe God’s love for His people. For example: “But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, the offspring of Abraham, my friend; you whom I took from the ends of the earth, and called from its farthest corners, saying to you, ‘You…

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The topic of baptism classes is one that generates much discussion and debate among Christians. Some view baptism classes as an essential part of preparing someone for believer’s baptism, while others see little to no biblical support for requiring baptism classes. In this article, we will walk through what the Bible has to say about baptism, baptism classes, and whether requiring baptism classes is biblical. What is Baptism According to the Bible? In the Bible, baptism is consistently portrayed as an outward expression and public declaration of faith in Jesus Christ. It signifies the believer’s identification with the death, burial,…

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