Author: Mike Solis

The existence of evil and suffering in the world is a challenging issue that many struggle with, both believers and nonbelievers alike. The Bible provides insight into this difficult question. While we may not fully understand all the reasons behind it, Scripture points to several key truths. First, the Bible teaches that evil and suffering entered the world through human sin and rebellion against God (Genesis 3). When Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s command, sin corrupted all of creation. This brought physical and moral evil into a world that God originally created “very good” (Genesis 1:31). Ever since humanity’s fall…

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Divine providence refers to God’s sovereign oversight and care over all of creation. The doctrine of divine providence affirms that God sustains and governs everything that occurs in the universe. This doctrine is rooted in numerous biblical passages that point to God’s universal lordship and control. At the heart of divine providence is the notion that God guides all things to fulfill His perfect will and bring about His intended purposes. Though God allows human free will and does not determine all human actions, He nevertheless directs all things towards His desired ends. As Romans 8:28 states, “And we know…

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The Letter of King Abgar to Jesus refers to a correspondence between King Abgar V of Edessa and Jesus Christ himself. This legendary exchange is found in early Christian histories and is thought to have taken place sometime during Jesus’ ministry. According to the account, King Abgar heard reports of Jesus’ miraculous deeds and healing powers. Afflicted with an incurable illness, the king wrote to Jesus praising his works and inviting him to take refuge in Abgar’s kingdom to escape persecution from the Jews. The histories then claim that Jesus wrote a letter back praising Abgar’s faith and promising to…

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The Bible teaches in Galatians 6:7 that “God is not mocked.” This is a profound truth that we should seek to understand and apply to our lives. At its core, it means that God cannot be fooled, tricked, or belittled without consequence. His character and laws are not to be trifled with. In this article, we will unpack the meaning of this verse and see how it should shape our perspective and actions as followers of Christ. The Context of Galatians 6:7 To properly understand any verse, we must start by looking at its context. Galatians 6:7 falls within Paul’s…

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King Jehoahaz was the son of King Josiah and the seventeenth king of the Kingdom of Judah. He reigned for only three months in 609 BC before being deposed by Pharaoh Necho II and replaced with his brother Eliakim, whose name was changed to Jehoiakim. Jehoahaz’s brief reign is described in 2 Kings 23:30-34 and 2 Chronicles 36:1-4. When Josiah died at the Battle of Megiddo against the Egyptians, the people of Judah chose Jehoahaz to succeed his father as king rather than Josiah’s oldest son Eliakim (2 Kings 23:30). Jehoahaz was likely younger than Eliakim but was preferred by…

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What is the Bible About? The Bible is a collection of ancient writings that chronicle God’s relationship with humanity. It is made up of 66 books written by over 40 different authors over a span of 1500 years. Despite having many different writers across different times and cultures, the Bible shows an amazing unity in its message and purpose. At its core, the Bible reveals who God is, the nature of humanity, and God’s unfolding plan to redeem and restore humanity and all of creation. Here is a brief overview of some of the main themes and purposes of the…

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The Bible verse Proverbs 11:30 states “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and whoever captures souls is wise.” This verse points to the great value and wisdom of winning souls for the kingdom of God. In its context, it contrasts the righteous person who brings life to others with the wicked who harm others. Let’s explore the meaning and implications of this important verse. 1. Winning souls is spiritually fruitful The first part of the verse describes the “fruit of the righteous.” In the Bible, spiritual fruit refers to the good works, blessings, and especially people…

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In the Bible, the firstborn child holds a special status and importance. This theme begins in Genesis and continues throughout Scripture. Here are some key reasons why the firstborn is emphasized in the Bible: 1. The firstborn received a double portion of inheritance Under Old Testament law, the firstborn son received a double portion of the father’s inheritance (Deuteronomy 21:17). This gave the firstborn a greater share of property and assets. For example, if there were five sons, the inheritance would be divided into six equal shares – with the firstborn receiving two shares. This privileged position recognized the firstborn…

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The question of whether God will forgive a particular sin is one that weighs heavily on the hearts and minds of many Christians. Though we may feel deep shame and regret over sins we have committed, the Bible offers hope and reassurance that God is merciful and eager to extend forgiveness to those who earnestly seek it. First, it is important to remember that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Even Christians, who have been redeemed by Christ, continue to stumble and commit acts of disobedience against God. Thankfully, 1 John 1:9 gives…

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The Bible clearly teaches that there is only one true God. This God is the creator of all things and the only one worthy of worship. Yet there are references in the Bible to other “gods” and spiritual beings. So how many gods are there from a biblical perspective? The most fundamental verse on this topic is Deuteronomy 6:4, which states “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.” This verse affirms that there is only one God, who revealed himself to the people of Israel. The oneness and uniqueness of God is a foundational teaching throughout…

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