Author: Matt Primack

Can faith really move mountains? The Bible has a lot to say about the power of faith and its ability to “move mountains.” This common metaphor points to the incredible power of faith in God to accomplish what seems impossible. At the same time, the Bible makes it clear that faith is not like a magic wand – it only has power when it is placed in the all-powerful God. What does it mean to “move mountains”? The expression “move mountains” is used several times in the New Testament to refer to overcoming great difficulties or achieving the seemingly impossible.…

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The book of Proverbs in the Bible contains many wise sayings about how to live a godly life. One of these is Proverbs 24:3 which states: “By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established.” This verse teaches an important truth – that wisdom and understanding are key to building a solid household, both physically and spiritually. On a literal level, this proverb emphasizes the importance of wisdom in the actual construction of a house. In ancient Israel, building a sturdy home required skill and knowledge – understanding how to properly lay foundations, set beams, raise walls,…

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The book of Revelation contains some vivid imagery about the second coming of Jesus Christ. One passage in particular has captured the imagination of Christians for centuries: “Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen.” (Revelation 1:7) This verse raises several questions: What does it mean that Jesus will come “in the clouds”? Why will people “wail” when they see him? Who are those that “pierced him”? Let’s explore these questions in more detail: Jesus…

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Interpreting prophetic words from the Lord requires wisdom, discernment, and an understanding of Biblical principles. Here are some guidelines when seeking to understand a prophetic word you have received: 1. Test the word The Bible tells us to test every prophetic word and not to despise prophecies but to test them (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21). We are to test the spirits to see if they are from God (1 John 4:1). This involves judging the content of the word – does it contradict God’s character or His word? A true prophetic word will always align with Scripture. 2. Consider the context…

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Life is filled with difficulties and trials. We all face hardships, disappointments, illnesses, relationship problems, financial struggles, and other challenges. In the midst of these trials, it can be incredibly difficult to find joy and peace. However, as Christians, we have hope in God’s promises and sovereignty even during dark times. Though we cannot control our circumstances, we can control our perspective and reactions. The Bible provides wisdom and encouragement for finding joy in trials. Remember God’s Sovereignty and Good Plans One key to finding joy in trials is remembering that God is sovereign over all things. Nothing happens without…

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Self-sacrifice is an important biblical theme that runs throughout Scripture. At its core, self-sacrifice means voluntarily giving up one’s interests or desires in order to serve a greater good or meet another’s needs. The Bible has a lot to say about self-sacrifice and highlights how it is pleasing to God when his followers live sacrificially for others. Jesus as the Ultimate Example of Self-Sacrifice The greatest example of self-sacrifice in the Bible is Jesus Christ. Jesus willingly left his heavenly throne and took on human flesh, humbling himself to become a man (Philippians 2:5-8). During his earthly ministry, Jesus consistently…

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Talking about faith in the workplace can be a sensitive topic. Many people may feel it’s best to avoid discussing religion or spirituality at work. However, for Christians, sharing our faith is an important calling. Here are some biblical reasons why Christians should look for opportunities to have gospel conversations in the workplace: 1. We are called to be witnesses for Christ Jesus commands all believers to be his witnesses and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20). The workplace provides a prime mission field with many lost people in need of the gospel. Though we should share our faith…

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The Bible provides insight into who Moses’ father was. According to Exodus 6:20, Moses’ father was Amram, who was the son of Kohath, the son of Levi. This means that Moses came from the tribe of Levi. Amram married his own aunt, Jochebed, who was the daughter of Levi according to Exodus 2:1 and Numbers 26:59. Together, Amram and Jochebed had three children: Aaron, Moses and Miriam (Exodus 6:20). Although the Bible clearly states that Amram was the biological father of Moses, there are some additional intriguing details surrounding Moses’ birth and early life that have led to further examination…

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Evangelical Catholicism refers to a movement within Catholicism that emphasizes having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, sharing the gospel message, and upholding biblical authority. While remaining faithful to Catholic doctrine and tradition, evangelical Catholics focus on the core tenets of Christianity found in Scripture. Core Beliefs and Characteristics Some key beliefs and characteristics of evangelical Catholicism include: Emphasis on a personal relationship with Jesus – Knowing Christ personally, not just knowing about Him, is crucial. There is a focus on having a “born again” experience. Commitment to evangelism and mission – Evangelical Catholics actively share their faith and believe…

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The Bible speaks of an ominous figure known as the Antichrist who will arise in the end times. This individual, empowered by Satan, will seek to oppose God and persecute God’s people. Though there is some mystery surrounding the Antichrist, Scripture provides important details about his character, rise to power, and eventual destruction. Names and Titles The Bible uses several names and titles to refer to this coming world ruler: The Antichrist – 1 John 2:18. This name indicates the Antichrist’s opposition to Christ. The man of lawlessness – 2 Thessalonians 2:3. He will promote lawlessness and rebellion against God’s…

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