Author: Matt Primack

Luke is one of the four gospels in the New Testament that tells the story of Jesus Christ. As one of the synoptic gospels, Luke shares much of the same content as Matthew and Mark, yet also contains unique material. Here are some common questions people have about Luke and what the Bible teaches regarding this book: Who wrote the gospel of Luke? The gospel itself is anonymous, but early church tradition uniformly affirmed that Luke, the physician and companion of Paul, authored both the gospel bearing his name and the book of Acts (Luke 1:1-4; Acts 1:1-3). Several details…

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A family-integrated church is a church model that emphasizes multi-generational faith and discipleship within the context of biological and church families. Proponents believe the church should partner with parents to disciple children, rather than segregating different age groups into specialized programs. Here are some key characteristics of family-integrated churches: No age-segregated programs: Children and youth remain with their parents during worship services, Bible studies, and most other activities. Intergenerational faith formation: Parents take the lead in the spiritual development of their children, with the church providing support and resources. Age-integrated corporate worship: The whole church family worships together in services…

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Familiar spirits are evil, demonic spirits that are assigned to work with witches, psychics, and people involved in the occult. The Bible condemns any involvement with familiar spirits and warns against seeking to communicate with the dead or spiritual world. Here is an overview of what the Bible teaches about familiar spirits: Definition of Familiar Spirits The term “familiar spirit” comes from the word “familiar” meaning a close acquaintance or demonic spirit servant. A familiar spirit is a demonic spirit that is summoned by and assigned to work with a person practicing witchcraft or sorcery. The spirit assists the person…

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The Colossian heresy refers to a false teaching that was threatening the church in Colossae while Paul was in prison. Paul addresses this false teaching in his letter to the Colossians. Based on clues in the letter, scholars have tried to reconstruct the nature of this heresy and identify its source. While some details remain uncertain, it seems clear that it was a syncretistic mix of pagan, Jewish, and Christian ideas. Clues about the Heresy in Colossians Paul directly refutes some aspects of the false teaching, while other clues are more subtle. Here are some key indications in Colossians about…

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A church trustee is a member of a church who is entrusted with certain responsibilities and duties within the church organization. The specific role and responsibilities of a trustee may vary somewhat between different denominations and church structures, but there are some common biblical principles and practices regarding church trustees. Biblical Basis for Church Trustees The concept of having trustees in the church has a biblical foundation. In Acts 6:1-7, the early church was growing rapidly and some logistical needs arose regarding the distribution of food among different groups of people. The apostles, who were focused on prayer and preaching…

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Chick tracts are small evangelistic comic booklets created and published by Jack Chick Publications. The tracts were first created in the 1960s by Jack T. Chick, and promote fundamentalist Protestant evangelical Christian beliefs through a combination of strongly worded warnings about the consequences of sin and the need for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Some of the key characteristics of Chick tracts include: They are typically small, around 3 x 5 inches in size. They use simple cartoon illustrations and comic book style storytelling. The focus is on conveying basic Christian beliefs, such as the depravity of man, the…

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The angel of the Lord is a mysterious figure found in several passages throughout the Old Testament. He is sent by God to deliver messages, execute judgement, offer guidance, or intervene on behalf of God’s people. There is much debate among biblical scholars about the identity of this angel. Some believe he is simply an angel carrying out God’s will, while others argue he is a Christophany – a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus Christ. Let’s explore what the Bible tells us about this angel and the different theories about his identity. Appearances of the Angel of the Lord in Scripture…

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The topic of whether a Christian can be demon possessed is one that is often debated among believers. There are differing viewpoints on this issue, with some arguing that true born-again Christians cannot be possessed by demons, while others believe that Christians can still struggle with demonic oppression or possession. Ultimately, the Bible does not provide a completely definitive answer, but looking at key scriptural passages can give insight into how to think biblically about this issue. The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit One of the key biblical arguments against demon possession of Christians is based on the doctrine of…

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The book of Isaiah is one of the major prophetic books in the Old Testament. Isaiah contains prophecies, warnings, and messages of hope that were delivered to the people of Israel and Judah in the 8th century BC. Many crucial themes and messages emerge in this profound book that provide insight into God’s nature, His relationship with His people, His future plans, and the coming Messiah. Here is an overview of some key questions people often ask about the book of Isaiah: Who wrote the book of Isaiah? The book attributes its authorship primarily to the prophet Isaiah son of…

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This is a fascinating question that many Bible scholars have debated over the years. The quick answer is that the Bible does not explicitly state that John the Baptist was a reincarnation of Elijah. However, there are some intriguing verses that connect the two prophets and have led some to believe that John was the return of Elijah. Let’s take a deeper look at what the Bible says about this topic. The prophecy about Elijah in Malachi In the Old Testament, the prophet Malachi delivered a prophecy about Elijah’s return. Malachi 4:5-6 says, “Behold, I will send you Elijah the…

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