Author: Matt Primack

Trusting in God’s faithfulness is central to the Christian life. But it can be challenging when we face trials, uncertainties, and unanswered prayers. Here are some biblical truths and practical steps to help build our trust in God’s steadfast love and reliability: Remember God’s past faithfulness God has demonstrated His faithfulness throughout history. He freed the Israelites from slavery in Egypt (Exodus 14), restored them from exile in Babylon (Ezra 1:1), and fulfilled His promises by sending Jesus the Messiah (Luke 1:68-75). When we recall specific times God provided, protected, or redeemed us, it boosts our confidence that He will…

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Lamech is a name that appears a few times in the Bible, referring to two different men. The more well-known Lamech is described in Genesis 4, while the other Lamech appears later in Genesis 5. Lamech Descended from Cain The Lamech described in Genesis 4 is part of the genealogy descending from Cain, the first son of Adam and Eve who murdered his brother Abel. Genesis 4:18 states, “To Enoch was born Irad, and Irad fathered Mehujael, and Mehujael fathered Methushael, and Methushael fathered Lamech.” Lamech had two wives, Adah and Zillah (Genesis 4:19). This was the first recorded example…

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Tola, Jair, Ibzan, Elon, and Abdon were minor judges of Israel mentioned briefly in the Old Testament book of Judges. Here is a detailed look at what the Bible tells us about each one: Tola Tola was the seventh judge over Israel, and he judged for 23 years (Judges 10:1-2). He was from the tribe of Issachar and lived in the town of Shamir in the hill country of Ephraim. The Bible doesn’t tell us much else about Tola, but it does say that he arose to deliver Israel after Abimelech’s wicked rule. Tola seems to have been a righteous…

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It’s a difficult question that many Christians struggle with: Why doesn’t God heal everyone? We see stories in the Bible of Jesus miraculously healing people of all kinds of diseases and disabilities. Yet, in our own lives and communities, faithful believers still suffer from terminal illnesses, chronic pain, and physical limitations. If God has the power to heal, why does He choose not to heal everyone? While there may not be one simple answer, here are several biblical perspectives to consider when wrestling with this challenging topic: 1. Healing is not always God’s will As hard as it is to…

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What is the philosophy of ethics? Ethics is a branch of philosophy that deals with morality, or determining right from wrong. The Bible has much to say about ethics and provides divine guidance on how to live a moral life. Here is an overview of some of the key ethical teachings found in Scripture: The Source of Morality The Bible teaches that God is the ultimate source and standard of morality. God’s nature is perfectly good, righteous, just and loving (1 John 1:5, Psalm 25:8, Jeremiah 9:24). As the Creator, God has authority to determine what is good and evil…

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What is a Sinner? The Bible has a lot to say about sin and sinners. At the most basic level, a sinner is someone who violates God’s laws and commandments. The Bible makes it clear that all people are sinners (Romans 3:23) and fall short of God’s perfect standard. Here is an overview of some key biblical truths about sin and what it means to be a sinner. The Origin of Sin Sin entered the world through the disobedience of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3). Their decision to eat the forbidden fruit was an act…

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Church bylaws are an important document that outline the governance, structure, and policies of a church. Bylaws help provide order, unity, accountability and continuity for a church. Here is an overview of some of the key purposes and functions of church bylaws from a biblical perspective: 1. To establish biblical leadership and governance The Bible teaches that local churches should be led by elders/overseers and served by deacons (1 Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-9). Bylaws can specify the process for appointing and overseeing these leadership roles. They can define the relationship between elders, deacons, pastors, staff, and the congregation. God is…

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Global warming is a complex issue that elicits strong opinions on all sides. As Christians, how should we view this important topic? Here are some key considerations from a biblical perspective: God gave us responsibility over creation The Bible teaches that God created the heavens, the earth, and everything in them (Genesis 1-2). He then gave humans dominion over the earth to subdue it and care for it (Genesis 1:28). This implies a responsibility to be wise stewards of God’s creation. While there are various views on the degree of human impact, we should approach the issue of climate change…

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The term “amoral” refers to something that is neither moral nor immoral – it simply exists outside the realm of morality altogether. In a biblical context, the concept of amorality raises important questions about the nature of good and evil and humanity’s relationship to divine law. From a Christian perspective, nothing in creation is truly amoral, since everything was made by God and reflects His attributes in some way. However, because of the Fall, human perspectives are limited and flawed. Things that may seem permissible or neutral to us could still be counter to God’s design. As 1 Samuel 16:7…

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Contemplative spirituality refers to practices and beliefs that aim to deepen one’s relationship with God through quiet reflection and meditation. It involves setting aside time to be still and focus on God’s presence within. Contemplative practices help calm the mind, body, and spirit so that one can perceive God more clearly. Some key aspects of contemplative spirituality include: Silence and solitude Making space for silent prayer and meditation is central to contemplative spirituality. Setting aside quiet time alone with God allows us to tune out distractions and focus on listening to God. Jesus himself frequently withdrew to desolate places to…

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