Author: Matt Primack

Praying in tongues refers to the practice of speaking in an unknown language during prayer, as described in the New Testament of the Bible. It is considered a spiritual gift bestowed by the Holy Spirit to believers in Christ. Here is an overview of what the Bible teaches about praying in tongues: The Gift of Tongues Speaking in tongues first occurred in Acts 2 during the day of Pentecost, when the apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in foreign languages they had not previously known. This enabled them to spread the gospel to people from diverse…

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Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a complex condition that occurs when an external force damages the brain. This can happen from events like falls, vehicle accidents, sports injuries, or violence. TBI is a major cause of disability and death worldwide. The effects of TBI can vary widely, from mild concussions to severe, life-changing brain damage. Though modern medicine provides some help for TBI, complete healing remains elusive. Many TBI survivors struggle with chronic effects like cognitive deficits, emotional disorders, and lost independence. Caregivers also face heavy burdens. That is why those suffering from TBI need spiritual resources like the Bible.…

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The Bible has a lot to say about love, including romantic love and falling in love. Here is an overview of some key biblical principles about falling in love: 1. Falling in love is part of God’s design for marriage The Bible teaches that God designed marriage and romantic love to go together. Genesis 2:24 says that a husband and wife “become one flesh” through marriage. Romantic love helps draw a husband and wife together into this intimate union. Song of Solomon celebrates the emotional and physical intimacy of romantic love within marriage. So falling in love can be a…

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Loving God wholeheartedly is the greatest commandment according to Jesus (Matthew 22:37-38). However, many Christians struggle with feelings of apathy or indifference towards God at times in their walk with Him. What should you do when you realize your love for God seems to have grown cold? Here are some biblical insights on reigniting your love for the Lord. Examine the Reasons Behind Your Lack of Love First, reflect honestly about what has caused distance between you and God. Ask Him to reveal any unconfessed sin, anger, disappointment, hurts or doubts that may be at the root (Psalm 139:23-24). Common…

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The Ashkenazi Jews are an ethnic group who trace their origins to the indigenous tribes of Israel and who settled in Central and Eastern Europe starting around the 10th century AD. The name “Ashkenazi” comes from the Hebrew word for “Germany.” Over time, the Ashkenazi Jewish community grew and developed distinct cultural traditions, religious practices, languages, and genealogy. Here’s an overview of the key facts about the Ashkenazi Jewish people according to the Bible: Origins and Early History The Ashkenazi Jews descended from the ancient Israelites who originated in the Middle East. Many Ashkenazi Jews can trace their ancestry back…

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The Bible makes bold claims about its divine inspiration and authority. It declares itself to be the actual Word of God – infallible, inerrant, and authoritative for life and godliness. With stakes this high, it’s reasonable for people to question why they should trust the Bible. Here are 9 key reasons: 1. The Bible’s honest portrayal of its authors The Bible does not gloss over its authors’ flaws. Moses was a murderer, David committed adultery, Peter denied Christ, and Paul persecuted Christians. The Bible presents its authors as real people with weaknesses, not mythical heroes. This lends credibility – if…

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In the book of Job, after Job experiences immense suffering and loss, his friends come to visit and comfort him. However, instead of providing genuine comfort, Job feels that his friends actually accuse him and do more harm than good. This leads Job to refer to them as “miserable comforters” (Job 16:2 ESV). To understand why Job called his friends miserable comforters, we first need to look at the background of Job’s suffering. Job was a righteous man who feared God and turned away from evil (Job 1:1). Yet God allowed Satan to test Job by taking away his health,…

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An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack has the potential to cause widespread devastation by disabling electronic devices. Some Christians speculate whether this type of attack could occur during the end times prophesied in the Bible. The book of Revelation describes various disasters and judgments that will take place during the end times tribulation period. One possible EMP event is foretold in Revelation 6:12: “I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood.” The darkening of the sun could refer to…

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How can a Christian cope while suffering with a degenerative disease? Introduction Degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, and multiple sclerosis can be devastating for anyone, but Christians have unique resources from Scripture and their faith community to help them cope. Though suffering is inevitable in this fallen world, God promises to be with His children and conform them to Christ even in their pain. By leaning on God’s Word, the Holy Spirit, prayer and Christian fellowship, believers can navigate a degenerative diagnosis with hope and grace. Trusting God’s Sovereignty and Purposes A foundational comfort for Christians is knowing that…

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The concept of the Cosmic Christ, also known as the Universal Christ, refers to the role and significance of Christ beyond the events of the incarnation and the crucifixion. While the Cosmic Christ is rooted in the historical Jesus, it goes beyond the historical person to encompass the universal presence and reality of Christ. The basis for the Cosmic Christ is found in several biblical themes and passages: Christ as the eternal Word of God that was with God in the beginning and through whom all things were made (John 1:1-3). This establishes the pre-existence of Christ before creation. Christ…

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