Author: Nicole Sands

The phrase “overrighteous and overwise” comes from Ecclesiastes 7:16, which states: “Be not righteous over much; neither make thyself over wise: why shouldest thou destroy thyself?” (KJV). This verse provides an important warning against self-righteousness and pride in one’s own wisdom. 1. The danger of being overrighteous To be “overrighteous” means to go beyond true righteousness into self-righteousness. It is an excessive concern with observing rules, rituals, and moral codes in order to prove one’s own righteousness. A few issues arise with this attitude: It leads to hypocrisy, acting righteous outwardly while inwardly harboring sin and pride. It focuses on…

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A spiritual awakening refers to a fundamental shift in someone’s awareness and perspective of life. It is a process of growth, transformation, and discovery of one’s true nature and purpose. The Bible offers much insight into spiritual awakenings and how God seeks to draw people into deeper relationship with Himself. At the core of a spiritual awakening is an enhanced connection with God. Through Jesus Christ, God makes reconciliation with humanity possible after the separation caused by sin (2 Corinthians 5:18-19). When someone puts their faith and trust in Christ, the Bible describes this as being “born again” or regenerated…

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Transhumanism is a philosophical and cultural movement that advocates for the enhancement of human capabilities through advanced technologies. Some key goals of transhumanism include extending human lifespans, augmenting human intelligence, permanently eliminating disease, and even achieving immortality through radical life extension. While these goals may seem noble on the surface, the Bible offers an alternative perspective on human nature and the appropriate goals for human flourishing. The central goal of transhumanism is to use technology to transcend what are seen as the limitations of the human body and mind. This is often framed in terms of overcoming natural human vulnerabilities…

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The Ishmaelites were the descendants of Ishmael, the son of Abraham. Here is a 9000 word overview of who the Ishmaelites were according to the Bible: Ishmael was the firstborn son of Abraham, born to Abraham’s wife Sarah’s Egyptian maidservant Hagar (Genesis 16:3). When Sarah remained unable to conceive, she gave Hagar to Abraham as a wife to bear him a child (Genesis 16:2). Ishmael was born when Abraham was 86 years old (Genesis 16:16). God had previously promised Abraham that he would become the father of a great nation and that kings would descend from him (Genesis 17:5-6), and…

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When does a life in the womb become a human being? The Bible does not explicitly state at what point a fetus becomes a living human being. However, there are several biblical principles that provide guidance on this complex issue. 1. Human life is sacred The Bible teaches that human life is uniquely precious and made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). This affirms the sanctity of all human life, including preborn life in the womb. Several verses forbid the taking of innocent human life (Exodus 20:13; Deuteronomy 5:17; Matthew 19:18). 2. Personhood begins early There are verses suggesting…

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The name Jezreel has significant meaning in the Bible, both literally as a place name and figuratively representing God’s judgment and restoration. In this approximately 9,000 word article, we will explore the biblical history, symbolism, and spiritual lessons associated with Jezreel. Literal Meaning The name Jezreel literally means “God sows” or “El sows” in Hebrew. It is derived from two Hebrew words – “Yizre’e’l” meaning “God sows” and “El” meaning God. The name refers to a valley and city located in the Northern kingdom of Israel. The Jezreel Valley was a fertile agricultural plain, described in Joshua 17:16 as the…

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Who was Gideon in the Bible? Gideon was one of the judges of Israel during the period of the judges, prior to Israel having a king. He is introduced in Judges 6, where Israel had turned away from God and had been oppressed by the Midianites for seven years as a result. The Angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon while he was threshing wheat and hiding it from the Midianites. The Angel called him a “mighty man of valor” even though at that point he was fearful and questioning God’s care for Israel. The Angel instructed Gideon to tear…

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The Gift of Encouragement Encouragement is an incredibly powerful gift that Christians can utilize to build up fellow believers and point them towards Christ. At its core, biblical encouragement is about coming alongside others, empathizing with them, building them up, and spurring them on towards love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24). Scripture has much to say about the importance of encouragement and its transformative power in the lives of Christians. What Does It Mean to Encourage? The word “encourage” in the Bible carries the connotation of emboldening, cheering up, comforting, inspiring, and rallying others. To encourage someone requires taking time…

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The book of Ecclesiastes in the Bible does not explicitly name its author. However, there are several clues within the text that point to who the preacher was. Based on the internal evidence, most biblical scholars believe the author of Ecclesiastes was King Solomon. Here are some of the reasons why Solomon is considered the likely author of Ecclesiastes: The author identifies himself as the “son of David, king in Jerusalem” (Ecclesiastes 1:1). This fits Solomon’s profile as the son of King David who reigned in Jerusalem. The author speaks of his great wisdom (Ecclesiastes 1:16), which corresponds to Solomon’s…

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Friedrich Schleiermacher was a German theologian and philosopher who lived from 1768 to 1834. He is considered the father of modern liberal theology and had a significant influence on the development of theology in the 19th century. Though the Bible does not directly discuss Schleiermacher, examining his theology and contributions in light of Scripture can provide insight into this important historical figure. Schleiermacher’s Life and Work Schleiermacher was born in 1768 in Breslau, Prussia (now Wroclaw, Poland). His father was a Reformed pastor and he was raised in a deeply religious home. As a young man, however, Schleiermacher began to…

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