Author: Matt Primack

Vision boards have become increasingly popular in recent years as a tool for manifesting one’s dreams and goals. The basic idea behind vision boards is that by collecting images and words that represent what you want to achieve in your life and displaying them in a visual collage, you can focus your thoughts, energy, and intentions on making those things a reality. From a Christian perspective, the question arises whether vision boards align with biblical principles or not. There are differing views on this among believers. Here is an in-depth look at what vision boards are, arguments for and against…

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Saint Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) was an Italian Catholic friar and preacher who founded the Franciscan Order. He was born Giovanni di Pietro di Bernardone in Assisi, Italy to a wealthy cloth merchant. As a young man, Francis lived a lavish and carefree life. However, he underwent a profound spiritual conversion and renounced his wealth to embrace a life of poverty. Francis dedicated himself to following the teachings of Jesus Christ and serving the poor and outcasts of society. He was known for his love of nature and animals and is credited with creating the first Nativity scene. Some key…

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Zoroastrianism is an ancient Persian religion that was founded by the prophet Zoroaster (or Zarathustra) in the 6th century BCE. Zoroastrians worship Ahura Mazda as the one universal God. Zoroastrian theology influenced other religions including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Here is an overview of the key beliefs and practices of Zoroastrianism according to what the Bible teaches: Origins and History Zoroastrianism originated in ancient Persia (modern-day Iran). Zoroaster was born around 1000 BCE and lived during a time of religious change in Persia. He claimed to have visions of Ahura Mazda, the “Wise Lord.” Zoroaster began teaching that Ahura Mazda…

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The statement “the battle is the Lord’s” comes from 1 Samuel 17:47, where David faces off against the Philistine giant Goliath. As David prepares to fight, he tells Goliath that “the battle is the Lord’s.” This phrase highlights a key biblical principle about God’s involvement in the struggles of His people. At its core, “the battle is the Lord’s” affirms that ultimate victory comes from God, not man. When David faces the imposing Goliath, he does not rely on his own strength or military prowess. Rather, he fully expects God to fight on his behalf and secure the victory. David…

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The Bible teaches that when God created the world, He gave humanity a special status and authority over the rest of creation. This concept is reflected in the first chapter of Genesis, where God creates man and woman in His own image and gives them dominion over the animals and the earth (Genesis 1:26-28). Understanding what the Bible means by this “dominion” has been a subject of much discussion and debate among theologians and scholars over the years. Examining the relevant biblical passages can shed light on what God intended when He gave humanity this charge. The Creation Mandate in…

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The Annunciation is the event described in the Bible where the angel Gabriel announces to the Virgin Mary that she will conceive and become the mother of Jesus, the Son of God. This event is described in Luke 1:26-38: In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. And the virgin’s name was Mary. And he came to her and said, “Greetings, O favored one, the Lord is with you!” But she was greatly troubled…

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Losing a loved one to death is one of the most painful experiences we can go through in life. Whether it was a family member, close friend, or spouse, the grief and sorrow can feel overwhelming. In times like these, many wonder how they will ever find comfort and peace again. Though the grieving process takes time, the Bible offers hope and perspective to help us through even the darkest valley of death’s shadow. Acknowledge Your Grief First, it’s important not to minimize your grief but to acknowledge it fully. Attempting to avoid pain or “get over it” too quickly…

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The issue of freedom of speech is a complex one that has been debated for centuries. At its core, freedom of speech refers to the liberty to express one’s opinions and ideas without fear of government censorship or societal sanctions. This includes the right to criticize authority figures, challenge widely held beliefs, and say things that others may find offensive or disagreeable. When examining what the Bible has to say about freedom of speech, there are a few key points to consider: 1. The Bible affirms the value of truth Truth is held in high regard throughout Scripture. Jesus declares…

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Pauline Christianity refers to the form of Christianity based on the teachings of the Apostle Paul as found in the New Testament books traditionally attributed to him. Paul was a major figure in the early Christian church, preaching the gospel to gentiles (non-Jews) across the Roman Empire and writing letters to the churches he founded. His writings make up a significant portion of the New Testament and have been profoundly influential in the development of Christian theology and practice. Here is an overview of some of the key themes and characteristics of Pauline Christianity: Salvation by Grace Through Faith A…

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Messalianism was a heretical Christian sect that arose in Mesopotamia and Syria in the 4th century AD. The Messalians, also known as Euchites or Entusiasts, were condemned as heretics by several church councils in the 4th century. The main beliefs and practices of Messalianism were: Prayer as the Central Focus The Messalians emphasiszed ceaseless prayer and ascetic practices as the central goal of the Christian life. They were called “those who pray” and believed that perpetual prayer was necessary to drive out the innate demonic influence they believed was inside each person (James 4:7). The Messalians took Paul’s exhortation to…

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