Author: Matt Primack

The Holy See refers to the jurisdictional authority of the Catholic Church, primarily centered around the Pope and the Roman Curia. It represents the universal government of the Catholic Church and operates from Vatican City. The term “Holy See” comes from the Latin phrase “Sancta Sedes” meaning “holy chair” and originally referred to the episcopal seat or throne of the bishop of Rome. Origins of the Holy See The origins of the Holy See date back to the early days of Christianity when the Bishop of Rome began to take on a special role as the successor of St. Peter.…

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The concept of a spiritual marriage, where two people are joined together in a sacred union without legal marriage, is not explicitly discussed in the Bible. However, there are some biblical principles that can provide insight into whether such an arrangement would be considered biblical. Marriage is instituted by God The Bible makes it clear that marriage was created and instituted by God. In Genesis 2:24, it states “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” This first marriage was between Adam and Eve, before any…

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The “bad news/good news” approach to sharing the gospel is a method of evangelism that first presents the bad news of humanity’s sinful condition and separation from God, before transitioning to the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. This method follows the pattern laid out in the Bible, which first shows our need for salvation before revealing God’s gracious provision in Christ. The Bad News The starting point for understanding the gospel is recognizing the bad news about the human condition. The Bible teaches that all people are sinners and fall short of God’s perfect standard (Romans…

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The phrases “God of gods” and “Lord of lords” are used in Scripture to emphasize God’s sovereignty over all other powers in heaven and on earth. As the one true God, He reigns supreme over every false god and earthly authority. The title “God of gods” first appears in Deuteronomy 10:17: “For the LORD your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God.” This affirms that Yahweh, the God of Israel, is exalted above the pagan gods worshipped by other nations at that time. Though idols like Molech and Baal were…

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Life can be incredibly difficult at times. We all face challenges, setbacks, pain and suffering. No one is immune. So why does God allow hardship and difficulties? What does the Bible say about why life is so hard? Here are 9000 words exploring this complex question from a biblical perspective: The Bible makes it clear that we live in a fallen, broken world ever since the entrance of sin in Genesis 3. When Adam and Eve rebelled against God’s command and ate the forbidden fruit, sin entered the human heart and into creation. The apostle Paul explains in Romans 5:12,…

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Reductionism is the idea that complex things can be explained by reducing them to their simpler or more fundamental parts. For example, some try to explain human behavior solely in terms of genetics and environment while ignoring spiritual factors. Others try to explain all of life and existence through physics and chemistry alone. The Bible presents a more holistic worldview that resists full reductionism. Humans are more than just their physical body according to Scripture (Genesis 2:7; James 2:26). And while the physical world is important, the Bible speaks of immaterial realities like God, angels, the human soul, and the…

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Historic premillennialism is a view of the end times that believes Jesus Christ will physically return to earth before (pre-) the millennium. The millennium is the thousand-year reign of Christ described in Revelation 20:1-6. Historic premillennialists believe that Jesus will return to establish his millennial kingdom on earth for a literal 1,000 years after which the final eternal state will begin. This view stands in contrast to amillennialism which sees no literal millennium, and postmillennialism which sees the millennium as occurring before Jesus returns. The “historic” label comes from the claim that many early church fathers like Papias, Irenaeus, Justin…

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Social anxiety is a common struggle for many Christians. It involves an intense fear of social situations and interactions with others. This anxiety can stem from things like fear of judgment, embarrassment, or not living up to the expectations of others. For Christians with social anxiety, even joining in fellowship and community within the church can feel daunting. However, God’s Word offers much encouragement, wisdom, and power to help believers overcome feelings of social anxiety. Recognize that fear comes from the enemy, not God The Bible tells us that “God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power…

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Structuralism is an approach to analyzing culture, society and various human sciences that emerged in the early 20th century. It emphasizes examining the relationships between individual elements within a larger system or structure, rather than analyzing those elements in isolation. Some key aspects of structuralism include: Focusing on structures, systems and relationships rather than discrete elements Seeing individual elements as gaining meaning from their place within a larger structure Analyzing underlying structures and systems rather than surface features Drawing from linguistics, anthropology, psychology, mythology, economics and other fields Influenced by thinkers like Ferdinand de Saussure, Claude Levi-Strauss, Roland Barthes and…

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Having a prodigal son or daughter can be one of the most heartbreaking experiences for Christian parents. As parents, we pour our lives into raising our children in the faith, only to see them walk away from it all when they reach adulthood. The pain and anguish of watching your child turn their back on the Lord is difficult to put into words. Yet, as Christians, we can cling to the hope and promises of God’s Word even in the darkest of times. What does the Bible have to say about how to respond when faced with a prodigal child?…

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