Author: Matt Primack

King Jehoram, also known as Joram, was one of the kings of the divided kingdom of Israel. He was the son of Ahab and Jezebel, and the brother of King Ahaziah. Jehoram ruled over the northern kingdom of Israel from around 852-841 BC. Jehoram’s story is told in 2 Kings 3-9 and 2 Chronicles 21-22. He is first mentioned in 2 Kings 1:17, where we learn that he succeeded his brother Ahaziah as king of Israel. Ahaziah had died without an heir after reigning for only two years over Israel. Jehoram was 32 years old when he became king. Jehoram’s…

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The Gospel of Judas is an ancient Gnostic gospel, purportedly written by Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ. The text was discovered in the 1970s but not published until 2006. This gospel depicts Judas in a positive light, in contrast to the negative portrayals of him in the canonical gospels. The Gospel of Judas states that Jesus privately revealed to Judas knowledge of the divine realm and tasked Judas with betraying him to fulfill the cosmic plan for salvation. According to this gospel, Judas betrayed Jesus in obedience to divine instruction, and he was therefore unfairly…

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The Bible contains numerous references to God “remembering” people or events. This language can seem perplexing since God is omniscient and does not literally forget things like humans do. So what does the Bible mean when it talks about God remembering something? Here are some key points to understand: Remembering a Covenant One of the most common contexts for God remembering in Scripture is when He remembers a covenant He has made with His people. For example, God tells Noah after the flood, “I will remember my covenant that is between me and you and every living creature of all…

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Isaiah 51:9 says, “Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord; awake, as in days of old, the generations of long ago. Was it not you who cut Rahab in pieces, who pierced the dragon?” This verse contains a symbolic reference to God defeating an enemy called Rahab by cutting it in pieces. But who or what is Rahab in this context? And what does it mean that God “cut Rahab in pieces”? Let’s explore this cryptic biblical imagery. The Identity of Rahab in Isaiah 51:9 There are a few different views on who or what “Rahab” represents…

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The final judgment is a major event described in the Bible that will take place at the end of time. It involves God judging all people who have ever lived on earth. Here is an overview of what the Bible says will happen at the final judgment: Jesus Christ Will Be the Judge The Bible is clear that God has appointed Jesus Christ to be the judge of all humanity at the final judgment. Passages like John 5:22 and 2 Corinthians 5:10 state that the Father has given Jesus the authority and responsibility to judge everyone. As Acts 17:31 says,…

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Persecution is a real and unfortunate reality for many Christians around the world. Choosing to follow Jesus can often mean facing opposition, discrimination, and even violence. This is a sobering truth that requires serious consideration when deciding whether to become a Christian. The Bible is clear that persecution awaits those who seek to live godly lives in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 3:12). Jesus himself warned his followers that they would be hated and persecuted on account of him (Matthew 10:22). The early church faced intense persecution from both the religious establishment and the Roman authorities. The book of Acts records…

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The slaying of the Philistine giant Goliath is one of the most well-known stories in the Bible. Yet a curious detail emerges later on. Another character named Elhanan is also said to have killed Goliath. So who really killed the giant – the future king David or Elhanan? Let’s take a comprehensive look at what the Bible tells us. The Story of David and Goliath The battle between David and Goliath is narrated in 1 Samuel 17. The Philistines had gathered for war against Israel at Socoh in Judah. Saul was king of Israel at the time. For forty days,…

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The ending of the Gospel of Mark has been the subject of much debate among biblical scholars. Mark 16:9-20, also known as the “Longer Ending of Mark,” describes several resurrection appearances of Jesus and his ascension into heaven. However, some of the earliest and most reliable ancient manuscripts of Mark’s Gospel end at verse 8, leading many scholars to conclude that verses 9-20 were added later by scribes. So should Mark 16:9-20 be considered part of the inspired biblical text or not? There are good arguments on both sides of this issue. The Case Against Mark 16:9-20 as Original There…

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Wet dreams, also known as nocturnal emissions, are involuntary ejaculations that occur during sleep. They are common occurrences, especially in adolescent males. Though generally harmless, many people wonder if wet dreams are considered sinful according to the Bible. The Bible does not directly address wet dreams or state whether they are sinful. However, an examination of relevant biblical principles provides insight into how wet dreams should be viewed. Wet Dreams are Involuntary A key factor is that wet dreams are involuntary functions of the body, meaning they are not consciously controlled. Deuteronomy 22:25-27 makes a distinction between voluntary and involuntary…

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The concept of a “healing room” stems from the Bible’s teachings about prayer, faith, and God’s power to heal. Though the term itself does not appear in Scripture, the practice of Christians gathering to pray for healing and experiencing God’s restorative work certainly has biblical precedent. At the core, a healing room is simply a designated place where Christians pray for God to heal people physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The origins of organizing healing rooms likely go back to the early church, but modern healing rooms became popular in the 1990s during the charismatic renewal movement. The primary purpose of…

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