Author: Mike Solis

Lydia was an important woman who is mentioned in the New Testament book of Acts. Here is an overview of what the Bible teaches about Lydia: Lydia Lived in the City of Thyatira The Bible first introduces Lydia in Acts 16:14, where she is identified as “a worshiper of God” who was from the city of Thyatira. Thyatira was located in the Roman province of Asia (modern day western Turkey) and was known for its guild of dyers and fabric merchants. This background helps explain how Lydia made her living (more on that below). Lydia Was a Seller of Purple…

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The gospel message is the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. At its core, the gospel is the revelation that Jesus Christ is God’s Son, that He died on the cross for our sins, and that He rose again to bring us new life. Here are 9 key essentials of the gospel message: 1. Humanity’s Sin and Separation from God The gospel starts with the reality that all human beings are sinners and separated from God (Romans 3:23). Sin entered the world through Adam and Eve’s disobedience, and now all people are born with a sinful nature…

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The apparent conflict between the age of stars being billions of years old and the earth being only thousands of years old according to the Bible has confused many. At first glance, it may seem incompatible that light from stars billions of lightyears away has reached earth if the earth is only thousands of years old. However, by examining what the Bible actually says about the age of the universe, there are reasonable explanations that resolve this perceived discrepancy. First, it’s important to understand the basis for believing the earth is thousands rather than billions of years old. There are…

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The question of whether Mormons are Christians is a complex one that requires careful examination of Mormon beliefs and practices in light of the Bible’s teachings. Here is a 9,000 word analysis exploring this topic: Mormonism, officially known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), identifies itself as a Christian denomination. However, there are significant differences between LDS theology and mainstream Christianity derived from the Bible that lead many to question whether Mormonism is truly Christian. This article will analyze several key doctrinal differences between Mormonism and biblical Christianity to help readers evaluate the compatibility between the…

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The allegorical interpretation method of biblical interpretation has been popular throughout church history, but it has some significant flaws. Here is an overview of what the allegorical method is and why it can be problematic: What is the Allegorical Interpretation Method? The allegorical method sees the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, as having hidden or secret meanings beyond the surface-level meaning of the text. Allegorists believe that biblical texts have multiple layers of meaning, and they seek to uncover deeper, allegorical truths behind the literal words on the page. With this approach, interpreters ignore or downplay the plain, original meaning…

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Poverty and hunger are massive global issues that affect millions of people around the world. As Christians, we are called to care for the poor and hungry in practical ways. The Bible has a lot to say about how we should respond to those in need. First and foremost, we need to recognize that God cares deeply about the plight of the poor and hungry. Throughout the Bible, God identifies with the poor and calls on His people to defend and care for them (Proverbs 14:31, Isaiah 25:4, Isaiah 58:10, Matthew 25:31-46). As followers of Christ, we must share God’s…

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Alienation is a complex concept with roots in philosophy, theology, psychology and sociology. At its core, alienation refers to a separation or estrangement between individuals, groups, and aspects of life that would normally be integrated. It can manifest in various ways, including: Feeling isolated or disconnected from other people Feeling that life has no meaning or purpose Feeling powerless or lacking control over one’s life and circumstances Being unable to relate to one’s work or find fulfillment in it Losing a sense of identity or authentic self The concept of alienation has been explored by many thinkers, but it was…

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Celebrate Recovery is a 12-step, Christian-based recovery program that was started in 1991 at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California. The program was founded by John Baker, a pastor at the church who was inspired to create a faith-based recovery program after overcoming his own struggles with alcoholism. Since its inception, Celebrate Recovery has grown into a worldwide organization with over 27,000 programs in churches, prisons, and recovery centers. But is Celebrate Recovery truly biblically sound? Let’s take a deeper look. Overview of Celebrate Recovery The Celebrate Recovery program is built on 8 recovery principles that are taken from the…

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The Book of Genesis contains two separate accounts of God’s creation of the world and humanity. Genesis 1:1-2:3 offers an overall summary of God’s creative work over six days, while Genesis 2:4-25 focuses in more detail on the sixth day when God created the first man and woman. At first glance, these two accounts may seem contradictory, leading some readers to question why there are two different Creation stories in Genesis. However, when examined closely, the differences can be reasonably explained in light of the texts’ different styles, focuses, and purposes. Some of the key differences between the accounts include:…

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The question of whether it is possible for humans to be holy is an important one for Christians. After all, the Bible repeatedly calls followers of God to “be holy, for I am holy” (1 Peter 1:16; Leviticus 11:44-45). Yet the Bible also clearly teaches that only God himself is truly and perfectly holy (Revelation 15:4). So how do we reconcile these biblical truths? In short, the Bible teaches that because of Jesus, Christians can and should pursue holiness, even though perfect holiness is found only in God. Through Christ’s sacrifice, the Holy Spirit empowers Christians to progressively become more…

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