Author: Matt Primack

The phrase “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding” comes from Philippians 4:7 in the Bible. It refers to a deep sense of calm, contentment, and confidence that comes from being reconciled to God through faith in Jesus Christ. This peace is a gift from God that grounds believers and guards their hearts and minds even amidst trials and difficulties. It’s a supernatural peace that cannot be completely explained or rationalized – it surpasses human intellect and reasoning. That’s why it’s described as a peace that “transcends all understanding.” Some key aspects of this profound peace include: It’s rooted…

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God’s relationship to time is a complex theological issue that the Bible addresses in various ways. At the highest level, God exists outside of time as we know it. He is eternal, having no beginning or end. Yet God also interacts with human history and relates to time in meaningful ways. Some key biblical principles help frame an understanding of God and time. God Created Time The Bible teaches that God created time itself. Genesis 1:1 states, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” The act of creation marked the starting point for our experience of time.…

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The Eastern Gate, also known as the Golden Gate or the Beautiful Gate, is one of the most significant gates in Jerusalem. This gate is located on the eastern side of the Temple Mount and was the main entrance into the temple courtyard in ancient times. The Eastern Gate has great spiritual and prophetic importance for Jews, Christians, and Muslims alike. In the Old Testament, the Eastern Gate is first mentioned in Ezekiel 44 when the gate is shut because God has entered through it. The shutting of the gate symbolizes God’s presence within the temple and is meant to…

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The concept of a great flood associated with Lucifer, sometimes referred to as “Lucifer’s Flood,” does not have direct biblical support. While the Bible describes a global flood during the time of Noah, it does not connect this flood to Lucifer or a battle between good and evil spiritual forces. There are a few potential origins for the idea of “Lucifer’s Flood”: Some speculate that it comes from an amalgamation of the biblical Flood account and references to a heavenly battle when Lucifer (also known as Satan or the devil) rebelled against God. Bible passages like Revelation 12:7-9 describe a…

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In today’s modern world, technology is everywhere. From our smartphones to smart watches, we rely on apps and digital tools to help us navigate life. But what does the Bible have to say about all this technology? Is it good or bad? Should Christians embrace apps and new gadgets or be wary of them? Let’s explore what God’s Word offers about living in an app-driven culture. The Good: Apps Can Help Us Grow in Faith There are many beneficial uses of apps for Christians seeking to deepen their faith. Here are some examples: Bible Apps – Simple and convenient access…

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The Bible has much to say about sin, both intentional and unintentional. As fallen human beings, we are prone to sinning in thought, word and deed. But how does God view unintentional sin compared to willful, defiant acts of disobedience? Let’s explore what Scripture teaches on this important subject. The universality of sin First, it’s important to understand that all sin separates us from God. There are over two dozen words in Hebrew and Greek that convey the idea of sin in Scripture. This includes miss-ing the mark, crossing a line, rebellion, going astray, and wandering from the path. Sin…

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At first glance, Jesus’ words in Luke 14:26 sound very harsh. He says, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.” This seems to contradict other Bible passages that instruct us to honor our parents and love others. So what did Jesus really mean here? To understand this verse, we need to look at the original Greek word translated as “hate” here. The word is miseo, which can mean “to love less.” It does not necessarily mean to despise or…

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The apostle Paul was imprisoned multiple times during his ministry for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. Though the exact details and timeline of all of Paul’s imprisonments are debated, the Bible gives insight into several imprisonments that Paul endured. Examining the biblical accounts of these imprisonments can help us understand why Paul was imprisoned and how he responded to persecution. Imprisonment in Philippi One of the first instances where Paul was imprisoned occurred in the city of Philippi. As described in Acts 16, Paul and his companion Silas went to Philippi during Paul’s second missionary journey to spread the…

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Grave sucking refers to the controversial practice of laying on the graves of deceased Christians in order to absorb their anointing or mantle. This practice has generated significant debate among Christians regarding its biblical merits and potential spiritual dangers. Origins and Prominent Figures The term “grave sucking” appears to have originated in the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), a charismatic movement that promotes modern-day apostles and prophets. Some prominent NAR leaders have endorsed grave sucking, including Bill Johnson, pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, California, and Lou Engle, founder of The Call prayer movement. Johnson in particular has faced scrutiny for…

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The story of God seeking to kill Moses in Exodus 4:24-26 has puzzled many Bible readers over the years. At first glance, it seems out of character for God to suddenly want to kill one of His chosen servants. A closer examination of the text provides some clues as to what was happening in this cryptic passage. The Context of Exodus 4:24-26 First, it is important to understand the context surrounding this event. In Exodus 3, God had called Moses from the burning bush to go to Egypt and deliver the Israelites from slavery. Moses expressed some reluctance and doubt…

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