Author: Mike Solis

Stealing is a significant concern addressed multiple times throughout the Bible. God makes it clear that stealing is a sin and goes against His commandments. Here is an overview of some of the key Bible verses about stealing: Exodus 20:15 – “You shall not steal.” This is one of the Ten Commandments given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai. It establishes the clear commandment not to steal from others. Leviticus 19:11 – “You shall not steal; you shall not deal falsely; you shall not lie to one another.” In Leviticus, God reiterates to the Israelites the commandment not to…

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The Adam and Eve story in Genesis chapters 2-3 is one of the most well-known narratives in the Bible. However, there has been much debate over whether this story is meant to be taken literally or figuratively. Here is an in-depth look at the key aspects of the biblical text and the different interpretive perspectives on this foundational passage. The Creation of Adam and Eve Genesis 2 narrates the creation of the first man and woman. God forms Adam out of the dust of the ground and breathes into him the breath of life (Genesis 2:7). He then plants a…

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot topic in technology today, but what does the Bible have to say about it? At first glance, it may seem like the Bible does not directly address AI since these advanced technologies did not exist at the time the books of the Bible were written. However, a deeper look at Scripture reveals some interesting connections and principles that can help frame a biblical perspective on AI. The Sovereignty of God Over Human Ingenuity A foundational principle of the Christian worldview is that God is sovereign over all of creation, including human history and innovation.…

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Gehazi was a servant of the prophet Elisha mentioned in the books of 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles in the Old Testament. His story reveals important spiritual lessons about greed, deception, and the misuse of prophetic authority. Gehazi’s Background The Bible first introduces Gehazi in 2 Kings 4 during the account of Elisha miraculously providing for a widow’s needs. Gehazi served as Elisha’s attendant, suggesting he was one of Elisha’s disciples who followed him and assisted in his prophetic ministry. Gehazi came from an area around the Sea of Galilee and may have been part of the “school of the…

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The question of whether Jesus was a Jew may seem straightforward to us today, but it has been debated and discussed throughout history. The Bible provides ample evidence that Jesus was born, lived, and died as a Jew. Let’s examine what the Bible says about Jesus’ Jewish identity. Jesus’ Jewish Lineage The Gospels of Matthew and Luke provide detailed genealogies tracing Jesus’ ancestry back to King David and beyond to Abraham, the father of the Jewish nation (Matthew 1:1-17, Luke 3:23-38). Matthew introduces Jesus as “the son of David, the son of Abraham” (Matthew 1:1). This establishes Jesus’ Jewish lineage…

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The Bible has a lot to say about business, work, money and how we should conduct ourselves in the marketplace. Here are some key Bible verses about business from the English Standard Version (ESV): Honesty and Integrity “A false balance is an abomination to the Lord, but a just weight is his delight.” (Proverbs 11:1 ESV) “Unequal weights and unequal measures are both alike an abomination to the Lord.” (Proverbs 20:10 ESV) “Do not steal. Do not lie. Do not deceive one another.” (Leviticus 19:11 ESV) “Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with…

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The Bible provides a detailed account of God’s creative work over six days in the first chapter of Genesis. On the first day, God created light and separated it from the darkness. Here is what Genesis 1:1-5 (ESV) says: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated…

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The Druze religion is a monotheistic and esoteric faith that originated in the 11th century in Egypt and spread to Syria. The religion takes its name from Muhammad bin Ismail Nashtakin ad-Darazi, an early preacher. The Druze faith incorporates elements of Islam, Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, Pythagoreanism, and other philosophies and beliefs. Here is an overview of some of the key aspects of the Druze religion: Beliefs The Druze believe in the oneness and unity of God, whom they refer to as Almighty. They do not believe that God takes human form. The Druze faith emphasizes living an ethical life and developing…

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A common question that arises when studying the Bible is whether Jesus and Satan are brothers. This stems from the fact that they are both spiritual beings who are sons of God. However, the Bible makes some key distinctions between Jesus and Satan that show they are not brothers in the sense that humans typically understand that term. First, it’s important to understand that Jesus is the eternal Son of God. He has always existed as the second person of the Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (John 1:1-3; Philippians 2:6-7). Jesus is fully God and took on human…

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Generalism is the practice of having knowledge or expertise across multiple disciplines and domains, rather than specializing in a single area. From a biblical perspective, generalism enables us to serve God in a variety of ways and contexts. The Bible does not explicitly use the term “generalism,” but it promotes the value of being well-rounded in skills and abilities. For example, the book of Ecclesiastes states that there is “a time for everything” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). This implies that we should cultivate diverse experiences and abilities to handle various seasons and responsibilities in life. Additionally, the Bible upholds generalists in roles…

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