Author: Matt Primack

The Bible references dancing on multiple occasions, in both positive and negative lights. Here is an overview of some of the key Bible verses about dancing: Positive References to Dancing Exodus 15:20 – Miriam Dances in Celebration “Then Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a tambourine in her hand, and all the women went out after her with tambourines and dancing.” After the Israelites crossed the Red Sea and escaped from the Egyptians, Miriam led the women in celebratory dancing and music with tambourines. This shows dancing used in a positive way, to celebrate the Lord’s victory and…

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The question of why God chose Israel to be His chosen people is an important one in biblical theology. There are several key reasons that emerge from Scripture as to why God selected Israel for this special relationship and purpose: 1. God’s Sovereign Choice Ultimately, God’s selection of Israel begins with His sovereign will and purposes. Deuteronomy 7:6-8 declares, “For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth. It was…

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The Bible contains many passages that provide comfort, hope and encouragement in times of trouble and distress. Here is an overview of some key Bible verses about finding comfort through faith in God. Psalms The Book of Psalms contains some of the most beloved passages about finding comfort in God. For example: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1) “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.” (Psalm 55:22) “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in…

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Synchronicity is the occurrence of two or more events that appear to be meaningfully related but not causally connected. The concept was introduced by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung in the 1920s. Jung believed that, just as events may be connected by causality, they may also be connected by meaning. An example of synchronicity is when you think of someone you haven’t seen in years and then run into them unexpectedly the same day. Synchronicity in the Bible The Bible does not directly address the concept of synchronicity per se, as the term was coined in modern times. However, the…

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Children are a blessing from God and raising them is both a joy and responsibility. The Bible has a lot to say about children, providing wisdom and guidance for parents as well as speaking to the value God places on young ones. Here is an overview of some key Bible passages about children: Children as a blessing and gift from God Children are consistently referred to as a blessing and inheritance from the Lord in the Bible. Passages that convey this include: Psalm 127:3-5 – Children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.…

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The use of last names or surnames is not mentioned in the Bible. However, based on clues within Scripture and knowledge of ancient cultures, we can make some educated guesses about naming practices during biblical times. In ancient Israelite culture, people were often identified by their given name along with their father’s name. For example, Jesus was known as “Jesus of Nazareth” or “Jesus son of Joseph” (Luke 4:22; John 1:45). This was a patrilineal (tracing descent through the father) system of identification common in ancient patriarchal societies. The Old Testament includes many examples of this convention. Jacob’s sons are…

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The House of Jacob refers to the descendants of the Biblical patriarch Jacob, who was later named Israel. Jacob was the son of Isaac and the grandson of Abraham. He had 12 sons who became the founders of the 12 tribes of Israel. The term “House of Jacob” is used several times in the Bible to refer collectively to the people of Israel, the descendants of Jacob. For example: “But you, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, the offspring of Abraham, my friend” (Isaiah 41:8 ESV) “Has he rejected his people? By no means! For I myself am…

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Jachin and Boaz are two bronze pillars that stood on the porch of Solomon’s temple as described in the Old Testament books of 1 Kings and 2 Chronicles. They were large freestanding pillars made of cast bronze, incredibly ornate, and stood at the entrance to the temple. The pillars were given symbolic meaning relating to the house of God. The first mention of these pillars is in 1 Kings 7:15-22 (ESV): He cast two pillars of bronze. Eighteen cubits was the height of one pillar, and a line of twelve cubits measured its circumference. It was hollow, and its thickness…

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Fortune cookies are a common dessert item served at Chinese restaurants around the world. Inside each cookie is a small strip of paper with an aphorism, prophecy, or piece of advice printed on it. Though seemingly harmless, some Christians wonder if reading these fortune cookie messages goes against biblical principles. This 9,000 word article will examine what the Bible says about divination, luck, and God’s sovereignty to address the question: should a Christian read fortune cookies? What are fortune cookies? Fortune cookies originated in the early 20th century, likely in California. They were initially created and served in Chinese restaurants.…

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The aseity of God refers to the self-existence, independence and self-sufficiency of God. This doctrine teaches that God’s existence depends on nothing else, but everything else depends on Him. God is eternal, uncreated, and exists necessarily by virtue of His own nature. He does not derive existence from anything outside of Himself. The word “aseity” comes from the Latin term “a se” which means “from or by oneself.” It refers to the property of a being that exists in and of itself, from itself, and relies on nothing else for its existence. The aseity of God is a vitally important…

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