Author: Mike Solis

Love is a central theme in the Bible. Scripture has a great deal to say about the nature of love, the importance of love, and how we should demonstrate love toward God and others. Here is an overview of some of the key biblical teachings on love: The Nature of Love The Bible presents love as an essential quality of God’s nature. 1 John 4:8 declares “God is love.” Everything God does flows from His love. Love is core to God’s character. God’s love is unconditional, unending, and undeserved. We see this in passages like Romans 5:8: “But God shows…

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Speeding is a common issue that many drivers face. With busy schedules and a desire to get to a destination quickly, it can be tempting to exceed the posted speed limit. However, does speeding go against biblical principles? Let’s explore what the Bible has to say about this topic. The Bible does not directly address speeding. However, there are several biblical principles that can apply to this issue. 1. Obeying Governing Authorities The Bible encourages Christians to submit to and obey governing authorities, including civil laws. Romans 13:1-2 states, “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there…

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The Book of Jasher, also known as the Book of the Upright or the Book of the Just Man, is an ancient text that is referenced twice in the Hebrew Bible but did not make it into the biblical canon. Though not considered scripture, it provides intriguing details that expand upon the biblical accounts. But should this book have been included in the Bible? Let’s explore the evidence. Origins and History of the Book of Jasher The title “Book of Jasher” comes from Joshua 10:13 and 2 Samuel 1:18 where the ancient book is mentioned. In Joshua, it is referenced…

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Child sponsorship is a way for caring individuals to help vulnerable children around the world. Many Christian organizations offer child sponsorship programs as a way to live out biblical principles of caring for the poor and oppressed. Though the Bible does not specifically mention child sponsorship, it does provide guidance for how believers should relate to and assist vulnerable children. Caring for Orphans and Vulnerable Children The Bible consistently calls God’s people to demonstrate compassion and seek justice for the poor and oppressed. Orphans and vulnerable children are specifically highlighted as needing special care and protection. For example, James 1:27…

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The concept of keeping a prayer journal is not explicitly discussed in the Bible. However, there are some biblical principles that can shed light on the practice of journaling prayers. Here is an overview of what the Bible has to say about prayer and writing that relates to the idea of keeping a prayer journal. The Purpose of Prayer The Bible encourages believers to pray regularly and consistently. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says to “pray without ceasing.” Philippians 4:6 tells us, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made…

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Abner was an important military commander and advisor in the early history of Israel. He first appears in the biblical narrative as the commander of King Saul’s army. After Saul’s death, Abner supported Saul’s son Ish-Bosheth as king over Israel, in opposition to David. He later realigned himself with David, but was soon after killed by David’s commander Joab in an act of revenge. Here is an overview of Abner’s biblical story: Abner Under King Saul We first meet Abner in 1 Samuel 14:50-51, where he is identified as Saul’s uncle and the commander of his army. Abner had a…

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Abel was the second son of Adam and Eve recorded in the book of Genesis. His story is told in Genesis 4:1-16. Abel was a shepherd and brought an offering from his flock to the Lord. His brother Cain was a farmer who brought an offering from his crops. God accepted Abel’s offering but rejected Cain’s. In jealousy, Cain murdered Abel, making him the first martyr recorded in the Bible. Here is a summary of key facts about Abel from the Bible: Abel was the second son born to Adam and Eve after Cain (Genesis 4:1-2). Abel was a shepherd…

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The concepts of mortal and venial sin have been part of Catholic theology for centuries, but do these categories have a biblical basis? Let’s take a closer look at what the Bible says about different types and degrees of sin. Defining Mortal and Venial Sin In Catholic teaching, mortal sin is defined as a grave violation of God’s law that destroys the life of grace within a person. For a sin to be mortal, three conditions must be met: 1) it must be a serious matter, 2) the person must have full knowledge that it is wrong, and 3) the…

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Cain is one of the most well-known figures in the Bible, as he was the firstborn son of Adam and Eve and the first murderer in biblical history. Here is an overview of who Cain was and what the Bible says about him: Cain’s Parents and Birth Cain was the firstborn son of Adam and Eve (Genesis 4:1). He was conceived after Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden for eating the forbidden fruit. Eve declared upon his birth, “With the help of the Lord I have brought forth a man” (Genesis 4:1). Cain’s Occupation The Bible…

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The topic of hell is one that often comes up when discussing Christianity and the afterlife. What exactly does the Bible say about hell? Does it even exist? In this approximately 9,000 word article, we will dive into these questions and lay out what the Bible has to say about hell. To start, it’s important to understand that there are a few different words in the original Hebrew and Greek that are sometimes translated as “hell” in English translations of the Bible. The Old Testament, which was written in Hebrew, uses the word “sheol” to refer to the place of…

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