Author: Matt Primack

Textualism is an approach to interpreting the Bible and other texts that emphasizes adherence to the literal text and original meaning of the words. Textualists believe the goal of interpretation should be to determine the objective meaning of the text at the time it was written, not to infer a meaning that aligns with modern circumstances or ideologies. Here is an overview of the key aspects of textualism: Focus on Original Meaning Textualists prioritize discerning the original intent and meaning of the biblical authors over applying Scripture to contemporary contexts. They seek to understand what the text meant to its…

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Taking control of our thoughts is an important part of the Christian life. The Bible has much to say about our thought life and provides wisdom on how to gain mastery over our thinking. Here are some key principles from Scripture on how to take control of your thoughts: Recognize that you are responsible for your thoughts While circumstances and other people can influence our thinking, the Bible is clear that we are ultimately accountable for our own thoughts. Proverbs 23:7 says, “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” We have a choice whether to dwell on…

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The concept of multiple “heavens” originates from ancient Near Eastern cosmology and is reflected in the Bible. The Hebrew word shamayim is commonly translated as “heaven” or “heavens” and refers to the dwelling place of God. In the ancient worldview, the universe consisted of a tiered structure with the earth in the center, the heavens above, and the waters below. Though ancient cosmology depicted a literal physical structure, the biblical authors often used this imagery symbolically and theologically. The first heaven is considered the atmospheric sky or firmament in which birds fly and clouds drift (Genesis 1:6-8, 20). The second…

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It’s no secret that church attendance and religious affiliation have been on the decline in recent years, especially among young adults. Various surveys and studies confirm this trend – that millennials and Generation Z are less likely to identify as religious or regularly attend church services compared to previous generations. Why is this happening? There are likely several contributing factors: Cultural Shift Away from Organized Religion In general, American culture has become less institutionally religious over time. The idea that participation in an organized faith community is an expected part of life has faded. According to 1 Corinthians 14:33, God…

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The decision to place a loved one in hospice care can be difficult and emotional for Christian families. Hospice provides comforting care for those at the end of life, focusing on pain management and quality of life rather than aggressive treatments. While hospice is widely accepted, some Christians struggle with questions about whether it conflicts with their faith. By examining what the Bible teaches, Christians can thoughtfully consider if hospice aligns with their beliefs. Hospice Provides Comfort and Dignity A core tenet of Christianity is the dignity and worth of every human life. Hospice care embraces this principle by providing…

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Every Christian has likely experienced a time when it seemed like God was distant or silent. You may have cried out to Him in prayer but heard no response. Or perhaps you were seeking direction but felt completely in the dark about which way to go. Why does God sometimes seem absent or silent even to His own children? While God may seem silent at times, He has good reasons for not always responding immediately in the way we expect. The Bible reminds us that His ways and timing are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). Here are several biblical reasons…

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The Bible is the sacred text of Christianity. It contains the Old Testament, which is the sacred text of Judaism, and the New Testament, which details the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Understanding the Bible is important for several reasons: It reveals God’s character and plan for humanity The overarching narrative of the Bible reveals who God is and what He desires for humanity. Through Scripture, readers learn that God is loving, just, merciful, and sovereign over all creation. The Bible outlines God’s plan for redemption through the nation of Israel in the Old Testament and the life, death,…

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Prophetic prayer is a form of intercessory prayer that involves listening to God’s voice and praying His words back to Him. It is prayer that is inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit. Prophetic prayer goes beyond just making requests to God, but seeks to align our prayers with His will and purposes. The Biblical Basis for Prophetic Prayer The Bible gives several examples of prophetic prayer and shows how God often spoke to His people giving them insight, revelation and guidance in how to pray. In Jeremiah 33:3, God says “Call to me and I will answer you, and…

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Tisha B’Av is an annual fast day in Judaism that commemorates the destruction of both the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem. It is observed on the 9th day of the month of Av on the Hebrew calendar. This usually falls out sometime during July or August on the Gregorian calendar. Tisha B’Av is considered one of the saddest days in the Jewish calendar and is regarded as a day of mourning. In addition to the destruction of the Temples, there are other major calamities that occurred on or around Tisha B’Av throughout Jewish history. The day has been called…

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Scientism is the view that the scientific method is the only reliable source of knowledge about the world. It denies the validity of other ways of acquiring knowledge, such as through philosophy, religion, or personal experience. Scientism has become increasingly influential in modern culture, particularly among those with a naturalistic worldview that rejects the supernatural. However, scientism has also been heavily criticized by philosophers, theologians, and others for its dogmatic and self-refuting claims. Definition and Key Principles of Scientism Scientism can be defined as the belief that science, and only science, describes reality as it truly is. Key principles underlying…

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