Author: Mike Solis

The issue of how to respond to illegal immigration is a complex one that elicits strong opinions on various sides. As Christians seeking to follow biblical principles, it is important that we engage this issue with wisdom, compassion and an aim for justice. Here are some key considerations from a biblical perspective: 1. Remember that all people are made in God’s image. The Bible teaches that all human beings, regardless of race, ethnicity, legal status, etc., are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). As such, immigrants, both legal and illegal, deserve to be treated with dignity and respect…

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The Bible verse Matthew 24:12 states “And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.” This verse comes from Jesus’ Olivet Discourse, where He describes events that will occur before His second coming. In this verse, Jesus predicts that in the end times, “the love of many will grow cold.” What does this mean? To understand this verse, we first need to look at the context. In Matthew 24, Jesus’ disciples ask Him about the signs of His coming and the end of the age (v. 3). Jesus goes on to describe various events – wars,…

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Nihilism is a philosophical viewpoint that rejects belief systems and moral principles, often embracing the view that life is meaningless. From a biblical perspective, nihilism runs counter to key Christian teachings about meaning, morality, and the nature of God. This article will examine what nihilism is, key nihilist thinkers, and provide a biblical response to its claims. Nihilism comes from the Latin word “nihil” meaning nothing. As a philosophy, nihilism asserts that life and the universe lack meaning, purpose, and intrinsic value. Nihilists reject religious and moral principles, often believing that existence itself is senseless. Nihilism has roots in 19th…

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Romans 14:1 refers to matters of conscience that Christians may disagree on. Based on the broader context of Romans 14, here are some of the key disputable matters that the apostle Paul addresses: 1. Dietary restrictions Some believers felt they should abstain from certain foods and drinks based on religious convictions. For example, some Jewish Christians still followed kosher dietary laws and refused to eat pork or other non-kosher foods (Romans 14:2). Others may have chosen to be vegetarian or abstain from wine (Romans 14:21). Paul’s advice is not to pass judgment on each other over different dietary choices. 2.…

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The Bible does not contain any direct commands about shaving or not shaving. However, there are some passages that mention shaving and provide principles that can guide believers on this issue. Old Testament References to Shaving In the Old Testament, shaving was often associated with mourning, humiliation, or making a special vow. Here are some examples: When Job suffered the loss of his children and possessions, “Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshiped” (Job 1:20). Shaving his head was an outward sign of his mourning and anguish. God commanded…

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According to the Bible, true love between a man and a woman should be patterned after the love between Christ and the church. Christ’s love for the church is described as sacrificial, unconditional, and eternal (Ephesians 5:25-33). This type of agape love goes beyond feelings and emotions to an act of the will, choosing to love the other person even when you don’t feel like it. So how can you know if you truly love someone and are not just infatuated? Here are some key indicators from the Bible that you may be experiencing real love: 1. You are willing…

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Esoteric Christianity refers to mystical, inner layers of meaning and interpretation of the Bible and Christian theology that go beyond a surface, exoteric understanding. Esoteric Christianity sees the Bible as having hidden, secret, or inner meanings that are accessible only to those initiated into certain esoteric knowledge and practices. Some key aspects of Esoteric Christianity include: Allegorical and Symbolic Interpretation of Scripture Esoteric Christianity does not take the Bible purely at face value but believes large portions, especially the Old Testament, are written in allegory and symbol. For example, Adam and Eve represent fallen humanity, the Exodus symbolizes the journey…

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Death is an inevitable part of life that we must all face eventually. As Christians, the Bible provides comfort, hope and guidance on how we can best prepare ourselves both spiritually and practically for when that day comes. Here are some key ways the Bible says we can prepare ourselves to die: 1. Put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior The most important preparation for death is to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. The Bible tells us that anyone who believes and trusts in Christ will have eternal life (John 3:16). When…

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The doctrine of the mean is a concept found in the Bible that emphasizes moderation, avoidance of extremes, and living a balanced life. It teaches that virtue and wisdom are found in the “middle way” between excess and deficiency. This doctrine is rooted in several biblical principles: Moderation The Bible warns against going to extremes and advocates living with moderation and self-control. “Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.” (Philippians 4:5) “And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things.” (1 Corinthians 9:25) Moderation means not indulging in too much…

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Atenism was an ancient Egyptian religion that worshipped the sun disk, Aten, as the one true god. It was established by Pharaoh Akhenaten in the 14th century BCE and represented a dramatic shift from Egypt’s traditional polytheistic religion to a form of monotheism. Here is a detailed overview of Atenism: Origins and History Prior to Atenism, the ancient Egyptians worshipped a multitude of gods and goddesses, including Ra, the sun god. Akhenaten’s father, Amenhotep III, had already placed considerable emphasis on the solar deity Ra, building numerous temples in his honor. However, Akhenaten took this solar worship even further by…

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