Author: Matt Primack

The baptism of Jesus is an important event recorded in all four Gospels of the New Testament. Jesus came to John the Baptist to be baptized in the Jordan River, even though John’s baptism was a baptism of repentance and Jesus was sinless. So why did Jesus get baptized? By examining the Gospel accounts and other biblical evidence, we can gain insight into the meaning and significance of Jesus’ baptism. John’s Baptism of Repentance John the Baptist was a prophet sent to prepare the way for Jesus, calling people to repent of their sins and be baptized as a sign…

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Nostradamus was a 16th century French astrologer and physician who is best known for his book Les Prophéties, a collection of 942 poetic quatrains that allegedly predict future events. Many interpreters of Nostradamus claim he predicted major world events like the Great Fire of London, the French Revolution, World Wars I and II, and even the 9/11 terrorist attacks. But what does the Bible say about Nostradamus and his prophecies? Was he truly a prophet of God like the biblical prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah and Daniel? Let’s examine what Scripture teaches. The Biblical Definition of a Prophet The Bible…

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2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” This verse teaches us that when someone becomes a Christian, they become a new person spiritually. Their old sinful nature dies, and they are reborn as a new creation in Christ. Let’s explore in detail what this means. We Are New Creations in Christ When the Bible says a Christian is a “new creation,” it means they have been fundamentally changed on the inside by God. Their old sinful nature has been replaced with a…

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Donatism was a schismatic movement that arose in the early 4th century AD in North Africa. It was named after Donatus Magnus, a Berber bishop who opposed the election of Caecilian as Bishop of Carthage in 311 AD. The Donatists believed that sacraments administered by clergy who had lapsed during the Diocletianic Persecution were invalid. They also held that the church should be a church of saints, not sinners, and that clergy who were traditores (those who had handed over scriptures to the authorities during the persecutions) could not validly administer the sacraments. The origins of the controversy lay in…

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Hanafi Islam is one of the four major schools of Sunni Islamic jurisprudence. It was founded by the scholars Abu Hanifa, Abu Yusuf, and Muhammad al-Shaybani in the 8th century CE. The Hanafi school is predominant in Turkey, the Balkans, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, China and Egypt. Here’s a 9000 word overview of Hanafi Islam from a biblical perspective: The Hanafi school is considered to be the most liberal and flexible of the four major Sunni schools. It puts greater emphasis on analogical reasoning (qiyas) and opinion (ra’y) in legal matters than the other schools. The Hanafi jurisprudence also…

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The practice of yoga has become incredibly popular in recent years as more people discover its physical and mental health benefits. However, some Christians have concerns about whether yoga is compatible with their faith. This arises from yoga’s historical roots in Eastern religions like Hinduism and Buddhism. So what does the Bible say about yoga? Can Christians practice yoga in a way that honors God? Let’s explore what “holy yoga” means from a biblical perspective. The Roots and History of Yoga Yoga originated in ancient India over 5,000 years ago and was rooted in Hindu philosophy and spirituality. The word…

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Glossolalia, also known as speaking in tongues, is a spiritual gift mentioned in the Bible that involves speaking in an unknown language as the Holy Spirit gives utterance. The word “glossolalia” comes from the Greek words “glossa” meaning tongue or language, and “lalein” meaning to talk. Biblical Accounts of Glossolalia There are several accounts in the Bible that describe glossolalia: Day of Pentecost The first occurrence is recorded in Acts 2:1-13, which describes the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost shortly after Jesus’ ascension. The disciples were gathered together when there came a sound like a…

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Parables play an important role in the Bible, especially in the teachings of Jesus Christ. A parable is a simple story used to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson. Jesus frequently used parables as a means of illustrating profound, divine truths. While the actual number of parables in the Bible is debated, there are approximately 35-45 parables told by Jesus in the canonical gospels alone. Here is a overview of the main parables of Jesus found in the Bible: Parables in the Gospel of Matthew Matthew contains about 10 unique parables not found in the other gospels: The Parable of…

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The flood during the time of Noah is one of the most well-known stories in the Bible. God was grieved by the wickedness of mankind and decided to send a flood to wipe out all life on earth except for Noah and his family, along with the animals that were brought onto the ark (Genesis 6:5-7). This raises questions about how a just and loving God could seemingly punish so many people, including innocent children. To understand how the flood was just, we must examine the context, God’s intentions, and the outcome. The Wickedness of Mankind Genesis 6:5 states that…

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The genealogies of Jesus recorded in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke have proven difficult to reconcile over the centuries. While both trace Jesus’ lineage back to King David and Abraham, the paths they take are significantly divergent. The differences have caused many to question the accuracy and authority of Scripture. However, when properly understood, the distinctive emphases of Matthew and Luke’s accounts support the historical reliability of both. Matthew follows the line of Joseph, Jesus’ legal (but not biological) father, while Luke traces Jesus’ ancestry through Mary. Matthew begins with Abraham and moves forward in time to culminate with…

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