Author: Matt Primack

The bright morning star mentioned in Revelation 22:16 refers to Jesus Christ. In this verse, Jesus proclaims, “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.” By calling Himself the bright morning star, Jesus is equating Himself with Venus, the bright planet that appears in the sky just before sunrise. This imagery draws a connection between Christ and the dawning of a new day. The morning star was a well-known ancient symbol for messianic hope. In the Old Testament, the…

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Who was Pat Robertson? Pat Robertson was an American media mogul, executive chairman, politician, and former Southern Baptist minister who generated controversy over his televangelism career spanning over five decades. Robertson advocated a conservative Christian ideology and was known for making controversial statements on his daily TV program ‘The 700 Club.’ Robertson grew up in a prominent political family in Virginia and served in the Marine Corps before attending the Biblical Seminary in New York. He was ordained as a Southern Baptist minister in 1961 and started the Christian Broadcasting Network in 1960, which pioneered the use of satellite technology…

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Bathsheba is an important figure in the Old Testament, most well known for her appearance in the story of David and Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 11-12. Here is an overview of what the Bible tells us about Bathsheba: She was the wife of Uriah the Hittite Bathsheba was originally married to a man named Uriah, who was identified as “Uriah the Hittite” (2 Samuel 11:3). The Hittites were a pagan people group living in the land of Canaan. However, Uriah had converted to the Jewish faith and was serving loyally in King David’s army (2 Samuel 11:6-11). David committed adultery…

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Independent Baptists are a group of autonomous Baptist churches that adhere to fundamental Baptist beliefs but are not affiliated with larger Baptist denominations or conventions. The term “Independent Baptist” refers to the church’s organizational structure rather than specific doctrinal differences. Some of the key beliefs of Independent Baptists include: Biblical inerrancy and authority – The Bible is the inspired, inerrant, and authoritative Word of God. Autonomy of the local church – Each local church is self-governing and independent from denominational control. Priesthood of all believers – All Christians have direct access to God through Christ and are called to minister.…

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Making known God’s deeds to others is an important calling for all believers. Psalm 105:1 says, “Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!” This verse encourages us to praise God for all He has done and to share the good news of His works with everyone around us. Here are some key ways we can make known God’s deeds to others: 1. Share your personal testimony One of the most powerful ways to make known God’s deeds is to share how He has worked in your own life. Your personal…

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Colossians 1:13 says, “He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son.” This verse speaks of the radical transformation that takes place in the life of a believer when they put their faith in Jesus Christ. Let’s take a closer look at what this verse means. We are delivered from the domain of darkness Paul says that God “has delivered us from the domain of darkness.” Before coming to Christ, all human beings are trapped in the domain of darkness. This refers to the evil spiritual realm ruled by Satan…

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The topic of whether it is acceptable for a Christian to use or own a dreamcatcher is one that does not have a definitive “right or wrong” answer according to the Bible. There are arguments on both sides of the issue that can be made from a biblical perspective. Ultimately, it comes down to one’s personal convictions and their conscience before God. Here is an overview of some of the key considerations around this issue: What is a dreamcatcher? A dreamcatcher is a handmade object originating from Native American culture that is usually made out of a small round or…

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What does it mean that Jesus is our Redeemer? The concept of Jesus as redeemer is central to the Christian faith. To redeem means to buy back or repurchase something that had been lost. Theologically, Jesus redeems humanity from sin and death through his sacrificial death on the cross. Here is a 9000 word exploration of what it means that Jesus is our redeemer according to the Bible. The Need for Redemption In order to understand redemption, we first have to understand why redemption is necessary. According to the Bible, humanity is in a fallen state as a result of…

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The issue of lying, even so-called “small” or “white” lies, is a significant one that the Bible addresses many times. God’s Word makes it clear that lying is sinful and displeasing to Him, even if the lie seems minor or harmless. At the same time, the Bible offers hope and forgiveness to liars through Jesus Christ. Here is an overview of some key biblical principles about lying and being truthful: Lying is against God’s nature and commands The Bible repeatedly warns that God hates lying and strongly condemns it. For example: “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but…

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The phrase “quench not the Spirit” comes from 1 Thessalonians 5:19, which says “Quench not the Spirit.” To understand what this verse means, we first need to explore what it means to “quench” something and look at the context surrounding 1 Thessalonians 5:19. The Meaning of “Quench” The Greek word translated “quench” in 1 Thessalonians 5:19 is sbennumi, which means to extinguish, suppress, or stifle. This word was often used in reference to putting out a fire. Just as water can extinguish a physical flame, certain things can extinguish the spiritual fire of God in our hearts. The Context of…

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