Author: Mike Solis

For many people interested in learning more about the Bible, knowing where to start can seem like a daunting task. With 66 books and thousands of pages, the Bible is a massive book with a complex narrative. However, there are several good places for new readers to begin that provide an accessible introduction to the overall story and message of Scripture. The Gospels One of the best places to start reading the Bible is with the four Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. These books specifically tell the story of Jesus Christ’s life, ministry, death and resurrection. Since Jesus is…

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The Book of Daniel in the Old Testament contains a vision described in chapter 7 that features four beasts emerging from the sea. These mysterious creatures have been the subject of much analysis and speculation over the centuries as Bible scholars have attempted to interpret their meaning and significance. Here is a summary of what Daniel 7 reveals about the four beasts: The First Beast – A Lion with Eagle’s Wings Daniel sees the first beast rise up out of the sea, having the appearance of a lion but with eagle’s wings. As Daniel watched, the beast’s wings were plucked…

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The appearance of Mary, the mother of Jesus, in apparitions and visions has been reported in numerous places around the world over the centuries. Some of the most well-known apparitions include Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico in 1531, Our Lady of Lourdes in France in 1858, and Our Lady of Fatima in Portugal in 1917. But what does the Bible say about such supernatural occurrences? Are these truly visitations by Mary herself, or could they be fabricated visions and deceptions? Let’s explore what Scripture has to say. The Identity of Mary First, we must recognize that the Mary of…

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The question of whether the Bible should be interpreted literally is an important one for Christians seeking to properly understand God’s Word. There are various viewpoints on this issue within Christianity. While some believe the entire Bible should be taken literally, others advocate a mix of literal and figurative interpretations. There are good arguments on both sides of this debate, and mature Christians should thoughtfully study what the Bible says about itself and handle Scripture with care. The Bible contains different types of literature – history, poetry, prophecy, letters, and apocalyptic writings – which affect how they are interpreted. Portions…

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The Bible is the most widely printed and distributed book in the world with over 5 billion copies sold and distributed. It has been translated into over 500 languages and counting. Here are some more fascinating facts and statistics about the Bible: The Bible’s Structure The Bible contains 66 books – 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. The Old Testament has over 23,000 verses while the New Testament has just over 7,900 verses. The longest book is Psalms with 150 chapters while the shortest is 3 John with just 1 chapter. The longest chapter is…

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The throne of God is described in the Bible as the seat of authority and power of God, who is the supreme ruler and creator of the universe. It represents God’s kingship, sovereignty, and dominion over all creation. Though no one passage fully describes the throne, there are many references to it throughout Scripture that give us glimpses into its significance, nature, location and purpose. The throne of God is first mentioned in 1 Kings 22:19, where the prophet Micaiah says, “I saw the Lord sitting on his throne, and all the host of heaven standing beside him on his…

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Teilhardism refers to the philosophical and theological ideas of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a French Jesuit priest and paleontologist who lived from 1881 to 1955. Teilhard sought to integrate Christian theology with scientific theories of evolution and cosmology. Some of the key elements of Teilhard’s thought include: Evolutionary Process Teilhard viewed evolution as an ongoing process moving towards ever greater complexity and consciousness. He believed the universe was evolving towards an ultimate point of unification and spiritual realization which he called the Omega Point. Teilhard interpreted the evolutionary process in a theological way, seeing it as part of God’s plan.…

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Is it true that my God shall supply all my needs (Philippians 4:19)? The verse Philippians 4:19 states “And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.” This is a popular verse that offers comfort and hope to many Christians, assuring them that God will provide for their needs. But what exactly does this verse mean? Let’s take a closer look at the context and meaning of Philippians 4:19. Context of Philippians 4:19 Philippians 4:19 comes at the end of a letter written by the apostle Paul to the church in…

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The topic of tithing – giving 10% of one’s income to the church – is one that generates much discussion and debate among Christians. What does the Bible really say about tithing? Should churches expect their members to give 10% of their income today? Let’s explore what scripture has to offer on this important issue. To start, it is helpful to understand the biblical origins of tithing. Tithing is first mentioned in the Old Testament, beginning with Abraham giving a tithe to Melchizedek (Genesis 14:20). The practice was later incorporated into the Mosaic Law for the nation of Israel. Leviticus…

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Natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, and fires often leave people wondering why a loving God would allow such devastating events. The Bible does not give a direct answer to this question, but it does provide some perspectives that can help us trust God even amidst tragedy. First, the Bible teaches that we live in a fallen world. When Adam and Eve sinned, death, suffering and disorder entered the world (Genesis 3:14-19; Romans 5:12). All of creation was affected, not just humanity. Natural disasters are part of living in this imperfect world. While we do not always know the…

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