Author: Mike Solis

The gospel literally means “good news” in Greek. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the central message of Christianity. It declares that Jesus’ death on the cross and subsequent resurrection provides forgiveness of sins and reconciliation with God for all who repent and believe in Him. This free gift of salvation is available to everyone by God’s grace alone, not by any human effort or good works. There are several key aspects that make the gospel good news: 1. Forgiveness of sins The Bible teaches that all people are sinners and fall short of God’s perfect standard (Romans 3:23). Sin…

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Zilpah was a handmaid or servant of Leah, one of the daughters of Laban and one of Jacob’s wives. She is first mentioned in Genesis 29 when Jacob marries Leah and Rachel, the daughters of Laban. Leah was described as having “delicate eyes,” while Rachel was “graceful and beautiful” (Genesis 29:17). Since Jacob loved Rachel more than Leah, Leah’s father Laban gave Zilpah to Leah as her handmaid when Jacob married Leah. Later, when Leah was no longer able to have children, she gave Zilpah to Jacob as a concubine or surrogate (Genesis 30:9). This was so that Leah could…

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Cesar Chavez was a prominent Mexican-American labor leader and civil rights activist who dedicated his life to improving conditions for farmworkers in the United States. Though not mentioned directly in the Bible, Chavez’s story and work align with many biblical principles of justice, dignity, and care for the poor and marginalized. Early Life and Influences Cesar Chavez was born in 1927 into a Mexican-American family near Yuma, Arizona that lost their farm during the Great Depression and became migrant farm workers. From a young age, Chavez experienced the hardships and injustices faced by farmworkers firsthand as his family moved around…

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A pastoral sabbatical is an extended period of time away from normal pastoral duties that allows a pastor to rest, recharge, and refocus. While the Bible does not explicitly mention sabbaticals for pastors, the concept aligns with Biblical principles of rest and renewal. Understanding the purpose, benefits, concerns, and logistics of a sabbatical can help pastors and congregations discern if and how to implement one. The Purpose of a Pastoral Sabbatical The primary purposes of a pastoral sabbatical include: Rest – Pastoral ministry involves pouring oneself out for others, which can lead to fatigue and burnout. A sabbatical provides time…

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The question of whether God is sovereign or humans have free will has been debated by theologians and philosophers for centuries. At first glance, the two concepts seem contradictory – if God is truly sovereign and in control of all things, how can humans have free will to make our own choices? A closer look at Scripture reveals that both concepts are biblical and truths revealed by God. Here is an overview of what the Bible teaches on God’s sovereignty and human free will. God’s Sovereignty The Bible clearly teaches that God is sovereign over all things. He created the…

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What impact did Diocletian have on Christian history? Diocletian was Roman Emperor from 284 to 305 AD. He is most known for restructuring the Roman government and persecuting Christians towards the end of his reign. Here is an overview of Diocletian’s life and the impact he had on Christian history: Diocletian came to power during a tumultuous time for the Roman Empire. There had been much instability with multiple emperors coming to power and quickly being overthrown or assassinated. Diocletian brought some stability by instituting a Tetrarchy, which had two senior emperors (Augusti) and two junior emperors (Caesars). This allowed…

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Hebron is a city located in the southern part of the land of Canaan, about 20 miles south of Jerusalem. It plays an important role in several biblical narratives spanning from the time of Abraham to the reign of King David. Here are some of the key events and themes associated with Hebron in the Bible: Abraham’s settling in Hebron Hebron is first mentioned in Genesis 13 when Abraham settled there after separating from his nephew Lot. The Bible notes that Hebron was already an established city at that time (Genesis 13:18). Abraham built an altar to the Lord there…

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The Bible teaches that one day those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ will be resurrected and given new, glorified bodies. This is an amazing promise, but it also raises many questions. What will our resurrection bodies be like? How will they be different from our current earthly bodies? By looking at Scripture, we can gain some insight into what awaits us. Our current bodies are perishable, our resurrection bodies will be imperishable Our current bodies are subject to decay and death. As 1 Corinthians 15:42 says, “The body that is sown is perishable.” Our bodies wear out,…

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The existence of God is a fundamental question that humanity has grappled with since the beginning of recorded history. The Bible, as God’s revealed word, has much to say on this profound topic. While belief in God ultimately requires faith, Scripture provides compelling arguments and evidence that point to the reality of God’s existence. Evidence from Creation One line of biblical reasoning for God’s existence comes from the account of creation in Genesis 1-2. The opening verse states plainly, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). The creation story goes on to describe how God…

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In the Bible, the word “bishop” refers to an overseer or spiritual leader in the church. The Greek word translated as “bishop” is episkopos, which means “overseer” or “guardian.” Bishops had responsibility for managing and guiding local churches. The qualifications and duties of bishops are mentioned several times in the New Testament. Origin and Role of Bishops The role of bishop emerged early in church history. In the Book of Acts, the apostles appointed elders (presbyters) to provide spiritual leadership for church communities (Acts 14:23). Over time, one of these elders would often take on more responsibility and authority as…

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