Author: Mike Solis

Discerning God’s will and knowing when He is speaking to us is an important part of the Christian walk. Here are some biblical principles to keep in mind when seeking to understand if God is leading you to take a certain action: 1. Test it against Scripture God will never guide us to do something that violates or contradicts His Word (2 Timothy 3:16-17). If we believe God is telling us to lie, steal, commit adultery, or take any action explicitly forbidden in Scripture, we can be sure that is not God speaking. His voice will always align with biblical…

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The verse James 2:13 states, “For judgment is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.” This verse teaches an important principle about how God judges and shows mercy. Let’s break down the meaning and implications of this verse. 1. Judgment without mercy The first part of the verse makes it clear that God’s judgment is unrelenting toward those who have not shown mercy themselves. If we are harsh, unforgiving, and uncaring toward others, we can expect no mercy from God when we are judged for our sins. As Jesus said, “For with the judgment…

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Jesus Christ, the central figure of Christianity, is regarded by Christians as the incarnation of God. During his earthly ministry, Jesus taught many profound truths through parables, sermons, and conversations. Here are some of the most well-known and influential sayings of Jesus recorded in the Bible: 1. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) This verse summarizes the gospel message – that God loved humanity so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins so that we…

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This is a complex question that requires looking carefully at what the Bible teaches about the Old Testament law and its application for Christians today. At a high level, the answer is that Christians are not bound to obey the Old Testament laws about rituals, sacrifices, food restrictions, and other aspects of the Mosaic Law. However, the moral and ethical principles in the Old Testament remain instructive for Christian living. Let’s explore this in more detail. The Purpose of the Old Testament Law First, it is important to understand the purpose of the Mosaic Law recorded in the Old Testament…

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Crucifixion was a gruesome method of execution practiced in the ancient world, most infamously during Roman times. Though the origins of crucifixion are unclear, it seems to have first emerged as a form of capital punishment in Persia sometime before the 6th century BC. From there, it spread to the Carthaginians, Greeks, and eventually the Romans who perfected it as a spectacularly cruel demise for slaves and prisoners of war. The practice involved nailing or tying the victim to a large wooden cross or stake and letting them hang there until they died from shock, blood loss, exposure, hunger, and…

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Biblical creationism is the belief, based on the Bible, that God created the heavens, the earth, and all life within a few days around 6,000 years ago. This view stands in contrast to evolutionary ideas of universal common descent over billions of years. Biblical creationism is important for several reasons: 1. It affirms the authority and truthfulness of Scripture The opening chapters of Genesis provide an account of God’s creative work over six normal days followed by a day of rest. If this text is discounted as mere myth or allegory not intended to convey actual history, then doubt is…

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The book of Malachi contains strong words from God about divorce. In Malachi 2:16, God declares, “For the man who does not love his wife but divorces her, says the Lord, the God of Israel, covers his garment with violence, says the Lord of hosts. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and do not be faithless.” This verse has caused much discussion about God’s view of divorce. To fully understand Malachi 2:16, it is important to put it in context. Malachi was a prophet speaking to the people of Israel after their return from exile in Babylon. At this time,…

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Deductive Bible study is a method of studying the Bible that involves drawing conclusions from biblical principles and truths. The goal is to carefully examine passages of Scripture to understand the meaning and then apply or deduce principles that are consistent with the teachings of the Bible as a whole. Some key aspects of deductive Bible study include: Starting with Clear Biblical Statements Deductive study starts with clear biblical declarations and statements of truth that are expressly stated in Scripture. For example, passages that directly describe the attributes of God, the sinful nature of humanity, salvation by grace through faith,…

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Expressing doubt to God can feel scary or offensive, especially when we see verses that warn against questioning or doubting Him (Malachi 2:17; 3:14-15). However, the Bible shows that honesty before God is valued, and He can handle our doubts. The key is bringing them to Him with humility and seeking understanding. First, we can look at examples of faithful followers expressing doubt. In Exodus 33, Moses boldly asked to see God’s glory after everything he had witnessed. God graciously responded by revealing His goodness. The psalmists often cried out in raw, honest laments, even questioning God’s love or asking…

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The “readiness of the gospel of peace” refers to being spiritually prepared to share the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. This readiness comes from having the gospel of peace firmly planted in our own hearts and lives. In Ephesians 6:15, Paul instructs believers to have their “feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace” as part of the spiritual armor God provides. The Roman soldiers of the day wore sandals or boots studded with nails for traction and readiness in battle. For the Christian, readiness comes from the firm footing provided by…

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