Author: Matt Primack

Being an enemy of God is a very serious matter that has eternal consequences. The Bible makes it clear that those who are enemies of God face His judgment and wrath. At the same time, the Bible also offers hope and a way to reconciliation through faith in Jesus Christ. There are several ways the Bible describes what it means to be an enemy of God: 1. Rejecting God and His Truth Those who reject God, His word, and His ways are considered His enemies. Jesus said, “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather…

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Cremation is the practice of disposing of a deceased person’s body by burning it to ashes. It has become increasingly common in many parts of the world, including among some Christians. However, biblical teaching on burial and perspectives on cremation vary within Christianity. Here is an overview of key biblical passages and themes relevant to considering cremation as a Christian. 1. The Bible prescribes burial as the primary means of caring for the dead In the Old Testament, the common practice for disposing of the dead was burial in tombs, caves, or graves. Several passages give indications about proper burial:…

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The book of Genesis describes individuals living incredibly long lifespans, sometimes up to 900 years or more. This seems unbelievable compared to modern times when living past 100 is considered remarkable. Why did the ancients live so long? The Bible does not give a definitive answer, but examining the textual clues provides some plausible theories. Right from the start, the biblical text shows humans living for centuries. Adam lived 930 years (Genesis 5:5). Methuselah holds the record at 969 years (Genesis 5:27). Ten generations are listed from Adam to Noah, with lifespans averaging over 900 years. After the flood, lifespans…

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The human consciousness is a complex and mysterious topic that the Bible provides insight into. At its core, human consciousness refers to our ability to be aware, perceive, think, and feel. It encompasses our sense of self, our experiences, and our mental faculties. While neuroscience and philosophy aim to understand consciousness through scientific study and reasoning, the Bible offers a unique spiritual perspective. Here’s an overview of some key biblical teachings on human consciousness: Humans are conscious, self-aware beings created in God’s image The creation account in Genesis establishes that human beings, unlike animals, were created in the image and…

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Christian anthropology is the study of human nature from a biblical perspective. It seeks to understand who we are as human beings in light of God’s revelation in Scripture. Here is an overview of some key topics in Christian anthropology: Creation The Bible teaches that human beings are created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26-27). This sets humanity apart from the rest of creation and gives us dignity and worth. Being made in God’s image means we have the capacity for things like morality, rationality, relationships, and worship. As image-bearers, we are called to reflect God’s character…

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The categorical imperative is a central concept in the moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant. It provides a test for evaluating moral actions and forming moral duties. According to Kant, the categorical imperative is the supreme principle of morality that commands absolutely and unconditionally. At its core, the categorical imperative demands that human beings should act only according to maxims that they can will to be universal laws. For an action to be morally good, it must be done out of duty and out of respect for the moral law rather than merely in accordance with duty. The categorical imperative rejects…

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The Greek word porneia appears 25 times in the New Testament and is most often translated as “sexual immorality” or “fornication”. Understanding the meaning and implications of porneia is important for properly interpreting several New Testament passages. Here is an overview of what the Bible teaches about porneia: Definition and Usage of Porneia The basic meaning of porneia is sexual activity outside of marriage. It is a broad term that encompasses adultery, prostitution, and sexual relations between unmarried individuals. In the Greco-Roman world of the New Testament, porneia also included homosexuality, incest, and bestiality. The essential meaning is any sexual…

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The “seal of God” is a concept found in the Bible that refers to a mark or identifier that shows someone belongs to God. There are several key passages in Scripture that mention this seal and help explain its meaning. Revelation 7:2-3 In Revelation 7:2-3, an angel ascending from the east tells four other angels not to harm the earth until the servants of God have been sealed on their foreheads. This suggests that the seal provides divine protection for believers during times of tribulation and judgment. Revelation 9:4 Revelation 9:4 echoes this idea, saying that demonic locusts released from…

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The book of Obadiah, the shortest book in the Old Testament at only 21 verses, is entirely devoted to pronouncing God’s judgment on the nation of Edom. Edom was descended from Esau and had a long, contentious history with Israel. Yet God’s harsh judgment on them in Obadiah might still seem perplexing or even unfair to some readers. To understand why God determined to judge Edom as severely as described in Obadiah, we must first understand a few key factors: Edom’s Pride and Arrogance Edom’s capital city of Petra was virtually impenetrable, carved out of solid mountain rock. This fostered…

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The seven deadly sins are a group of behaviors and attitudes that are considered among the most sinful and immoral according to Christian teachings. Though not directly taken from scripture, they have been used in Christian teachings for centuries as a way to identify and speak against tendencies that are considered especially spiritually dangerous or harmful. The seven sins are pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth. Pride Pride is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins. It is identified as believing that one is essentially better than others, failing to acknowledge the accomplishments of…

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