Author: Nicole Sands

The land of Goshen is an important location mentioned multiple times in the Bible, especially in relation to the Israelites during the time of Joseph and the Exodus. Here is an overview of what the Bible reveals about the land of Goshen: Where Was the Land of Goshen Located? The land of Goshen was located in the eastern region of the Nile Delta in Egypt (Genesis 45:10). It was some of the most fertile land in Egypt, making it well-suited for raising livestock. Based on details in the Bible, scholars believe Goshen was likely located around the Wadi Tumilat, east…

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Proverbs 16:3 states, “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” This verse teaches an important principle about trusting God with our work and plans. When we commit our work and plans to the Lord, He can guide, bless, and establish them for His glory and our good. Here are some key things to understand about committing our work and plans to God: What does it mean to “commit” our work? The word “commit” here means to entrust or give over. To commit our work to the Lord means surrendering our work and activities to His…

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The Book of 2 Peter is the twenty-first book in the New Testament. It was written by the apostle Peter shortly before his martyrdom around AD 64–65. The key themes of 2 Peter include growing in the knowledge of Christ, being steadfast in the faith, warning against false teachers, and looking forward to the day of the Lord. 2 Peter is comprised of 3 chapters with a total of 61 verses. It was likely written from Rome sometime between AD 64-65. The letter was addressed to the same churches in Asia Minor as 1 Peter. The purpose of 2 Peter…

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Gossip is a common but harmful behavior that the Bible warns against many times. Here is an overview of some key Bible verses about gossip and the danger it poses: Proverbs 26:20-22 For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases. As charcoal to hot embers and wood to fire, so is a quarrelsome man for kindling strife. The words of a whisperer are like delicious morsels; they go down into the inner parts of the body. This passage compares a gossip to charcoal that fuels a fire. Their words stir up strife…

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The Bible is the Word of God and is of utmost importance for several reasons. First, it reveals who God is – His character, attributes, and divine nature. The Bible provides a way for us to know God intimately. Passages like Exodus 34:6-7 describe God as merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. 1 John 4:8 says that God is love. We can know what God is like through reading His Word. Second, the Bible is authoritative and true. 2 Timothy 3:16 states that “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for…

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The Shemitah (also spelled Shmita or Sabbatical Year) refers to the biblical commandment for the Land of Israel to observe a sabbath rest every seven years. According to Exodus 23:10-11 and Leviticus 25:1-7, every seventh year was to be a time of rest for the land, when sowing and reaping, pruning and harvesting were prohibited. The Shemitah served to remind the Israelites that the land belongs to God and is entrusted to them. The Shemitah was part of the larger system of Sabbath observance followed by ancient Israel. Just as each week culminated in the Sabbath day of rest on…

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The book of Proverbs contains many wise sayings and instructions for living a godly life. In chapter 14 verse 31, it states: “Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.” This verse provides an important perspective on how we should treat those less fortunate than us. To fully understand this verse, we first need to define what it means to “oppress the poor.” The word oppress means to subjugate, persecute, or treat unjustly. Oppression entails taking advantage of the vulnerable and denying them their rights. Examples of oppressing the poor…

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The book of 2 Timothy is one of the Pastoral Epistles written by the apostle Paul to his younger co-worker Timothy. Paul wrote this letter while imprisoned in Rome shortly before his death around AD 67. The key theme of 2 Timothy is Paul’s charge to Timothy to endure hardship, continue preaching the gospel, and pass on Paul’s teachings to future generations of believers. In chapter 1, Paul encourages Timothy to fan into flame the spiritual gift God has given him and not be ashamed to testify about Christ. He reminds Timothy that God has saved and called them to…

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The question of whether a Christian should trust psychology is an important one. On one hand, psychology is a field of study that provides insights into the human mind and behavior. As Christians, we are called to love God with all our mind (Matthew 22:37), so gaining greater understanding of the mind seems beneficial. However, psychology is largely built on secular assumptions about human nature that may conflict with biblical truths. Navigating this tension requires wisdom and discernment. First, it is important to recognize that psychology is not a monolith. There are different branches, theories, and methods within psychology. For…

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This is a difficult question that has been debated by theologians and Christians throughout history. While there are differing views on this, here is an overview of key biblical principles that relate to this topic: 1. Salvation is by grace through faith, not by works or perfect knowledge The Bible clearly teaches that we are saved by God’s grace, through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9). Our salvation does not depend on our own goodness or righteous deeds, but rather on what Christ accomplished for us on the cross. Salvation is a free gift received by faith, not something we…

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