Author: Mike Solis

The question of whether Bible translations should use gender-inclusive language is an important one for modern readers. On one side, some argue that gender-inclusive language distorts the meaning of the original Hebrew and Greek texts. On the other side, some contend that using inclusive language helps convey the truths of Scripture in a way that resonates better with contemporary audiences. There are good-faith arguments on both sides of this issue. Ultimately, whether or not to use inclusive language requires carefully weighing faithfulness to the biblical texts against comprehension and reception by modern readers. The case for gender-inclusive language Advocates of…

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The blessing of Abraham refers to the blessings God promised to Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3. In these verses, God makes a covenant with Abraham, telling him that He will make him into a great nation, bless him, make his name great, and make him a blessing to all families of the earth. God also tells Abraham that those who bless him will be blessed, and those who curse him will be cursed. This covenant and these promises to Abraham are known as the blessing of Abraham. There are several key aspects to the blessing of Abraham: God promised to make…

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The concept of “generational curses” refers to harmful behaviors, tendencies, or misfortunes that are passed down through multiple generations in a family due to sinful patterns and destructive lifestyles. The Bible indicates that the sins and iniquities of one generation can have ripple effects on future generations. However, the good news is that generational curses can be broken through faith in Jesus Christ. Here is an overview of what the Bible teaches about generational curses and how to break free from them: Old Testament Examples of Generational Curses The Old Testament provides some sobering examples of how generational curses operated…

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The Bible does not directly address the issue of self-defense in detail, but there are several principles and passages that provide guidance on this topic. Here is an overview of the biblical perspective on self-defense: 1. The right to life and preservation of life The Bible shows that God values human life and considers the unjust taking of human life to be morally wrong (Exodus 20:13). Self-defense could be viewed as a means of protecting and preserving life against an unjust aggressor. The Bible permits taking human life in instances like capital punishment (Genesis 9:6), during wartime (Deuteronomy 20), and…

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The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity and active agent of God’s will in our lives as believers. But how can we know if we have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us? The Bible provides several key indicators. The Inner Witness One way to know if you have the Holy Spirit is the inner witness He provides testifying that you belong to God. Romans 8:16 says, “The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.” This inner confirmation is not based on feelings or emotions but an inner knowing that we have…

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The issue of Israel building settlements in the occupied territories is complex and divisive. There are differing perspectives on this issue, even among Bible-believing Christians. In this 9,000 word article, we will attempt to summarize the key biblical principles related to Israel, the land, justice and peace that can inform our thinking on this challenging topic. First, the Bible makes clear promises about the land of Israel belonging to the Jewish people. Passages like Genesis 12:1-3, 15:18-21, and 17:7-8 show God promising the land of Canaan to Abraham and his descendants forever. This promise is repeated to Isaac, Jacob, and…

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The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is one of the most well-known accounts in the Bible. These two cities, located in the plain south of the Dead Sea in the Middle East, were completely destroyed by God because of the wickedness and immorality of their inhabitants. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah served as a warning to future generations of the consequences of unchecked sin and rebellion against God. According to the biblical account in Genesis 18-19, God was prepared to spare Sodom if there were even ten righteous people in the city. But not ten righteous people could be…

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Is God the first cause? The question of whether God is the first cause is a philosophical and theological question that has been debated for centuries. The Bible does not explicitly state that God is the “first cause” in philosophical terms, but it does clearly present God as the creator of all things who himself is uncreated. Here is an overview of some key biblical principles relating to God’s role as creator and first cause: 1. God created all things. Multiple verses affirm that God created everything in heaven and on earth (Genesis 1:1, Isaiah 42:5, Revelation 4:11). As creator…

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The Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God that Christians hold as the ultimate authority for faith and practice. However, Catholic tradition also plays an important role in Catholic theology and practice alongside Scripture. Here is a 9000 word examination of what the Bible teaches regarding the relationship between Scripture and tradition and whether Catholic tradition should have equal or greater authority than the Bible. The Bible affirms its own authority and sufficiency as the Word of God. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 states, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for…

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Universalism is the theological belief that all people will eventually be saved and go to heaven. This view stands in contrast to more traditional Christian beliefs that salvation is only available through faith in Jesus Christ. The question of whether universalism is biblical has been debated by theologians and believers for centuries. There are several passages in the Bible that, on the surface, seem to support universalism. For example, 1 Timothy 2:3-4 says that “God our Savior…wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” Similarly, 2 Peter 3:9 states that the Lord is…

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