Author: Mike Solis

The futurist interpretation of the book of Revelation holds that most of the events described in Revelation have not yet occurred, but will take place in the future end times. This view sees Revelation as prophecy of events that will happen right before Jesus Christ’s second coming. According to the futurist view, chapters 4-18 of Revelation depict the seven-year tribulation period that will precede Christ’s return. During this time, the Antichrist will emerge, there will be terrible judgments on the earth, and the faithful will undergo persecution. Futurists see the judgments in Revelation – the seals, trumpets and bowls -…

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I’m Young. How Can I Live the Christian Life? Introduction As a young person, living the Christian life can seem challenging. The temptations and pressures of the world often pull us in the opposite direction of following Christ. However, God has given us guidance and principles in His Word to help us navigate these difficult waters. By prioritizing our relationship with God, surrounding ourselves with Christian community, being in the Word, pursuing purity, and living on mission, young believers can grow in maturity and bear fruit for the kingdom. Prioritize Your Relationship with God The most important thing for a…

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The verse 1 Corinthians 10:31 says “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” This verse teaches an important principle for Christians – that everything we do in life should be done to glorify God. To understand what it means to glorify God, we first need to understand what the glory of God is. The glory of God refers to the infinite worth, excellence, greatness and majesty of who God is. It encompasses all of His divine attributes – His love, grace, goodness, wisdom, power, holiness etc. When we glorify God,…

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Being a single mother can be incredibly challenging. You may feel overwhelmed trying to provide for your child financially and emotionally on your own. You may wonder if you’re doing the right things or if your child is missing out by not having a father figure. God sees your struggle and He cares deeply for you and your child. Though the road is difficult at times, you are not alone. God promises to be your provider, comforter, and guide if you seek Him. God understands the challenges single mothers face God recognizes the unique difficulties single moms encounter. Raising a…

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How can I increase my faith? Faith is an integral part of the Christian walk. The Bible has a lot to say about growing in faith and trusting God more fully. Here are 9000 words on how to increase faith according to the Bible. To start, it’s important to understand what biblical faith is. Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as “the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Simply put, faith is trusting in God even when we cannot physically see the outcome. It’s living with confidence in God’s promises despite our circumstances. Growing our faith must…

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The Alpha Course is an introductory course to the Christian faith that allows people to explore the basics of Christianity in a relaxed, friendly setting. It was developed in the 1990s by Reverend Nicky Gumbel at Holy Trinity Brompton church in London and now runs in thousands of churches worldwide. Here is an overview of what the Alpha Course is and what it covers: Overview of the Alpha Course The Alpha Course is designed for people who are new to Christianity or want to strengthen their faith. It aims to provide a basic introduction to key Christian beliefs and practices…

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Many churches around the world have services or gatherings on Wednesday nights in addition to their regular Sunday services. There are several reasons why churches may choose to have a midweek service: 1. Additional Teaching and Discipleship One of the main reasons for a Wednesday night service is to provide additional biblical teaching, discipleship, and spiritual growth opportunities for the congregation. Sunday morning services are often more focused on corporate worship through music, prayer, and preaching. Wednesday nights allow pastors and church leaders to go deeper into topics from Sunday messages, lead Bible studies, or teach classes on spiritual growth…

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Forgiving oneself can be incredibly difficult. When we make mistakes or sin, guilt and shame can overwhelm us. We may feel like we don’t deserve forgiveness – from God or from ourselves. However, the Bible has a lot to say about God’s willingness to forgive us and how we can learn to forgive ourselves. We are all sinners in need of forgiveness The Bible is clear that all people have sinned and fall short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23). We all make mistakes daily. Even after we become Christians, we will continue to mess up. Philippians 3:13-14 reminds us to…

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Sarah and Hagar are two important women in the biblical narrative of Abraham and his family. Though Sarah was Abraham’s wife, Hagar was her handmaid. The relationship between Sarah and Hagar illustrates the complex family dynamics of biblical times. Their story raises issues of marriage, fertility, class, race, and God’s promises. Examining the biblical account of Sarah and Hagar provides insight into the ancient worldview and values. Sarah’s Background Sarah, originally named Sarai, was the wife of Abraham (originally named Abram). According to Genesis 11:29-31, Sarai and Abram were from Ur of the Chaldeans, and they set out together from…

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Expository preaching is a style of preaching that seeks to explain and apply the meaning of a biblical text. The goal is to help the congregation understand what the Bible says and how it applies to their lives. Here are some key features of expository preaching: Preaches Through a Passage Expository preaching works through a passage verse-by-verse, phrase-by-phrase, or concept-by-concept. It does not jump around from point to point but stays anchored in one main passage of Scripture. This allows the preacher to dig deep into the meaning of the text. Exposes the Original Meaning Expository preaching seeks to uncover…

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