Author: Nicole Sands

The religious wars, also known as the wars of religion, were a series of conflicts in Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries fought largely between Roman Catholics and Protestants. These wars were fueled by the political ambitions of rulers, dynastic rivalries, and the religious divisions between Protestantism and Catholicism that arose during the Protestant Reformation. Some of the major wars and conflicts during this period include: The French Wars of Religion (1562-1598) These wars were fought between French Catholics and Protestants (Huguenots). The tensions began in the 1560s as the Huguenots sought religious freedom and political rights under a…

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Superstitions are beliefs or practices that are considered irrational or supernatural. They often arise from fear of the unknown, trust in magic, or ignorance. Many superstitions are based on folklore or tradition rather than evidence or facts. Some common superstitions include: Breaking a mirror brings 7 years of bad luck Black cats crossing your path is bad luck Knocking on wood prevents bad things from happening Opening an umbrella indoors is bad luck Seeing a cricket in your house brings good luck Finding a four-leaf clover brings good luck Number 13 is unlucky Walking under a ladder is bad luck…

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What does the Bible say about jealousy? Jealousy is a complex emotion that involves feelings of insecurity, fear, resentment, envy, and possessiveness. The Bible has a lot to say about jealousy and provides wisdom on how to deal with it. Definition of Jealousy The English word “jealousy” is used to translate several Hebrew and Greek words in the Bible that have slightly different shades of meaning, but generally convey the idea of strong desire, envy, zeal, or anger. Some key verses that discuss jealousy include: – Proverbs 6:34 – “For jealousy makes a man furious, and he will not spare…

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The statement “the flesh profits nothing” comes from John 6:63, where Jesus says, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.” This verse comes in the context of Jesus’ bread of life discourse in John 6, where He is teaching that He is the true bread from heaven (John 6:32-33) and that whoever eats His flesh and drinks His blood has eternal life (John 6:54). But many disciples struggled with these statements and abandoned following Jesus (John 6:66). Jesus responds by saying “the flesh…

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The Ryrie Study Bible is a study Bible named after its editor, Dr. Charles Ryrie. First published in 1978 by Moody Publishers, it has become one of the best-selling study Bibles ever, with over 2.5 million copies sold. The Ryrie Study Bible contains Dr. Ryrie’s extensive study notes, introductions, charts, diagrams, and outlines throughout the biblical text. The notes provide valuable commentary and insight into the historical context, meaning, and application of Scripture. Dr. Ryrie was a professor of systematic theology and dean of doctoral studies at Dallas Theological Seminary, so his notes approach the Bible from a theological and…

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The Oneness doctrine, also known as Modalism or Sabellianism, is a view about the nature of God that denies the traditional Christian doctrine of the Trinity. According to Oneness theology, God is absolutely and indivisibly one. The Oneness view essentially teaches that God is one person who has revealed himself in three distinct “modes” or “manifestations” throughout history. Basic Teachings of Oneness Theology Here are some of the basic teachings of Oneness theology concerning the nature of God: There is only one God in all existence who manifests himself in different “modes”—as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is not…

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The book of Hebrews contains valuable insight into the role and purpose of angels. In chapter 1 verse 14, the author states that angels are “ministering spirits sent out to serve for the sake of those who are to inherit salvation.” This passage reveals several key truths about the nature and work of angels: Angels are spirits First, angels are described as “spirits.” They are non-physical, supernatural beings created by God. As spirits, angels do not have physical limitations. They exist in the spiritual realm and are able to interact with the physical world. The Bible contains many examples of…

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The Bible verse Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” This verse speaks to the importance of raising children in the faith and teaching them God’s ways from an early age. Let’s explore the meaning and implications of this significant verse. The Importance of Early Spiritual Training The first key truth in this verse is that parents and caregivers need to start training children spiritually when they are young. The words “train up” refer to the dedication and intentionality needed to teach and…

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Ultra-dispensationalism is a theological view within dispensationalism that divides biblical history into more dispensations or epochs than traditional dispensationalism. While traditional dispensationalism typically sees seven dispensations, ultra-dispensationalism can see as many as thirteen dispensations. The key distinguishing feature of ultra-dispensationalism is its view on when the Church age begins. Traditional dispensationalism sees the Church beginning at Pentecost in Acts 2. However, ultra-dispensationalism believes the Church only began later, either with Paul’s ministry or after the close of the book of Acts. As a result, ultra-dispensationalists view the disciples and other followers of Jesus before Paul as part of an earlier…

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The Bible teaches that human beings are made up of body, soul, and spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23). The heart represents the innermost part of our being – our thoughts, motives, desires, and will. Proverbs 4:23 tells us to “guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” This verse emphasizes the importance of protecting our hearts because our heart condition drives our actions, speech, relationships, and ultimately our destiny. The heart’s central role in the human condition According to the Bible, the heart is central to our human condition and existence. It is the source…

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