Author: Matt Primack

The Bible has a lot to say about how we should handle our money and possessions, including prudent principles around budgeting and spending. Here are some key biblical themes on budgeting: Be a wise steward of what God has given you We are called to be wise stewards of the resources God has entrusted to us (Luke 12:42-48). This includes carefully and prayerfully considering how to best use our money according to God’s purposes. Setting a budget is a practical way to steward our finances well. “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as…

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The prosperity of the wicked is a complex issue that has vexed people throughout history. It can be difficult to understand why those who engage in evil deeds often seem to succeed materially. The Bible offers perspective on this matter, which Christians seek to understand and trust in faith. A key point is that the present life is not all there is. Even if the wicked prosper for a time on earth, the Bible promises that justice will ultimately prevail when Christ returns (Revelation 22:12). God sees all things and will rectify every wrong in His perfect timing (Ecclesiastes 8:11-13).…

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Moses was one of the most prominent figures in the Old Testament. He led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and received the Ten Commandments from God. But before all his great accomplishments, Moses came from humble beginnings. His mother was a courageous woman who protected him in his infancy. The Bible provides insight into who she was and the vital role she played. Moses’ Parents Moses’ parents were Amram and Jochebed, from the tribe of Levi (Exodus 6:20). The Levites had been set apart by God to assist the priests in the tabernacle and later the temple. Moses’…

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The English Standard Version (ESV) is a word-for-word translation of the Bible into modern English, first published in 2001. The ESV seeks to accurately translate the meaning of the original biblical texts as faithfully as possible while using clear, understandable English. It aims to reflect the beauty, majesty, and theological depth of God’s inspired Word for the English-speaking world of the 21st century. The ESV is based on the Revised Standard Version (RSV), first published in 1952. The RSV itself was a revision of the American Standard Version (ASV) of 1901. The ESV retains many strengths of the RSV, including…

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Hope is a central theme in the Bible. From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible is filled with verses that offer hope, comfort, and reassurance to believers. Here are some key Bible verses about hope: Old Testament Verses About Hope In the Old Testament, we find verses expressing hope in God’s promises, deliverance, and salvation. Even in times of trouble and despair, God gives hopeful words to lift our eyes to Him. Psalm 33:20-22 – “Our soul waits for the Lord; he is our help and our shield. For our heart is glad in him, because we trust in his holy…

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How did the apostle Peter die? The apostle Peter was one of the most prominent disciples of Jesus Christ. He played a leading role among the twelve disciples and was part of Jesus’ inner circle along with James and John. After Christ’s ascension, Peter became a key leader in the early church. The book of Acts describes Peter’s bold preaching and miraculous ministry in the years following Pentecost. But how did his life end? What do the scriptures reveal about Peter’s death? The Bible does not give explicit details about how and when Peter died. However, a few passages provide…

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Anger is a complex emotion that everyone experiences from time to time. The Bible has much to say about anger, offering wisdom and instructions on how to deal with this difficult feeling in a godly way. Here is an extensive look at Bible verses about anger. Verses about the dangers of anger and being slow to anger The Bible frequently warns about the dangers of uncontrolled anger and encourages believers to be slow to anger. Anger that is not properly dealt with can lead to sin. Proverbs 14:17 – “A quick-tempered person does foolish things, and the one who devises…

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The Songs of Ascent, also known as the Psalms of Ascent, are a collection of 15 psalms (Psalms 120-134) that are believed to have been sung by pilgrims journeying to Jerusalem for the annual feasts. The songs get their name from the superscriptions found at the beginning of each psalm, which contain the Hebrew word “ma’alah” meaning “ascent” or “step.” This likely refers to these psalms being sung by pilgrims as they “ascended” or climbed the road to Jerusalem, which sits at a higher elevation than much of surrounding region. The 15 Songs of Ascent are as follows: Psalm 120…

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This is a common question that arises when examining the origin of the name “Jesus.” While there are some similarities between the Greek name “Zeus” and the Hebrew name “Yeshua” (Jesus), the linguistic evidence does not support the idea that “Jesus” actually means “Hail, Zeus.” Let’s take a closer look at what the Bible tells us about the name Jesus and its meaning. The Meaning of the Name Jesus in the Bible In the New Testament Gospels, we learn that the name “Jesus” was given specifically by God through an angel to Mary and Joseph for the child miraculously conceived…

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The question of whether God expects Christians to vote is an important one for believers who want to follow His will. While the Bible does not provide a definitive yes or no answer, it does offer principles and perspectives that can guide Christians in making this decision. On one hand, there are reasons to think God may not expect all Christians to participate in secular political systems like voting. Jesus stated His kingdom is “not of this world” (John 18:36). The apostle Paul wrote that followers of Christ are citizens of heaven, not earthly nations (Philippians 3:20). And Jesus’ command…

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