Author: Mike Solis

The Bible has a lot to say about how Christians should treat their bosses. As employees, Christians are called to have the right attitude and perspective towards work, submit to authority with respect, be obedient and serve wholeheartedly, work with excellence, integrity and grace, honor God in their work, and trust that God is sovereign over all. Here is an in-depth look at what the Bible teaches on how Christians should treat their bosses: Christians should have the right attitude about work. Work is a gift from God and He has designed each person with unique gifts, talents and abilities…

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This is a difficult question, but one that the Bible helps provide insight into. To properly address this topic, we must first understand a few key truths that Scripture reveals: 1. God created Satan good Satan was originally created by God as a holy angel named Lucifer. Ezekiel 28:12-15 indicates that Lucifer was full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. He was in the garden of Eden and adorned with precious stones. But verse 15 notes that wickedness was found in Lucifer. So at some point he rebelled against God and became an adversary (which is what the name Satan…

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The Bible has a lot to say about stereotypes, judging others, and showing partiality. Here is an overview of some key biblical principles regarding stereotypes: We are all made in God’s image Genesis 1:27 states that God created humanity, both male and female, in His own image. All people, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age, ability, etc. reflect the image of God. We are all made by Him, loved by Him, and have innate dignity and worth (Psalm 8:5). When we stereotype groups of people, we fail to honor the God-given dignity and value He has bestowed on each person.…

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Unrequited love can be a profoundly painful experience. You have given your heart to someone, but they do not return your affections. This kind of one-sided love is unfortunately common, but that doesn’t make it any easier to bear. When the object of your affection does not feel the same way, it’s natural to wonder what to do next. How should a Christian respond in the face of unrequited love? The Bible does not give direct instructions about unrequited romantic love specifically. However, there are principles and examples that can guide us. First, we should recognize that God is sovereign…

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Elijah and Elisha were two of the most important prophets in the Old Testament. Their stories are told primarily in the books of 1 and 2 Kings. Here is an overview of their stories: Elijah Elijah first appears in 1 Kings 17, where he suddenly confronts wicked King Ahab and declares that there will be no rain or dew except by his word (1 Kings 17:1). God then directs Elijah to hide by the Brook Cherith, where ravens feed him. When the brook dries up, God sends Elijah to a widow in Zarephath and miraculously provides food for them during…

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The Fruit of the Holy Spirit – What is Joy? Joy is one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit mentioned in Galatians 5:22-23. It is a supernatural and divine joy that comes from having a relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ. Here is an in-depth look at 9000 words on the meaning, characteristics, source, and purpose of the joy that God desires for all believers. Meaning of Joy The original Greek word for joy in Galatians 5:22 is ‘chara’ which means gladness or delight. Biblical joy is an inner gladness and delight in the Lord regardless of…

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The Bible does not directly address the practice of massage therapy or getting a massage. However, there are some biblical principles that can provide guidance for Christians thinking about massage. Here is an overview of what the Bible has to offer on this topic: The Body as a Temple of the Holy Spirit The Bible teaches that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). As such, we have a responsibility to care for and honor God with our bodies. Getting regular massages could be part of caring for the body God has given us. However, any…

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The Venerable Bede was an English monk, scholar, and historian who lived in the early Middle Ages. He was born around 672-673 AD in the Kingdom of Northumbria, which is now northern England. Bede spent his entire life at the monasteries of Wearmouth and Jarrow, where he dedicated himself to studying Scripture and writing influential works of history, theology, and science. He is best known for his book Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (The Ecclesiastical History of the English People), a foundational text for understanding early English history and the arrival of Christianity in Britain. Bede’s early life is not well…

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The First Epistle of John, often referred to simply as First John or 1 John, is the fourth of the General Epistles or Catholic Epistles of the New Testament. This epistle was likely written by John the Evangelist around 90-95 A.D. while he was living in Ephesus. The purpose of 1 John seems to be to combat certain false teachings concerning the nature of Christ and the Christian life. Throughout the letter, John repeatedly emphasizes the themes of love, obedience, and holding fast to the true faith in Christ. Here are some common questions people have about this important New…

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Who was Lot in the Bible? Lot was an important figure in the Old Testament. He was the nephew of Abraham and traveled with him from Ur to Canaan. Here is an overview of Lot’s story in 9000 words: Lot’s Background The Bible first introduces Lot in Genesis 11 as the son of Haran and the grandson of Terah. Haran was Abraham’s brother, making Lot Abraham’s nephew (Genesis 11:27). When Terah, Abraham, Sarah, and Lot left Ur and traveled toward Canaan, they settled in Haran. After Terah died, God called Abraham to go to Canaan, and Abraham took Lot with…

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