Author: Mike Solis

The Prayer of Azariah, also known as the Song of the Three Holy Children, is an apocryphal/deuterocanonical passage found in the Book of Daniel in Catholic and Orthodox Christian Bibles. It consists of a lengthy prayer attributed to Azariah (Abednego) while he and his companions Shadrach (Hananiah) and Meshach (Mishael) were in the fiery furnace (Daniel 3:23). The passage describes how Azariah stood up and prayed aloud to God while in the fiery furnace. He praised God for his power and mercy, and for delivering the Israelites out of Egypt. Azariah acknowledged Israel’s sin and God’s punishment, but asked for…

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Jerusalem is one of the most important cities in the Bible and has deep spiritual and historical significance. The city is mentioned over 800 times in the Bible, more than any other place. Jerusalem was the capital of ancient Israel and Judah and housed the Jewish temple. It’s a holy city for Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Understanding Jerusalem’s biblical history and spiritual meaning is key to unlocking many parts of Scripture. The first mention of Jerusalem in the Bible is in Joshua 10:1, where it is called Jebus and inhabited by the Jebusites. After the Israelites conquered Canaan, Jerusalem fell…

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According to the Bible, a true Christian is someone who has put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. This means they have acknowledged their sinfulness, repented, and believed that Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross paid the penalty for their sins. The true Christian life is characterized by following Jesus’ teachings, being transformed by the Holy Spirit, and producing spiritual fruit. Though Christians still struggle with sin, the true Christian is being progressively sanctified by the Spirit and perseveres in faith. Here is a more in-depth explanation of key aspects of the true Christian…

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Alchemy is an ancient practice focused on transforming base metals into gold or silver. It was popular in the Middle Ages and Renaissance periods among early chemists and philosophers who were trying to discover the philosopher’s stone, a mythical substance that was believed to be capable of turning inexpensive metals into precious ones like gold and silver. The basics behind alchemy stemmed from Aristotle’s idea that all matter was composed of four elements – earth, air, fire, and water. Alchemists believed that if they could modify the balance of these elements within a substance, they could change that substance into…

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Alms are charitable donations or gifts given to the poor and needy. The practice of giving alms is encouraged throughout the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments. Here is an overview of what the Bible teaches about alms: Old Testament Teachings on Alms The Old Testament law commanded the Israelites to be generous towards the poor and needy in their midst. God instructed them not to harden their hearts or close their hands against their poor brothers, but to open their hands to the needy and lend generously (Deuteronomy 15:7-8). Gleaning laws allowed the poor to gather leftover…

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The phrase “garment of praise” comes from Isaiah 61:3 which says, “to grant to those who mourn in Zion— to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified.” This verse is speaking prophetically about the coming Messiah and the blessings He will bring. So what does it mean to wear a “garment of praise”? 1. Garment of praise contrasts the spirit of heaviness The garment of…

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Increasing spiritual discernment is an important goal for many Christians seeking to grow in their faith and relationship with God. Discernment is the ability to judge wisely and make good decisions, especially in spiritual matters. The Bible has much to say about discernment and provides guidance on how to develop it. First, we must understand that true discernment ultimately comes from God. Proverbs 2:6 says “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.” As we seek God through prayer, study of Scripture, and obedience, He will grant discernment and reveal truth to us (James 1:5, John…

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The stoning of Stephen – Why were the Jews allowed to stone Stephen but had to go through Pilate to kill Jesus? The stoning of Stephen, as recorded in Acts 7, and the crucifixion of Jesus, as recorded in the Gospels, both took place in Jerusalem under Roman rule. However, there were some key differences that explain why the Jews were able to stone Stephen themselves but had to go through Pontius Pilate to have Jesus crucified. Here are some of the main reasons: 1. The charges against Stephen and Jesus were different Stephen was accused of blasphemy against the…

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What sort of interfaith ministries are appropriate? The Bible does not explicitly prohibit interfaith ministries, but it does offer guidance on how Christians should approach interacting with people of other faiths. Here are some biblical principles to consider when evaluating what types of interfaith engagement are appropriate: 1. Maintain allegiance to Christ Christians’ primary allegiance should be to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior (Luke 9:23, John 14:15, 1 Corinthians 8:6). While we can build relationships and cooperate with people of other faiths in serving the community, we should avoid compromising core Christian beliefs or practices. Our motivation is to…

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D. L. Moody was an influential American evangelist and publisher who lived from 1837 to 1899. He founded the Northfield Seminary for Young Ladies, the Mount Hermon School for Boys, and the Moody Bible Institute. Through his preaching and publishing, Moody helped spark the late 19th century evangelical movement in America. Dwight Lyman Moody was born on February 5, 1837 in Northfield, Massachusetts. His father died when he was 4 years old, so he had to start working to help support his family at an early age. As a teenager, Moody moved to Boston and worked in his uncle’s shoe…

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