Author: Matt Primack

The Bible has a lot to say about the topic of hate. God wants us to love one another, but the reality is that hate exists in our fallen world. Here is an overview of some key Bible passages that deal with the issue of hate: Leviticus 19:17-18 – Do not hate your brother In the Old Testament law, God commanded the Israelites “You shall not hate your brother in your heart.” This was part of a larger command to not take vengeance or bear a grudge against others in the community. God calls His people to lovingly confront sin,…

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The passage in Ecclesiastes 3:11 that states “He has made everything beautiful in its time” is a profound reflection on the nature of God’s creation and His sovereignty over all things. To properly understand this verse, we must first look at the broader context of Ecclesiastes 3. Ecclesiastes 3 opens with the famous poetic lines declaring there is a season and a time for everything under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). This emphasizes how our finite human perspective struggles to comprehend the intricate timing and purposes of God’s plans. Yet God is infinitely wise in how He appoints the events of our…

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This is a complex question that does not have a simple yes or no answer. There are various Bible passages that can give insight into how Christians should relate to earthly authorities and human government. Overall, the Bible encourages Christians to be law-abiding citizens, while also recognizing there may be exceptions when obedience to God takes precedence over obedience to human laws. Biblical Support for Obeying Laws There are several passages in the New Testament that instruct Christians to obey governing authorities and submit to civil laws: “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no…

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The existence of Nazareth during the time of Jesus is an important question for understanding the historical accuracy of the Bible. The Gospels clearly state that Jesus grew up in Nazareth, but some skeptics have questioned whether Nazareth even existed during the 1st century AD. Examining the evidence, both biblical and extra-biblical, can shed light on this issue. Biblical References to Nazareth The New Testament Gospels contain numerous references to Nazareth as the hometown of Jesus. The Gospel of Matthew indicates that Joseph and Mary lived in Nazareth prior to the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem (Matthew 2:23). After returning…

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The New Covenant is the new agreement that God has made with mankind through the coming of Jesus Christ. It replaces the old covenant that God had previously made with the people of Israel through Moses. Here is a 9000 word explanation of what the Bible teaches about the New Covenant: The Old Covenant was the agreement that God made with the people of Israel at Mount Sinai after rescuing them from slavery in Egypt. God promised to bless them and make them His own special people if they would obey His laws and commands (Exodus 19:5-6). The Ten Commandments…

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Abuse of any kind, whether physical, sexual, emotional, or psychological, can leave deep wounds and painful scars. The trauma of abuse can cast a dark shadow over one’s life long after the abuse has ended. Survivors often struggle with feelings of shame, guilt, anxiety, depression, anger, and low self-worth. The good news is that with God’s help, the pain of past abuse does not have to define you or determine your future. God cares deeply about justice for the oppressed and brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18). He desires your healing, restoration, and freedom from the grips of the past. Here are some…

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Clairsentience, also known as clear feeling, is the ability to feel the present, past or future physical and emotional states of others without the use of the normal five senses. Those who possess this ability are able to pick up on the energies, emotions, and sensations of others. They can feel what other people are feeling physically and emotionally, even if they are not present with them. Some associate clairsentience with being an empath. The word clairsentience comes from the French words “clair,” meaning clear, and “sentience,” meaning feeling. So a clairsentient person has clear feeling abilities beyond the normal…

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The tongue is a small part of the body, yet it wields tremendous power. With our words we can build up or tear down, encourage or discourage, speak life or speak death. Scripture has much to say about the power of the tongue and the difficulty of taming it. James 3:1-12 provides perhaps the most sobering teaching on the tongue. James warns that not many should become teachers, for teachers will incur a stricter judgment. He uses the analogy of bits and bridles with horses, and rudders with ships, to demonstrate how small things can control big things. So also…

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The term “extrabiblical” refers to ideas, concepts, teachings, or information that are not found directly in the text of the Bible. More specifically, extrabiblical refers to material that goes beyond what is contained within the canonical books of Scripture. This could include writings from the early church fathers, traditions, archaeological findings, historical records, or philosophical reasoning that is used to supplement biblical teaching. Some key things to understand about extrabiblical material: It is not directly inspired by God like Scripture is. The Bible teaches that it alone is “God-breathed” and useful for teaching, correction, and training in righteousness (2 Timothy…

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What is Nouthetic Counseling? Nouthetic counseling is a form of Christian counseling that bases its practice solely on the Bible. The term “nouthetic” comes from the Greek word “noutheteo” which means “to admonish, warn or advise.” Nouthetic counseling was developed in the 1960s by Jay E. Adams, who believed that the solutions to people’s problems could be found in the Word of God. Some key aspects of nouthetic counseling include: – It sees the Bible as fully sufficient for counseling – While supporters believe God equips counselors to help others, the focus is entirely on using Scriptural truths and principles…

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