Author: Matt Primack

Hannah’s prayer, found in 1 Samuel 2, holds great significance and meaning for believers today. Though her prayer was offered up thousands of years ago, we can still glean important spiritual truths from reflecting on her words. The background to Hannah’s prayer is that she was barren and deeply grieved over not having children. In ancient Israelite culture, barrenness was seen as a curse or punishment from God. Hannah was tormented by her rival Peninnah, who had given birth to children. In Hannah’s pain and despair, she cried out to the Lord in prayer, vowing that if God gave her…

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Can a Christian be pro-life personally but pro-choice politically? Introduction The issue of abortion is one of the most divisive in our current culture. For the Christian, abortion is first and foremost a moral issue. Human life is sacred because human beings are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). Followers of Jesus affirm the personhood and dignity of the unborn child. However, the legality of abortion is a political issue. Well-meaning Christians disagree on how to best create a just society where human life is valued. This article will examine biblical principles for Christians thinking through the relationship…

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To deny yourself means to set aside your own personal desires, interests, and pleasures in order to follow God’s will and plan for your life. It means saying no to the self-centered nature we all possess as sinful human beings, and instead living a life focused on glorifying God. Here’s a deeper look at what the Bible teaches about self-denial: Putting God’s Will Above Your Own At the core of self-denial is a willingness to surrender your will to God’s will. Jesus said that those who want to follow Him must “deny himself and take up his cross daily and…

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The question of whether God created evil is an age-old theological debate that has challenged believers and non-believers alike. At first glance, it may seem that evil cannot originate from a good and loving God. However, a careful examination of Scripture reveals that God is not the author of evil, yet He did create the potential for evil to exist. To begin, it is important to define what we mean by “evil.” In a broad sense, evil refers to anything morally bad, sinful, or wicked. More specifically, the Bible describes evil as rebellion against God and His good purposes. Genesis…

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This is a question that many Christians struggle with at some point in their lives. When we see suffering in the world, especially when it happens to good and innocent people, we wonder why God would allow such things. There are several perspectives from the Bible that can help us think through this difficult issue. First, we have to recognize that we live in a fallen world. When Adam and Eve sinned, it allowed sin and death to enter the world (Genesis 3:16-19). All creation was affected, and now suffers under the curse of sin. Sickness, natural disasters, evil actions…

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Persecution of Christians has occurred throughout history and continues to happen in many parts of the world today. The Bible provides guidance on how believers should respond when faced with persecution for their faith. Jesus made it clear that Christians would face persecution and hardship in this world. In John 15:20 he told his disciples, “Remember the word that I said to you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you.” And in John 16:33 he warned, “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the…

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The Bible has a lot to say about humility and how we as Christians should humble ourselves before God and others. Here is an overview of some of the key biblical principles about humility and how to cultivate it in our lives: Recognize that true humility begins with a right view of God The starting point of humility is recognizing that God is infinitely greater than us, the Creator of the universe who holds everything in His hands (Isaiah 40:12-26). When we grasp how majestic, powerful, and awesome He is, it puts our own lives into proper perspective. We are…

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The topic of a “heavenly language” is one that generates much discussion and debate among Christians. Often referred to as speaking in tongues, the practice involves speaking in an unknown language during prayer or worship. Those who engage in this practice believe it allows them to communicate directly with God on a deeper spiritual level. But what does the Bible really teach about this intriguing phenomenon? First, it is important to note that the Bible does record multiple instances of believers speaking in tongues or languages they had not learned. The most well-known example comes from Acts 2, when the…

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A séance is an attempt to communicate with the spirits of the dead. It typically involves a medium, who is believed to have the ability to contact spirits, leading a ritual to summon them. Participants sit around a table, join hands, and wait for messages from the spirit world. The Bible has a clear stance on séances – they are forbidden and dangerous. Consulting with mediums and spiritists is labeled as detestable to the Lord (Deuteronomy 18:10-12). The reasons for this prohibition are rooted in who God is, and how He has instructed His people to live. God’s Sovereignty and…

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Jesus Christ promises victory to all who put their faith in Him. Through His sacrificial death on the cross and triumphant resurrection from the grave, Jesus has secured eternal victory over sin, death, and Satan. As believers, we can share in this victory by embracing Jesus as Lord and Savior and allowing the Holy Spirit to transform us into Christ’s image. Here are some key ways the Bible teaches that we can experience victory in Jesus: Trust in Jesus’ finished work on the cross On the cross, Jesus declared “It is finished!” (John 19:30). He meant that the work of…

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