Author: Mike Solis

The days of Noah refer to the time period when Noah was alive, before the great flood that God sent to judge the wickedness of mankind. This was a unique and important time in biblical history that teaches us a lot about the state of humanity, God’s judgment, and His grace and salvation. According to the Bible, the days leading up to the flood were characterized by great evil and corruption. Genesis 6:5 states that “The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only…

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The Bible declares that Jesus Christ is the “firstborn over all creation” (Colossians 1:15). This is a profound statement about the divine nature and preeminent position of Christ. But what exactly does it mean? Here is an in-depth look at the biblical teaching on Jesus as the “firstborn” over Creation: The Title “Firstborn” The title “firstborn” (prototokos in Greek) indicates priority, preeminence, sovereignty, and inheritance rights. It refers to the firstborn son who had a privileged position in the family during biblical times. He would receive a double portion of the inheritance and become the head of the household after…

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The story of Adonijah and Solomon fighting over Abishag is found in 1 Kings chapter 2. To summarize the background, David was old and feeble, and his servants brought a young woman named Abishag to care for him and keep him warm at night. However, the Bible specifies that David did not have intimate relations with Abishag (1 Kings 1:4). When David was nearing death, his son Adonijah declared himself king even though David had already chosen Solomon as his successor. After David died and Solomon became king, Adonijah approached Bathsheba, Solomon’s mother, and asked her to ask Solomon for…

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The practice of “pleading the blood of Jesus” is common in some Christian circles. It involves verbally pleading or claiming the power of Jesus’ shed blood for protection, deliverance, or healing. But is this practice biblical? Let’s take a look at what the Bible says. The Meaning of Jesus’ Blood In the Bible, the blood of Jesus refers to His sacrificial death on the cross. Jesus said at the Last Supper, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins” (Matthew 26:28). Hebrews 9:22 also says, “without the shedding of blood…

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What does it mean to dwell in the “shadow of the Almighty” (Psalm 91:1)? The phrase “dwell in the shadow of the Almighty” comes from Psalm 91:1, which says “He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.” This is a beautiful metaphor that conveys the protection, comfort, and security that come from being close to God. Here are some key things to understand about dwelling in God’s shadow: God’s Protection The imagery of being in someone’s shadow conveys the idea of being covered and protected. Just as a shadow blocks…

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Hebrews 6:1 says “Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God”. This verse mentions “repentance from dead works” as one of the foundational teachings of Christianity that believers should move on from once they have grasped it. To understand what “repentance from dead works” means, we need to examine the context of the verse, the meaning of “dead works”, and the meaning of repentance. By looking at these key concepts, we can gain insight into this important…

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The name of the Roman soldier who pierced Jesus’ side with a spear while He was on the cross is not given in the Bible. However, extra-biblical traditions have suggested various names for this soldier over the years, with “Longinus” being one of the most well-known. The Gospel of John refers to this incident in John 19:31-34: Since it was the day of Preparation, and so that the bodies would not remain on the cross on the Sabbath (for that Sabbath was a high day), the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken and that they might be…

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Gath was one of the five major Philistine city-states located west of Judah along the Mediterranean coast. The Philistines were frequent enemies of Israel during the period of the judges and the united monarchy. As such, Gath plays an important role in several biblical stories. Gath in the Time of the Judges During the chaotic period of the judges, the Philistines oppressed Israel and controlled much of their territory. Gath is mentioned as one of the Philistine strongholds during this time. In Judges 3:3, Gath is listed as one of the five Philistine cities along with Gaza, Ashdod, Ekron, and…

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The phrase “What would Jesus do?” (often abbreviated WWJD) became popular in the 1990s as a personal motto for Christians, particularly in the United States. The intention behind the motto is to encourage people to make decisions and act in a manner that follows and honors the example set by Jesus Christ. But is this a biblical concept that Christians should seek to live by? Let’s explore what the Bible has to say. The Importance of Following Jesus’ Example The Bible makes it clear that Jesus left us an example to follow. 1 Peter 2:21 says “For to this you…

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The Bible does not directly mention zombies, as the modern concept of zombies as reanimated dead bodies seeking to consume human flesh and brains comes from pop culture and Hollywood films. However, the Bible has a lot to say about death, resurrection, and the afterlife that can provide insight into how a Christian should think about notions of zombies. Death is final apart from resurrection The Bible is clear that death is final, and there is no consciousness after death apart from resurrection. When someone dies, their spirit returns to God who gave it (Ecclesiastes 12:7). The body decays and…

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