Author: Mike Solis

Having a clear conscience is important for our spiritual and emotional well-being. A guilty conscience can weigh us down, while a clear conscience allows us to experience joy and peace. The Bible provides guidance on how to obtain a clear conscience before God and man. First, we obtain a clear conscience by confessing and repenting of our sins. 1 John 1:9 tells us, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” Bringing our sins into the light through confession allows God’s forgiveness to cleanse our conscience.…

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God making His enemies a footstool is a concept found in Psalm 110:1, which says “The Lord says to my Lord: “Sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool.” This verse depicts a common practice in the ancient world of kings placing their feet on subdued enemies or using them as a footstool. Though not meant to be taken in a purely literal sense, this imagery conveys the total supremacy and sovereignty of God over all opposing powers. The background of Psalm 110 sheds light on the meaning of this expression. Psalm 110 is recognized as…

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Nontrinitarianism refers to Christian beliefs that reject the doctrine of the Trinity. The Trinity holds that God is one God who eternally exists as three distinct persons – God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. Nontrinitarians reject this view and have varying perspectives on the nature of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. History of nontrinitarian groups Nontrinitarian groups arose early in Christian history, as some questioned and challenged the prevailing orthodox views of God as Trinity. Some key nontrinitarian groups over the centuries include: Adoptionists – Believed Jesus was born fully human and…

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Lo Debar is mentioned several times in the Old Testament of the Bible, primarily in relation to King Saul’s son Mephibosheth. The name Lo Debar means “no pasture” or “no grazing place” in Hebrew, indicating it was located in a barren or unfruitful area. Though its exact location is unknown, Lo Debar was likely east of the Jordan River in the region of Gilead. The first biblical mention of Lo Debar is in 2 Samuel 9. After Saul and Jonathan are killed in battle, David seeks out any remaining descendants of Saul to show kindness to for Jonathan’s sake. He…

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Prayer is one of the most powerful spiritual tools available to Christians. Through prayer, we can communicate directly with God and experience His presence and power in our lives. The Bible has much to say about the purpose, power, and effectiveness of prayer for the believer. At its most basic level, prayer is conversation with God. Through prayer, we praise and worship God for who He is and thank Him for all He has done. We confess our sins and ask for forgiveness. We make requests of Him and seek guidance for decisions. We intercede on behalf of others, asking…

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The 9Marks ministry, founded by Mark Dever, seeks to equip church leaders with biblical and practical resources to build healthy churches. The ministry’s name comes from its emphasis on nine marks or characteristics of a healthy church: preaching, biblical theology, the gospel, conversion, evangelism, membership, discipline, discipleship, and leadership. While the 9Marks materials can be very helpful, like any human work, they should be examined in light of Scripture to assess their faithfulness to God’s Word. Preaching 9Marks teaches that faithful biblical preaching is central to the ministry of a healthy church. The Bible supports this emphasis. Passages like 2…

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The concept of the “evil eye” is found throughout history and across many cultures. It generally refers to the idea that certain people can inflict harm simply by looking at someone with envy or ill intent. The Bible does not specifically mention the phrase “evil eye,” but it has some things to say related to this topic. Envy and Jealousy The Bible warns against envy and jealousy, which are closely associated with the evil eye concept. Proverbs 14:30 says, “A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.” James 3:16 states, “For where jealousy and…

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Deconversion refers to the process of abandoning or rejecting a religious belief system that one previously held. It represents a major shift in one’s worldview and identity. While the term is most commonly associated with leaving Christianity, it can apply to departing from any religious tradition. Some key aspects of deconversion include: Examining doubts and changing beliefs Deconversion often begins with doubting or questioning core tenets of one’s faith. This leads to investigating other perspectives and re-evaluating what one believes to be true. As beliefs shift, there is a disconnect between the religion’s teachings and one’s own evolving beliefs. This…

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What are the Courts of Heaven? The courts of heaven is a concept that some Christians believe exists based on certain biblical passages. It refers to a spiritual court system in the heavenly realms where believers can bring petitions and requests before God. The idea comes from verses that mention God as judge, the assembly of divine beings as a council or court, and the notion of spiritual authority and battles. Supporters believe Christians have a legal right to enter the courts of heaven because of the authority they have through Christ. By presenting their case before God as Judge…

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The Hebrew word ruach has a range of meanings in the Bible, centered on the idea of “breath” or “wind.” Understanding the nuances of ruach is important for grasping key biblical concepts about God, humans, and the spiritual realm. Literal Meanings of Ruach The most literal meaning of ruach is “wind” or “breath.” This can refer to: – The physical wind (Genesis 8:1) – The breath in a person’s nostrils (Genesis 2:7, Genesis 7:22) – A person’s life force or vitality (Job 27:3, Job 34:14) This literal sense of wind/breath is the core meaning from which several metaphorical usages derive.…

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