Author: Nicole Sands

Forgiveness is a major theme throughout the Bible. Here are some key Bible verses about forgiveness and explanations around them: Matthew 6:14-15 “For if you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” This verse from the Sermon on the Mount makes it clear that we should forgive others, just as God forgives us. Jesus teaches us to pray “forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” (Matthew 6:12). Our forgiveness of others is connected to receiving forgiveness…

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The story of Mars Hill in the Bible takes place in Acts 17, when the apostle Paul visits the city of Athens in ancient Greece during his second missionary journey. Upon arriving in Athens, Paul is distressed by all the idols he sees around the city worshipping false gods. He begins preaching about the one true God in the synagogue and marketplace. Some Epicurean and Stoic philosophers overhear Paul and bring him to the Areopagus, also known as Mars Hill, to explain his strange new teaching about Jesus and the resurrection. Mars Hill was a rocky hill located northwest of…

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Sacrifices were a central part of worship in the Old Testament. There were various kinds of sacrifices prescribed by God for different purposes. The major types of sacrifices were the burnt offering, grain offering, peace offering, sin offering, and trespass offering. Burnt Offering The burnt offering (Leviticus 1) was a voluntary offering given as an act of worship, devotion, and commitment to God. The word “burnt” indicates that the whole sacrificial animal, except for its hide, was consumed by fire on the altar. This signifies the complete dedication and consecration of the worshipper to the Lord. The elements offered were…

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The outpouring of the Holy Spirit refers to when the Holy Spirit comes upon people in power and fullness. This term is used in the Bible to describe occasions when the Holy Spirit’s presence and activity were especially evident among groups of believers. There are several key instances in the Bible where the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is described: Pentecost The first and archetypal outpouring of the Holy Spirit happened at Pentecost, as recorded in Acts 2. On the day of Pentecost, just after Jesus’ ascension into heaven, the disciples were gathered together in Jerusalem. Suddenly a sound like…

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The Bible has a lot to say about how followers of Christ should view and treat refugees. As Christians, we are called to love our neighbors, welcome the stranger, care for the poor and oppressed, and show compassion to those in need. Though the Bible does not directly address the modern refugee crisis, there are many principles and commands that should guide how Christians respond. Old Testament Teachings on Refugees In the Old Testament, God reminds the Israelites to care for foreigners and strangers among them because they too had been foreigners in Egypt (Exodus 22:21, Exodus 23:9, Leviticus 19:33-34).…

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What does it mean that women should have a gentle and quiet spirit (1 Peter 3:4)? The verse in question, 1 Peter 3:4, reads “but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.” This verse comes in the context of instructions to wives on how to conduct themselves in their marriages. Peter encourages women to focus less on external beauty, like fancy hairstyles and jewelry, but rather cultivate inner beauty which comes from a gentle and quiet spirit. This verse has…

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Prophetic dreams are dreams that contain messages from God. They can reveal future events, provide guidance, or communicate needed information. While most dreams are simply the brain processing daily events, some are given by the Holy Spirit. Prophetic dreams are mentioned numerous times in the Bible and can strengthen faith when understood properly. In the Old Testament, God often gave dreams to individuals and leadership to reveal His plans. Genesis 20 tells of God warning Abimelech against sinning against Abraham through a dream. In Genesis 31, Jacob has a prophetic dream where God promises to bless him and be with…

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The imagery of mounting up with wings like eagles is a powerful metaphor found in Isaiah 40:31: “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” This verse promises that those who put their hope and trust in God will be strengthened and empowered to rise above obstacles and soar to new heights. Just as eagles effortlessly ride thermal winds high above the earth, believers who rely on the Lord can experience supernatural strength and stamina to…

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The statement “there was no longer any sea” in Revelation 21:1 has sparked much discussion and debate among Bible scholars over the years. At face value, it seems to imply that oceans and seas will not exist in the new heaven and new earth that God will create. However, looking at the context and the rest of Scripture provides some clarification on what this cryptic phrase likely means. The Context of Revelation 21:1 The verse in question states: “Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and…

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Experiencing God in a meaningful way is the deepest desire of every Christian. We long to connect with our Creator in a real and intimate way. But what is the key to making this happen? The Bible provides insight into how we can truly encounter the presence of God. At the core, experiencing God requires developing a relationship with Him. God desires that we know Him personally, not just know about Him (Jeremiah 9:23-24). Like any relationship, this requires quality time and communication. We must make spending time in God’s Word, prayer, worship, and Christian fellowship priorities in order to…

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