Author: Matt Primack

What can we learn from the tribe of Asher? The tribe of Asher was one of the twelve tribes of Israel that descended from the sons of Jacob. Asher was the son of Jacob and Zilpah, the handmaid of Leah (Genesis 30:13). The name Asher means “happy” or “blessed.” When Moses pronounced blessings on the tribes before his death, he said of Asher, “May he dip his foot in oil…may the bolts of your gates be iron and bronze, and your strength last as long as you live” (Deuteronomy 33:24-25 ESV). This blessing indicated that the tribe of Asher would…

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Jerusalem is called the City of David because it was the city that King David conquered and made the capital of the united kingdom of Israel in around 1000 BC. David was the second king of Israel and is considered one of the most important figures in Jewish history. Under his rule, Israel grew into a regional power and he laid the foundations for the future kingdom of Israel and Judah. Let’s explore in more detail why Jerusalem is known as the City of David. David Conquered Jerusalem and Made it His Capital When David became king over all Israel,…

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The Hebrew Roots movement is a religious movement that advocates the return to the first century walk of faith in Christ. This movement places emphasis on studying the Hebrew Bible and Jewish traditions to learn the cultural context for understanding the New Testament. The goal is to walk as Jesus walked and follow the faith practiced by the early church. Here is an overview of the Hebrew Roots movement’s key beliefs and practices: Emphasis on the Torah Hebrew Roots adherents place strong emphasis on studying and following the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. This includes observing the…

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Rebellion is a serious sin that is strongly condemned throughout Scripture. The Bible makes clear that rebellion against rightful authority is wrong, but also explains why people rebel and how to address rebellion properly. Definitions of Rebellion In the Bible, rebellion refers to defiance and disobedience against God or rightful human authorities. It stems from a stubborn, unteachable spirit that resists leadership and correction (Deuteronomy 21:18-21). Rebellion includes open resistance, covert disobedience, and inward antagonism against God’s ways and appointed leaders. Some key Hebrew and Greek words translated “rebellion” convey refusing to listen or be controlled, contending against authority, going…

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The story of Joshua cursing Jericho is found in Joshua 6 in the Old Testament. After 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, the Israelites were finally going to enter the Promised Land. The first city they encountered was the heavily fortified city of Jericho. God gave Joshua very specific instructions on how to conquer Jericho which involved marching around the city once a day for six days and seven times on the seventh day. On the seventh day, after the seventh round, the priests were to blow their trumpets and the people were to shout and the walls of…

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The question of whether a Christian can “give back” or lose their salvation is an important one that many believers ponder. The Bible provides insight into this issue, though there is some disagreement among Christians regarding the interpretation. Ultimately, one’s view on this theological question stems from how one understands key biblical passages on salvation and eternal security. Those who believe salvation can be lost (often called “conditional security”) point to verses that warn against falling away, apostasy, or faithlessness as evidence that someone who is saved could end up not remaining saved. For example, Hebrews 6:4-6 says “It is…

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Efficacious grace refers to the grace of God that effectively brings about the salvation of a person. It is the grace that actually saves a person, as opposed to ‘sufficient’ grace which is given to all but does not guarantee salvation. The doctrine of efficacious grace states that when God chooses to save someone, He provides the grace that will actually lead that person to saving faith and repentance. Efficacious grace in Scripture While the term ‘efficacious grace’ is not explicitly used in Scripture, the concept is very much present. Here are some key biblical passages that point to the…

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Christian hedonism is a theological concept that finds its basis in the Bible. It proposes that humans were created by God to pursue their own pleasure and happiness in Him. The central tenet is that glorifying God and enjoying Him forever is the highest pursuit of human existence. Christian hedonism affirms that the pursuit of happiness in God is essential to the Christian life. It challenges the notion that seeking pleasure is ungodly, suggesting instead that delighting in God is the ultimate purpose for which humans were made. The term “Christian hedonism” was coined by Christian author and theologian John…

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The phrase “binding the strong man” comes from a statement Jesus made recorded in Matthew 12:29, Mark 3:27, and Luke 11:21-22. In these passages, Jesus makes reference to someone entering into a strong man’s house and plundering his goods. He indicates that in order to do this, one must first “bind the strong man”. Understanding the context and meaning behind this analogy gives insight into an important spiritual truth. The background for this statement was Jesus’ ministry of healing and deliverance from demons. He had been going throughout Galilee preaching the gospel and casting out demons from people who were…

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The Qur’an is the holy book of Islam and is considered by Muslims to be the final revelation from God. It was revealed to the prophet Muhammad over a period of 23 years, beginning in 610 AD. The Qur’an speaks highly of the Torah, the Psalms, and the Gospel as originally revealed to Moses, David, and Jesus. However, it also asserts that over time the original message in these earlier scriptures was corrupted or distorted. As a result, Muslims believe that the Qur’an represents the final, perfect, and uncorrupted word of God. The Bible is the holy book of Christianity.…

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