Author: Mike Solis

# What does the Bible say about witchcraft / witches? The Bible has a lot to say about witchcraft and those who practice it. Witchcraft is defined as the practice of magic, especially black magic, and encompasses various practices and rituals that aim to harness supernatural or occult forces to produce desired effects. The Bible condemns all forms of witchcraft and considers it sinful, detestable, and an abomination to God. ## Old Testament View of Witchcraft In the Old Testament, witchcraft is explicitly condemned. The Hebrew word translated as “witchcraft” or “sorcery” is “keshafim”, which refers to psychic abilities, divination,…

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The Bible has a lot to say about peace, both inner peace and peace in the world. At the heart of the Bible’s message about peace is that true, lasting peace comes from God. Here is an overview of some of the key biblical teachings on peace: Peace comes from God The Bible teaches that God is the source of true peace. Isaiah 9:6 calls the coming Messiah the “Prince of Peace.” Romans 15:33 refers to God as the “God of peace.” Philippians 4:7 talks about “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding.” True peace – inner tranquility and…

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The book of Job is one of the most well-known books in the Bible, yet its genre has been debated by scholars for centuries. Is it meant to be read as history or as a fictional story with a moral lesson? There are good arguments on both sides of this issue. Those who argue for the historicity of Job point to the detailed genealogy given in Job 1, tracing him back to a real person named Uz. The other characters also have names typical of the ancient Near East setting. Furthermore, the narrator gives no indication that this account is…

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The Bible does not specifically mention Russia by name in end times prophecy. However, some Bible scholars have speculated about Russia’s role based on certain passages that may point to Russia indirectly. Here is an overview of the main biblical references that relate to Russia’s potential role in end times events: Gog and Magog One of the major biblical passages that is often associated with Russia is Ezekiel 38-39 which describes a future invasion of Israel by a coalition of nations led by “Gog of the land of Magog.” Many biblical scholars believe Magog refers to the ancient Scythians who…

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An heir in the Bible refers to someone who inherits or is entitled to inherit property or a title upon the death of another. The concept of inheritance is central in Scripture, as believers are described as “heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ” (Romans 8:17). Here is a 9,000 word overview of what the Bible teaches about heirs: Old Testament Background In the Old Testament, inheritance laws and customs were an important part of Israelite society. Property, wealth, and leadership positions were passed down from fathers to sons as a birthright. The firstborn son had the right of primogeniture,…

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The existence of heaven is one of the most fundamental beliefs in Christianity. The Bible has a lot to say about heaven, what it is like, who goes there, and how to get there. Though the full nature of heaven is beyond human understanding, Scripture gives us glimpses of the joy, peace, and rest that await believers there. What is Heaven? Heaven is commonly understood to be the dwelling place of God and the angels. It is a realm of perfect communion with God and eternal life. Heaven is not so much a place as it is being in the…

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If Adam and Eve hadn’t sinned and introduced death into creation, the world would not have become overpopulated. The Bible teaches that God had a plan in place to allow the human population to grow in a sustainable way. When God created Adam and Eve, he blessed them and told them to “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it” (Genesis 1:28). This shows that God intended for humans to reproduce and spread across the earth. However, God did not intend for unchecked exponential population growth that would exceed the earth’s carrying capacity. In the original creation,…

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The role of youth pastor or youth minister is an important one in the church. This position is responsible for providing spiritual guidance, teaching, and mentorship to teenagers and young adults in the congregation. Though the role is not specifically outlined in the Bible, there are many principles and qualifications for spiritual leadership that can inform how this position should be carried out. Calling and Qualifications Several passages of Scripture outline the calling, character and capabilities required of those in spiritual leadership roles. While these verses do not specifically mention the youth pastor role, they provide guidance on the kind…

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Maliki Islam is one of the four major Sunni schools of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh). It was founded by Malik ibn Anas in the 8th century CE. Maliki fiqh emphasizes traditionalist interpretation and adherence to the practices of the early Muslim community in Medina during the time of the Prophet Muhammad. Some key features of Maliki Islam include: Sources of Law The primary sources of law in Maliki fiqh are the Quran, hadiths (sayings and traditions of Prophet Muhammad), ijma (scholarly consensus), and qiyas (analogical reasoning). However, Malikis place a strong emphasis on the practices of the Medinan Muslim community as…

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Absalom was the third son of King David mentioned in the Bible. He was known for his good looks and thick, beautiful hair. Absalom’s story is told primarily in 2 Samuel in the Old Testament. Absalom’s mother was Maacah, one of David’s wives (2 Samuel 3:3). He had a tumultuous relationship with his father. When his half-brother Amnon raped his sister Tamar, Absalom took matters into his own hands and had Amnon murdered for the crime. This caused him to flee from his father’s kingdom for a time. Eventually David allowed Absalom to return, but it seemed their relationship was…

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